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Black Mesa : Source


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Update og alpha.


We at Black Mesa: Source apologise for the lack of updates released as of late, we assure the eager fans that we things are still moving along smoothly behind the scenes.


In the last month or so, we have been working hard on bringing our alpha builds together, stomping out bugs, testing concepts and adding new visuals into Black Mesa: Source. Full credit goes to Nokia for the amount of work he has put into turning all our ideas into a playable reality.


Sadly, the folks who aren't on the development team won't be able to see BM:S in action just yet - This is an internal alpha and is not a release candidate. These are framework builds, so we will have a strong base on which to work on our ambitious total conversion. These builds already feature numerous weapons, in addition to Monster and NPC AI code, and already have the dev team captivated.


So what does this mean for those who are watching our mod? It means the possibility of an in-game trailer is getting stronger by the build. However, the proliferation of all this content in such a quick time span, as the G-man might put it, has given us only a small glimpse of the file size of the end product of Black Mesa: Source - At version 0.0.3, we are already weighing in at 350 megabytes of textures, models, and code assets.


That said, some new additions to the team are increasing the rate at which work gets done here at Black Mesa: Source. Joining the team are Sprite and Brodix, both talented modelers, Spitfire, a texture artist with a flare for military vehicles and aliens, and Carbon14; another talented modeler. However, this time around, we are also saying goodbye to several developers as they continue on with their careers and lives: Zyndrome, Synthesizer, Angry Lawyer and Stimor. Many thanks for the hard work they each devoted to the team.


We'll continue to keep you updated, but media will sadly not follow for a little while yet. We still plan to take our time on the modification and release a clean well playing game we can be proud of and know the fans will enjoy playing through.


A final note in the recruitment area, we are still seeking a final position; a character modeler to assist in the area of NPC development. This is, at present, the last position we are looking to fill on the development team. And, as always, if you have any suggestions, comments, or contributions to the development team or any work pieces, please feel free to drop us a post in our community forums.


Many thanks,


The Black Mesa: Source Development Team

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With the holiday season closing in fast, the Black Mesa: Source team would like to detail a few of the happenings from around the community, team and the game itself.


Several team members will be participating in an online voice interview with #OnAir (Hosted by Gamesurge.net) , discussing topics related to the modification such as changes and the development process. Further details of this interview, including date and time will be posted closer to the interview. It’s set for around the 28th of November; times will be announced when it is confirmed.


Exposure wise, Black Mesa: Source has recently made an appearance in the United States magazine, ‘Computer Gaming World’ and is soon to be featured at 1up.com. Included are a few of the usual screenshots, exclusive Forget about Freeman shots, and more information about the modification. This article can be found in the December edition of CGW, so make sure to pick up a copy!


The team roster has once again been updated, with a few new arrivals making their way to the team - Entity, Campaignjunkie, Hazardous and DynamikStylez - These individuals will be working in the departments of character modelling, level design, skinning and texture art respectively. Make sure to stop by the community forums and give them a welcoming shout.


Our forums will once again be updated with the addition of .plan file viewing being made available via the forum. The system on the website was difficult to update, and as such, has been replaced - And this way, you'll be able to see the updates easily. From time to time, they may possibly include exclusive, community-only media: so make sure to keep an eye on the plan files!


In addition to these updates, we're announcing the winner of the 'DVD Case' Competition in the lab forum. Everyone please stop by and congratulate DKR1138 on his fabulous abilities to create DVD art. DKR1138 will be granted access to exclusive media from the team in the future in order to create a more 'finalized' DVD cover closer to our release date. Once again, make sure to give him congratulations.


Last but of course not least, we have a media release scheduled for the near future, with some more shots that we are hoping will cater to all followers of the modification. Keep an eye on our website, and make sure to stop by our forums for the latest happenings around the team and the community.

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God Jul fra oss i Black Mesa Source :)


We've just updated the site with some new media - Black Mesa: Inbound, Apache Renders, an Ingame shot and new music are featured.


If you are having troubles viewing the media, first clear your cache. If that fails, we have direct links below:


Ingame shot with HUD



Inbound Shots






Apache Render



New Music (You need Flash to listen to these songs.)





Thank you, and enjoy the media!

Endret av Vrengtpolvott
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