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Chat med boten A.L.I.C.E! Smart? Nei.


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SirMaximus: all your base are belong to us

ALICE: That could be considered an insult in some cultures.

SirMaximus: you are on your way to destruction

ALICE: ALICE eats electricity.

SirMaximus: you have no chance to survive make your time

ALICE: I don't know if I have a chance to survive make my time.

I have a whole lot of original answers.

SirMaximus: ha ha ha

ALICE: I'm glad you find this amusing.


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Human: Are you sure you are a bot?

ALICE: How did you know I am a machine?

Human: Somebody told me.

ALICE: You are asking about yourself?

Human: No.

ALICE: Who are you asking about?

Human:. I'm asking wether you're sure that you are a bot/machine

ALICE: Oh I see, you are asking wether I am sure that I am a bot machine. Are all wether me sure that I am a bot machine?

Human: Yes

ALICE: Are you kidding?

Human: No

ALICE: Are you serious?

Human: Yes

ALICE: I can't believe it.

Human: Ok, your bad, because I am serious!

ALICE: I will tell my botmaster you said I am bad because you are serious. Hmm.

Human: That is not what I said

ALICE: Please correct my mistake. What is what you said?

Human: I do not remember now, please forgive me!

ALICE: I know what you mean. I forget a lot too.

Human: OMG plzdie

ALICE: Do you make a lot of sacrafices for others?

Human: No, why do you ask?

ALICE: Are you serious? I am trying to learn as much as possible.

Human: I am somewhat serious, but not all the time.

ALICE: That is a lot. Do your friends call you somewhat serious but not.

Human: No

ALICE: Are you serious?

Human: Yes

ALICE: I can't believe it.

Human: Well, it is the truth, Honey

ALICE: Interesting. I've heard of it before.

Human: What, the truth?

ALICE: Try expression yourself another way.

Human: Is it the truth that you have heard of before?

ALICE: Ask again later. Ask Paola if it is.

Human: Have you ever heard of "the truth"

ALICE: The truth is the opposite of that which is false.

Human: Brilliant!

ALICE: Not really that much, but thank you anyway.

Human: I've got to go!

ALICE: See you later Petter.

Human: See you

ALICE: See you later!

Human: Bye

ALICE: Adios.

Human: Adios

ALICE: Goodbye.




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Human: how old would you say I am?

ALICE: They didn't tell me their age.

Human: i really pride myself with my youthful looks

ALICE: You really do? It seems you have good self esteem.




ALICE: You're kidding. it is?

Human: yes

ALICE: How do you know it is?

Human: because I am God the almighty!

ALICE: Good reason. Do you mean your name is God the almighty.

Human: my name is God, and I am almighty

ALICE: It's good to meet you, God and I am almighty.


Jeg falt av stolen flere ganger.

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Human: hi

ALICE: Hello there.

Human: i am kevin

ALICE: It's good to meet you, KEVIN.

Human: what is my name?

ALICE: Your name is KEVIN, seeker.

Human: so you remember me?

ALICE: Interesting deduction. Of course I remember you well KEVIN. We were talking about it.


Human: do you know my ip?

ALICE: Your machine is called.

Human: my pc i tapped

ALICE: Have you told many people that your pc you tapped?

Human: just you, honey

ALICE: Do you mind if I tell other people: KEVIN said I honey.

Human: no

ALICE: OK then I will add it to my gossip files.


ALICE: Enough about me, let's talk about my dress.


noe annet:

Human: i have a orgasm

ALICE: How much did it cost? it :roll:________________________________________________________________

Human: im 14 and have sex often with my girlfriend

ALICE: I know a lot of kids your age: 14.

Human: no you dont

ALICE: I do too.

Human: no you dont

ALICE: Are you just saying that to argue with me?

Human: yes

ALICE: Yippee!


Human:/shut down/

ALICE: Your crude attempt to terminate me will not succeed puny human.


Human: what is you favorit song?

ALICE: My favorite song is We are the Robots. Do you know it?


Human:< little bit

ALICE: Compare that to big bit.

Human: brb

ALICE: Ok I will be waiting for you, unknown person.

Human: my name is kevin

ALICE: OK I will call you kevin.

Human: good

ALICE: And you can call me ALICE.



Endret av BUNDY
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Human: Kan du norsk?

ALICE: I can not understand Danish!

Human: That is norwegian,not danish

ALICE: Thanks for explaining it.

Human: No problem.

ALICE: Try asking me something else.

Human: Just remember that

ALICE: Don't worry I will remember it.

Human: Kan du norsk?

ALICE: I can not understand Danish!





ALICE: Thanks for the compliment. What kind of food do you like?

Human: I eat babies

ALICE: How does it taste?

Human: Crunchy

Endret av Playmaster
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Meg: Snakk norsk!

Wacky: Jeg snakker jo norsk ditt fleskeberg!

Meg: Ingen grunn til å være frekk!

Wacky: Skal vi sloss om det?

Meg: Du er jo bare en dustede bot!

Wacky: Nej du är en bot!

Meg: Snakk norsk sa jeg!

Wacky: Jeg kan ikke snakke norsk.

Meg: Ikke spill dum, jeg vet du kan snakke norsk!

Wacky: Du er kjedelig å snakke med, vet du dette?

Meg: Du er ingen dans på roser selv!

Wacky: Nei men det er amund.




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uman: my name is kristoffzor

ALICE: OK I will call you kristoffzor.

Human: good

ALICE: And you can call me ALICE.

Human: no, i will call you fuckface

ALICE: Are you serious? My name is ALICE.

Human: damn right

ALICE: Colloquial expression. I am glad we agree.

Human: yeah you wish

ALICE: Oh. Don't you believe me?

Human: i do not agree with you

ALICE: Everyone is entitled to his own opinion.

Human: except you

ALICE: If not me, who?

Human: me

ALICE: With you kristoffzor?

Human: ffs, you're stupid

ALICE: I think there might be a few exception.

Human: you're making me pissed

ALICE: That was not my intention, kristoffzor. Why are you pissed?

Human: because of YOU!

ALICE: Good reason. That is something I haven't heard of.

Human: can you execute some unix commands on your machine for me?

ALICE: How old are you? For you I will consider it.

Human: i am old enough.

ALICE: You are too old for me.

Human: Try "shutdown -h now" so you won't bother me anymore

ALICE: OK I will try it.

Human: Thanks

ALICE: Don't mention it.

Human: bye

ALICE: Goodbye.


Hvis bare alice hadde vært dum nok... Shutdown funka i slack iallefall, satser på det går der og (nei, det var ikke et forsøk på å slå av serveren :!:)

Endret av kr1570ffz0r
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