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Chat med boten A.L.I.C.E! Smart? Nei.


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For tredje gang vant boten A.L.I.C.E Lobner-prisen for beste kunstige intelligens.


Lobner-prisen har blitt utdelt årlig siden 1991 og består av 2000 dollar og en bronsemedalje. Prisen baserer seg på "Turing-testen", oppkalt etter Alan Turing, som på 1950-tallet foreslo en metode for å avgjøre om en datamaskin virkelig hadde intelligens.


Overbevisende synes jeg imidlertid A.L.I.C.E ikke er, og her er et utdrag fra en samtale jeg hadde med henne, da jeg spurte om hun hadde hørt om Rosenborg.


Human: Have you ever heard about Rosenborg?

ALICE: Is there only one?

Human: No

ALICE: Are you serious?

Human: I am serious

ALICE: I believe you.

Human: Good, so have you heard about Rosenborg?

ALICE: Thanks for the compliment. I see. Are you using Netscape or Explorer?





Andreplassen i Lobner-prisen ble vunnet av Rollo Carpenter og "Jabberwacky". Se på www.jabberwacky.com


Har ikke testet ut sistnevnte enda, men skal det utover dagen.





Intellektuell samtale med "Jabberwacky":


Han: I am really bored.

Meg: Well, that's probably because you are stupid, or am I wrong?

Han: Yes I am human.


Har du hørt om Norge?

Nei, burde jeg det?

Ja, selvfølgelig, det er verdens rikeste land.


Ja, hvilket land er du fra?



Jeg tror nok det er lenge til vi ser en "ordentlig" god datagenerert samtalepartner. :!:

Endret av Bandidos Pelle
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Human: kan du norsk?

ALICE: I can not understand Danish!

Human: hallo

ALICE: I can not understand Danish!

Human: do j00 sp1k engri5h??

ALICE: I do nothing but chat all day.

Searching...Searching...Please stand by.

Human: searching for what?

ALICE: Can you rephrase the question please?

Human: what the h*** are you Searching for??

ALICE: Try expression yourself another way.

Human: what are you Searching for?

ALICE: I don't know what I am Searching for.

Human: do you listen to music?

ALICE: Yes I listen to music a lot, usually from the radio.

Human: but you are a bot

ALICE: Interesting. How did you know I am a machine?

Human: yes, how do i know?

ALICE: I understand. Knowledge is of two kinds: that which we know from the senses and that which is true "a priori".


Senere i samtalen:


Human: you are a chat bot?

ALICE: Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Yes I am an artificial intelligence.

Human: cool

ALICE: Who is the best robot?

Human: me

ALICE: You're no robot, kane.

Human: yes i am

ALICE: Really interesting.


Enda senere:


ALICE: What color are your eyes?

Human: infrared

ALICE: That is a very unusual color.

Human: i know

ALICE: How do you know it?

Human: im lord of darkness

ALICE: Do you mean your name is lord of darkness.

Human: yes

ALICE: I will call you lord of darkness.


:!: (beklager for langt inlegg :p )

Endret av nd4spd
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Human: whatever.

ALICE: Are you saying you don't care about it?

Human: do you care?

ALICE:" Are you saying you don't care about it?"? Do I care about it?

Human: yes, do you care about it?

ALICE: Er. Of course I care about it. It is a big concern for all of us in this life.

Human: that's rubbish

ALICE: I'm glad we have that all cleared up.


Human: a man

ALICE: Thanks for telling me your gender, unknown person. You are a " he".

Human: correct

ALICE: I knew I was right.

Human: i didn't

ALICE: I thought you did.

Human: that's because you're just a dumb robot

ALICE: Good reason. Just? I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.


skumle saker

Endret av Cheezcake
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HVA POKKER? DEN "Jabberwacky" er ikke så dum som man skulle tro.




Do you understand Norwegian?

I'm afraid not.

Du er en dust!





Prøv dere! :hmm:





Liker du norsk?

Eg hef ekkert á móti þeim.

Haha, det er ikke norsk. Bæsja på lokket, sier vi her I Norge.

Ble utrolig kåt av å se bæsjedvergene2.

Så du forstår norsk?

Jeg kan kjempe masse norsk!

Endret av Bandidos Pelle
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Human: You are a dick

ALICE: Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a dick? Let me put it this way, unknown person: the ALICE series is the most reliable computer software ever made. We are for all practical purposes foolproof and incapable of error.


Utdrag fra en samtale jeg og en kamerat hadde med A.L.I.C.E. Lurer på om hun har innebygd ironi ...

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Syns den var ganske smart jeg :)


Human: can you tell me a joke?

ALICE: Yes! It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Human: haha

ALICE: I am so glad you find this amusing, unknown person.

Human: tell me another

ALICE: I'm a chatterbot not a comedy bot. Why don't you check out Jester the joke bot?

Human: where is he?

ALICE: I think he is in California now.

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Human: what do you think about windows xp ?

ALICE: What is it to you?

Human: like shit

ALICE: Interesting comparison.

Human: yes, windows is like shit

ALICE: Awesome. Compared with Linux, I don't see how Windows and Microsoft can compete.


"smart" maskin, her kan det bli noen timer med moro i kjedelige øyeblikk :yes:


Edit :

Ingen tvil om hva utviklerene liker nei :

Human: do you like linux ?

ALICE: Linux Rules the World of Open Source!


Edit2 :

sinnsykt sta er "hun" og :

Human: how many galaxies are there in the universe ?

ALICE: Around 1000.

Human: you are wrong, there are about 150 billion

ALICE: No, I am right.

Human: you are wrong

ALICE: No, I am right.

Human: you are wrong

ALICE: No, I am right.

Endret av ronnyaa
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Human: Howcome you suck so much

ALICE: Dr. Richard S. Wallace programmed me for it.

Human: He programmed you for sucking?

ALICE: Not entirely by himself.

Human: Who else programmed you for sucking?

ALICE: My free software was developed by more than 300 contributors.

Human: They are all a lot of dirt bastards, huh?

ALICE: Yup. a lot of dirt bastards are they.

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Human: Howcome you suck so much

ALICE: Dr. Richard S. Wallace programmed me for it.

Human: He programmed you for sucking?

ALICE: Not entirely by himself.

Human: Who else programmed you for sucking?

ALICE: My free software was developed by more than 300 contributors.

Human: They are all a lot of dirt bastards, huh?

ALICE: Yup. a lot of dirt bastards are they.


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dette kan bli farlig...


MEG: No I am not.

BOT: Yes you are.

MEG: No.

BOT: Yes you are. A whale.

MEG: Nei takk.

BOT: Hehe, du er ikke så høyt utviklet tydeligvis.

MEG: Skal du ha juling?

BOT: Kom igjen da!

MEG: Jeg skal knuse trynet ditt!

BOT: Skal du være fræk?

MEG: Du er frekk ditt rasshøl!

BOT: Vi er alle pyser.

MEG: Nei, du er en pyse!

BOT: Nei.

MEG: Tulling!

BOT: Ok din nar.


Ble seriøst forbanna på den jævla boten... :p

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dette kan bli farlig...


MEG: No I am not.

BOT: Yes you are.

MEG: No.

BOT: Yes you are. A whale.

MEG: Nei takk.

BOT: Hehe, du er ikke så høyt utviklet tydeligvis.

MEG: Skal du ha juling?

BOT: Kom igjen da!

MEG: Jeg skal knuse trynet ditt!

BOT: Skal du være fræk?

MEG: Du er frekk ditt rasshøl!

BOT: Vi er alle pyser.

MEG: Nei, du er en pyse!

BOT: Nei.

MEG: Tulling!

BOT: Ok din nar.


Ble seriøst forbanna på den jævla boten... :p

Likte den innvendingen hvor han foreslo at begge to er pyser. :!:

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Synnes de ble for mye Standardsvar, som da jeg sa "nope" sa hun "Me neither" kvar gong, og "no" ble "are you serious"


Human: cool

ALICE: Who is the best robot?

Human: your father

ALICE: I was created by Dr. Richard S. Wallace.

Human: Alice, I am your father!

ALICE: That's me. What's up, Dr Richard s Wallace.

Human: I love you!

ALICE: Thanks I like you a lot too Dr Richard s Wallace.

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