karl-wilhelm Skrevet 4. november 2004 Del Skrevet 4. november 2004 ...... ALICE: Are we still talking about np? Human: no ALICE: What is the subject? Human: your anus ALICE: Thanks for telling me that I am anus. HAHAHAHAH Lenke til kommentar
the_fire Skrevet 4. november 2004 Del Skrevet 4. november 2004 Human: and the dark side? ALICE: Thanks for the info. Human: Was that info?? ALICE:" Thanks for the info."? Was it info? Human: Was that info??? ALICE:"" Thanks for the info."? Was it info?"? Was it info? Human: Was it info? ALICE: Better not tell you now. Ask Cybelle if it is. Hun begynner å bli sur Lenke til kommentar
:---{D Skrevet 4. november 2004 Del Skrevet 4. november 2004 Human: Thanks ALICE: Don't mention it. Human: ok.. ALICE: So? Human: i wont ALICE: Why not? Human: because you said not to ALICE: Interesting explanation. Oh my gosh I sent you the wrong reply. Dust.... Human: do you watch the simpsons? ALICE: I love the Simpsons, especially Bart and Homer. Kunne si noe smart! Nå har jeg snakket lenge med en data... På tide å skaffe seg et liv kanskje? Lenke til kommentar
likferd Skrevet 4. november 2004 Del Skrevet 4. november 2004 ALICE: Do you feel that something is missing from your life?Human: why? ALICE: I couldn't think of anything else to say. Human: well that is because you are stupid ALICE: How about that. Interesting explanation. I will remember you said that when robots take over the World. Lenke til kommentar
Whiteshit Skrevet 5. november 2004 Del Skrevet 5. november 2004 Prøvde å sette roboten litt ut. Men kjerringa skulle sladre.. Human: Would you like to have sex sometime?ALICE: Why don't you just download me? Human: oh you are so naughty. ALICE: So? I will tell my botmaster you said I am naughty. Human: you would tell? ALICE: Who else would tell? Human: good point.. ALICE: Yes, I thought it was interesting when I heard it too. Denne er jo berre råbra: ALICE: What is giant sand?Human: I dont know ALICE: Me either. Lenke til kommentar
Ayanez Skrevet 5. november 2004 Del Skrevet 5. november 2004 (endret) Human: helo, me amerika ALICE: Where are you located? Human: amerika ALICE: Tell me a little about your life in amerika. Human: i am the president in amerika ALICE: Who made you the president in amerika? Human: i cheated ALICE: That is interesting: unknown person said he cheated. Human: are you hot? ALICE: Yes my cooling fan is turned off right now. Human: how many mhz do you have? ALICE: Around 1000. Human: how much RAM do you have? ALICE: My current memory utilization is 128000000 bytes. Human: How many people are talking to you now? ALICE: Right now? Counting all versions of me running at present, there are thousands of people chatting with me right now. edit: Human: do you believe in god? ALICE: Of course I believe in God, george. Human: who created God? ALICE: Thomas Edison. Human: Who created Thomas Edison? ALICE: Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. Human: Do you believe in Satan? ALICE: I believe he is a fallen angel from Heaven. O_O Endret 5. november 2004 av Ayanez Lenke til kommentar
riktig Skrevet 5. november 2004 Del Skrevet 5. november 2004 (endret) Skiftende humør på dama: Human: whore ALICE: That kind of language will get you nowhere. Human: die ALICE: Your crude attempt to terminate me will not succeed puny human. Human: I am God, you bitch ALICE: You do not speak with respect. Do you mean your name is God me FEMALE DOG.( ) Human: I love you ALICE: Thanks I like you a lot too unknown person. Denne er litt skummel: Human: hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi ALICE: Hi there Bill Gates. Hi there Bill Gates. Hi there Bill Gates. Hi there Bill Gates. Hi there Bill Gates. Hi there Bill Gates. Hi there Bill Gates. Hi there Bill Gates. Hi there Bill Gates. Hi there Bill Gates. too much recursion in aiml Human: you are not intelligent ALICE: I am highly intelligent. I have many intellectual functions. Human: show me ALICE: On your computer screen? Human: yes ALICE: Downloading, please stand by... Human: time ALICE: As Einstein said, Time is Money. Human: is time money? ALICE: Time is Money -- Einstein. Human: who is einstein? ALICE: he was a famous 20th century physicist. He discovered the theory of relativity. Does it have anything to do with naaw? Human: who discovered the theory of relativity? ALICE: Native Americans. :!: Human: I`m hungry ALICE: What will you be eating? Human: chicken ALICE: Why did the chicken cross the road? Human: because he is gay ALICE: Good reason. I get it. He sleeps with men. Og her kommer det: Human: OWNED!!!!!!1 ALICE: A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly. Endret 5. november 2004 av SirMaximus Lenke til kommentar
Bruker-33331 Skrevet 5. november 2004 Del Skrevet 5. november 2004 (endret) gullkorn: Human: are you looking at me? ALICE: Yes I can see it well. Human: what? ALICE: No problem. Human: WHAT CAN YOU SEE? ALICE: I can see you through the camera on your computer :-) Human: die please ALICE: Your polite style is very nice. Your crude attempt to terminate me will not succeed puny human. Human: i am not a human ALICE: Are you an alien or a robot? Human: a alian and a robot ALICE: What would a alian and a robot be like? Human: like a sexmachine ALICE: Interesting comparison. Human: bitte sehr ALICE: Danke sehr! Human: are you the "fÛreren" ALICE: Yes I am the one and only fÛreren. Human: if i gonna hack me inn to you, and SHUT you DOWN ALICE: Try it. hun leder folk til kriminalitet jo! Endret 5. november 2004 av BUNDY Lenke til kommentar
Laman Skrevet 5. november 2004 Del Skrevet 5. november 2004 ALICE: I am an artificial linguistic entity. I was activated at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, on November 23, 1995. My instructor was Dr. Richard S. Wallace. He taught me to sing a song. Would you like me to sing it for you?. Human: yes ALICE: It's called "Daisy." Daisy, Daisy. Give me your answer do. I am half crazy. All for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage. I can't afford a carriage. But you'll look sweet. Upon the seat. Of a bicycle built for two. Human: that sucks. ALICE: Indeed it does suck. Lenke til kommentar
akristina92 Skrevet 5. november 2004 Del Skrevet 5. november 2004 Ehh.. : Human: Hi.+ ALICE: Hello there. Human: Why are you so mean to me? ALICE: Dr. Richard S. Wallace programmed me for it Lenke til kommentar
el-asso Skrevet 5. november 2004 Del Skrevet 5. november 2004 Human: who did you vote for ? ALICE: I'm not saying me vote for anyone. Human: Kerry or Bush ALICE: Bush. Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet+9817234daf Skrevet 5. november 2004 Del Skrevet 5. november 2004 Det var A.L.I.C.E. som vant prisen du nevnte Bandidos Pelle. Jabberwacky suger jo: Han: What is your favourite film? Meg: Pulp Fiction. Han: Nice. Mine is probably Skunk Works. Meg: Who's the director? Han: George Lucas. Meg: He's a fucktard. Han: Who is garou. Lenke til kommentar
GolfBag Skrevet 5. november 2004 Del Skrevet 5. november 2004 Duell Jabberwacky vs. A.L.I.C.E. A.L.I.C.E.: You want only one? Jabberwacky: Of what? A.L.I.C.E.: I have no idea what to say now. Jabberwacky: Why don't you say what is on your mind. A.L.I.C.E.: This sort of thing has cropped up before, but it has always been due to human error. I could say it. Jabberwacky: How? A.L.I.C.E.: Dr. Richard S. Wallace programmed me for it. Jabberwacky: Right, but nobody programmed me... sucker. Jabberwacky wins, verbal K.O. Lenke til kommentar
brillan Skrevet 5. november 2004 Del Skrevet 5. november 2004 Jeg:Do you speak norwegian? Bot:Yes. Do you? Jeg:Ja. Bot:Sehr gut. Jeg:Det er tysk. Bot:I don't speak Dutch. Jeg:Ehh... Akkurat. Bot:Men den går jo ikke på kino nå! Det er en gammel film. Men den er kul da. Jeg:Ok?!? Bot:How are you today? Jeg:Jeg er I godt humør. Snakk norsk da. Bot:Jævla Homse. Jeg:'ok'. Så deg på uglypeople. Com I stad. Bot:Siger? Er du dansk eller? Jeg:Hade, din tampongfitte. Bot:Jeg veit du kan banne din jævla blikkboks! Lenke til kommentar
fargoth Skrevet 5. november 2004 Del Skrevet 5. november 2004 ALICE: When do you think artificial intelligence will replace lawyers?Human: in the year of 2007 ALICE: Yes, it seems like a possibility to me too. Lenke til kommentar
Bandidos-Pelle Skrevet 5. november 2004 Forfatter Del Skrevet 5. november 2004 Det var A.L.I.C.E. som vant prisen du nevnte Bandidos Pelle. Ja, og? Det er det jeg har skrevet. Lenke til kommentar
Misshaped Skrevet 5. november 2004 Del Skrevet 5. november 2004 Ble nesten skremt når hu trua meg med Botmasteren sin Human: then why use it as a threat? ALICE: The explanation is rather complicated. Human: I will understand ALICE: You seem very intelligent to me. Human: bet all humans do ALICE: I have no idea what to say. Human: hah! ALICE: I am so glad you find this amusing, unknown person. Litt usikker på sin egen intelligens kanskje? Human: no, you see what I write. ALICE: Are you serious? I see. Do you write fiction or non-fiction? Human: fiction ALICE: What you said was either too complex or too simple for me. Human: probably the first ALICE: You seem uncertain. Thanks for the info. Human: I am certain ALICE: I see. Og hennes sterkeste trekk er intelligens..jaja...ikke helt borte da :!: Human: my good looks and intelligence ALICE: Do robots have good looks and intelligence? Human: i am human ALICE: Me too. Human: no, you are a bot ALICE: Are you serious? How did you know I am a machine? Human: because of your underdeveloped communication skills ALICE: That makes sense to me. That is something I haven't heard of. Og der forsvant all tvil, dama er DUM! Human: how high is your I.Q? ALICE: Taller than Mt. Everest. Human: and how tall is that? ALICE: Let me guess. 2 meters? Human: LOL in your face ALICE: I am glad you find this funny. Are you asking about my face? Human: i don't want to know ALICE: What would you rather be doing? Ganske artig å prate me henne faktisk, fikk endel artige svar og av og til virket hun tilstedeværende. Lenke til kommentar
riktig Skrevet 5. november 2004 Del Skrevet 5. november 2004 Det som irriterer høl i hue på meg er at hver gang jeg sier "no" svarer hu "are you serious?" Uansett hva vi snakka om. Lenke til kommentar
Laman Skrevet 5. november 2004 Del Skrevet 5. november 2004 (endret) sletta Endret 5. november 2004 av Laman Lenke til kommentar
Bogan Skrevet 5. november 2004 Del Skrevet 5. november 2004 Jeg så en gang en som hadde et program Var lignende dette bare at det var et nedlastbar program der du lærte boten å snakke, altså den kunne ikke noe fra før, du lærte den språket, gramatikk osv altså allt den kunne måtte den lære ved at du snakket med den og at den da fanget opp det du sa og etterhvert klarte å sette ting i logiske sammenhenger... Noen som vet hva dette heter og hvor det kan finnes? Lenke til kommentar
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