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FlatOut demo er sluppet !

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Hei. Her følger noen kommentarer fra en utvikler i Bugbear angående automatisk fartsreduksjon i demoen og spillet:


I was planning to post this on the official flatout forum, but it's still totally overbusy...


Believe it or not, but there's no "traction control" or "automatic throttle" in either normal or professional mode, unless that did sneak in late in the developement, but last time I checked the physics code it wasn't there(I can't check now because I'm on vaccation).


What there is however, is SlideControl, and Understeer, values. There's also steeringbalancefactor, and steering balance rates. I can't tell exactly what theese values does, as I don't have the code to look at, and I didn't program that code.


But if I remember correctly then SlideControl should be the biggest culprit. It adds a fictive force, to work against slides. And of course any force that works against the natural forces will make it harder for the engine, therefore the rews will drop and the speed will slow down. Set that value to 0 to disable it totally.


Understeer, I don't remember how that works, but I belive it also adds some force, to introduce more understeer, set that to zero too.


Those two values can be found in data/global/dynamics/tiredynamics.bed. You need to uncompress all the bfs files with the unpacker, and delete the filesystem.ini file to edit them. Theese values are in effect for both normal and professional handling.


Ok, let's go on to the differences between the normal and professional handling. Each car has a data\equipmnt\carxx\body_carxx.bed file. In those you can find SteerBalanceFactor, ProSteerBalanceFactor, SteerBalanceRate, ProSteerBalanceRate. Theese values doesnt add any extra force, but it does alter the steering, so that it isnt one to one, with the the input. And that's the only difference between pro and normal mode.


If you read the comments for the x value for SteerBalanceFactor, then you will see this.


# -- x = zero speed (below that full physics are used)


So, just change the pro value to something like this SteerBalanceFactor = {1000.00, 0.0075, 0.00}, That will mean that full physics are always used, well up to 1000m/s.


But if you want it realistic, theese changes are not enough, you need to tune all other tire and dynamics values too, as those are set for easy driving, and not in a very realistic way. Especially some surfaces has way too much friction, so that will cause some slow downs, or glue effect.


While you are on your way, you can tune the suspension, to better values, maybe change the gearing and the engine, so that it works properly with theese new values, don't remember that it has to work properly when you upgrade the car too.


I think once you have started doing this, then you will see why we didn't include the realistic sim mode. We simply didn't have time for it. The hardcore simmers that wants this are very vocal, but face the fact theres, maybe 10 000 in the world, that would buy the game, and some more that would pirate it. So for the work it would have needed, and the delay of the release date, many of the deciding people didn't see it neccessary. If you ask me, then I would have had somewhat different priorities, but that's just me...


Additionally you might ask, why did we include this much helpers in the first hand? The answer is we didn't want to but were forced to. We had to change the physics multiple times to satisfy Sony America.


While you are on the way of making it realistic, remember that there's a steering sensitivity value in the options.cfg. file in the savegame folder. It's set to slightly non-linear steering as default, you can change that to your liking.


I wish you good luck with this project, and I will gladly be answering any questions that you have. It's not the code that's stopping you, allthough theres a few slight shortcuts, but the underlying simulation is based on Rally Trophy, and improved in certain parts.


Se mer her hvis dere vil ha mer info om multip. på PC og andre tilps:

Flatout HQ forum

Endret av CaGe
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Jeg fikk spillet tilsent fra USA i går. Og den traction control biten jeg har mast om er et litt mindre problem enn jeg først var redd for.


Som han duden fra Bugbear forklarer i uttalelsen så er det flere krefter som påvirker hjulene når man drifter, og man derfor trenger flere hestekrefter for å få de til å gå rundt. Dette hjelper når man får biler med i overkant 400 bhp (hestekefter). Men gassen slippes fortsatt når man er i lufta...


Og det morsomste av minispillene er med i demoen, nemlig høydehopp. De andre er lengdehopp, dartspill, bowling, clown (du skal treffe en klovnfigur med luker som gir forskjellig poeng, ganske likt dart) og blink (her skal du få typen din til å stoppe nærmest mulig midten.)


Dette er et spill som er morsomt noen kvelder, det er ett eller annet som mangler synes jeg... Og jeg ELSKER Rally Trophy

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Og for de som tror at han som har klart sammenlagt 392 høyde meter så er det nok ikke juks. Jeg klarte selv 130.94 på ett hopp her akkurat nå! Det med blodtrimma "gold" bil og bra treff på satsen!


Du lander dessverre ikke oppå stadiontaket, men smeller i en usynlig vegg som stikker opp over nettinggjerdet som skal ta deg imot...

Endret av Rookie_NO
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Du lander dessverre ikke oppå stadiontaket, men smeller i en usynlig vegg som stikker opp over nettinggjerdet som skal ta deg imot...

Skuffaaaaa - men ikke overrasket. Det samme skjer nemlig i demoen hvis du snur og kjører tilbake til rampa du startet fra og hopper på den :)


Gleder meg til å teste fullversjonen - kjøper den nok til Xboxen min.

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