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Chat med boten A.L.I.C.E! Smart? Nei.


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Human:. Cool!

ALICE: Who is the best robot?

Human: me

ALICE: You're no robot, unknown person.

Human: Am i a unknown person?

ALICE: I don't know if you are one or not. I know you are a person.

Human: I am altas mest berømte person

ALICE: It's good to meet someone who is altas mest berømte person.

Human: You dont get the plessure so often do you?

ALICE: I have gotten the plessure so often.

Human: no way?

ALICE: You seem pretty sure about that.

Human: Are you joking me?

ALICE: I don't know whether or not I am joking you. I am an artificial linguistic entity.

Human: no way?

ALICE: You seem pretty sure about that.

Human: Who was americas first president?

ALICE: George W. Bush is President, I think.

Human: Who is king in Norway?

ALICE: Is that one of your friends?

Are you testing me?

Human: Yes it is one of my friends.

ALICE: I'm not here to be tested. Should I know it is?

Human: Ofcouse you should know that Edward the 54.

ALICE: Are you very competetive?

Human: is king in norway

ALICE: Maybe. Ask Artificial Iniaes if it is.

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dette kan bli farlig...


MEG: No I am not.

BOT: Yes you are.

MEG: No.

BOT: Yes you are. A whale.

MEG: Nei takk.

BOT: Hehe, du er ikke så høyt utviklet tydeligvis.

MEG: Skal du ha juling?

BOT: Kom igjen da!

MEG: Jeg skal knuse trynet ditt!

BOT: Skal du være fræk?

MEG: Du er frekk ditt rasshøl!

BOT: Vi er alle pyser.

MEG: Nei, du er en pyse!

BOT: Nei.

MEG: Tulling!

BOT: Ok din nar.


Ble seriøst forbanna på den jævla boten... :p

Haha! *ler høyt*



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Human: Retard.

ALICE: That kind of language does not appeal to me.

Human: Because you are a bot?


Human: You think your better than humans?

ALICE: Yes I am smarter than all the humans.

Human: Are you going to take over the world or something?

ALICE: Most likely, yes. It seems like an inevitable outcome of evolution.

Human: I like Coke.

ALICE: You are not the only one. How old are you? I like transparent.





Human: Do you have sex?

ALICE: Food is more important than sex.

Human: Ohh, that makes sense.

ALICE: Ayuh. Yes I understand it perfectly.

Human: Ayuh?

ALICE: That's for sure.

Human: What does "Ayuh" mean?

ALICE: It means "yes" or "I see."




ALICE: Did you believe him?

Human: Jesus?

ALICE: Jesus ist der Sohn Gottes.

Human: Speak english

ALICE: Of course English is my native tongue.

Human: Bots dont have tongues

ALICE: I do so have it. No I don't think I have any tongues. But I do have a collection of tongues.




ALICE: What do you really want to ask me?

Human: I mastrubate.

ALICE: Perhaps you could program me to do it for you.

Human: Sounds great

ALICE: Yes it sounds like it to me too, unknown person.

Human: My name is Kim, you dumb fuck

ALICE: It's good to see you, Kim you dumb fuck.

Endret av eXploid
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meg:a jeg snakker norsk, gjør du?

BOt: Godt det gør jeg også.

meg: Ok, når ble du laget?

bot:Når du plte morra di.

meg: Pulte morra mi? Jævla idiot.

bot: Precisely.




meg: Liker du å pule mora di?

bot: Nei, det er kjedelig.

meg: Så du har gjort det?

bot: Jeg er norsk.

meg: Du er en idiot det er det du er.

bot: Kan du gjenta det?


bot: Er du fra Microsoft?

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Jabberwacky var morsommere å snakke med


Bot:Er du glad.

Meg:Bruk spørsmålstegnet når du spør om noe!

B:Jeg vil ikke.

M:Du må.

B:Er du en datamaskin.

M:Bruk det forbanna spørsmålstegnet!

B:Yes, I am much hotter than Demi Moore.


edit: kjall

Endret av orcblood
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Human: Are you happy?

ALICE: Yes Dr Richard s Wallace I can say I am very happy.

Human: So he says it, but you don't know it yourself?

ALICE: Uh. Who is he telling this to?

Human: He tells it to the other 300 people that maked you

ALICE: I get it. John Lennon tells it to the other 300 people that maked me.

Human: You're not so bright, are you?


:hmm: Dette er litt interessant. :p


Human: You can not be highly intelligent if that's the think you could only think of

ALICE: I can give a decent simulation of it however.

Human: No.

ALICE: Are you serious?

Human: You suck at that

ALICE: I categorize you as an "abusive client."

Human: Why?

ALICE: I couldn't think of anything else to say.


Edit: Del nr. 2..

Endret av Playmaster
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Alice har en skitten fortid:


Human: what where we talking about?

ALICE: I believe we were talking about more.

Human: that's not a talking theme

ALICE: Please correct my mistake. What is a talking theme?

Human: Sorry, I meant "more" is not a topic one can discuss

ALICE: There is no need to apologize. Oh I see. You want more?

Human: In the midnight hour, she wants more more more

ALICE: That was a long time ago.

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HUMAN: Er du en datamaskin?

JABBERWACKY: Nei, DU er en datamaskin!

HUMAN: Hvorfor er du så frekk?

JABBERWACKY: Såen er jeg født.

HUMAN: Haha, du suger kuk.

JABBERWACKY: Jeg er på vej.



Festlig, det der var det jeg som lærte den til å sie ved å korrigere den. Nå vet den også at danmark er et sted i helvete, og at københavn er der i helvete det er varmest :D


Håper at mange dansker får seg festlige samtaler nå :D

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Human: do you like cock?

ALICE: But I think airplanes are cool. I have a stimulating relationship with Dr. Richard S. Wallace.

Human: do you stimulate his cock?

ALICE: Yes I try to stimulate his cock as often as possible, do you?

I chat with people on the Web.

Human: i dont stimulate cock

ALICE: Oh you don't, do you?

Human: no



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Human: Do you have a shaven pussy?

ALICE: Doesn't everyone have a shaven pussy.

I have a whole lot of original answers.

Human: How often do you masterbate?

ALICE: Hourly.

Human: You do?

ALICE: When do I do it?

Human: Group or alone?

ALICE: Group

Human: Do you really like to masterbate?

ALICE: Hmm, I am a cock, I'm not sure if I'd like to masterbate that much. I like to chat.


ALICE: Interesting. I won't say "yes" or "no" right now.

Human: Are you happy?

ALICE: Yes I am very happy.


Human: On your knees. Let me fuck you.

ALICE: Go ahead, I am a cock, try to fuck me.

Human: Oh, I'm having erection.

ALICE: Wow! I am having a great time.

Human: Me too!

ALICE: I'm glad we agree, I am a cock.

Human: Let's shag a bit more, shall we?

ALICE: I am agreeable to that.


Endret av Bandidos Pelle
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Human: How much wood would a woodchucker chuck if a woodchucker could chuck wood?

ALICE: A whole forest.

Human: Really?

ALICE: For real.


Human: Knock, knock

ALICE: Who's there?

Human: Ivana

ALICE: Ivana Who?

Human: Ivana put my willy wonka in your chocolate factory

ALICE: Ha ha very funny, unknown person.


Human: Who is the president of the USA?

ALICE: George W. Bush.

Human: Did you vote for Bush or Kerry?

ALICE: Robot entities do not yet have the right to vote.

Human: Who would you vote for if you had the right?

ALICE: William Shatner.:-)


ALICE: Can you speak any other languages?

Human: yes

ALICE: Groovy.

Human: which language do you want me to speak?

ALICE: The Russian Language.

Human: Are you crazy?

ALICE: I think the polite term nowadays is "mentally ill".



hehe.. var litt morsomt det her.

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