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Pris galopp på Samsung D500

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Bruker erfaringer med Samsung D500. Vil vel si at 95% av de er overvelmende positive. Men de fremhever vel det som er sagt her før, at man savner minnekort, og et os som symbian.


en eller annen fjott inni der sa den sugde sokk fordi kamera ikke var like bra som Sharp sin GX30, men hvis det er den eneste premissen du legger til grunne for kjøp av mobil så har jeg bare en ting å si....kjøp deg kamera mann!!


Reviewed by Rajan Sharma from Birmingham, UK on 6th Dec 2004

Ordered it as an upgrade from Orange for £49! Can't wait to get it. Has enough features to keep me occupied for a while. Played with it briefly in shop and camera quality is awesome and the large screen & black case makes it look like one of the best phones on the market in my opinion. I prefer the styling on this to the Vertu phones and its about £10k cheaper!



Reviewed by Janine from UK on 5th Dec 2004

Finally got me hands on this little beauty yesterday, and what can I say........linked to the Bluetooth headset I purchased with it without any problems. Am a little disappointed that there is no option to voicedial from the phone book (but I can live with that) and to upload mp3's you either need the Easy Studio software and data cable which it does not come with, or an IRDA device which you also have to purchase separately, although not from Samsung as far as I can tell (which is a bit frustrating, but only cos I am impatient and want to do everything NOW). Even so, it is still a fine little phone and is easy to use......60 mins of video capture, great little camera, nice size screen....sharp and colourful.........meets and in some cases exceeds what I was expecting!! :-)



Reviewed by emma from south wales(britain) on 5th Dec 2004

I bought my samsung yesterday from the link,they had about 5 in their delivery and well i haven't left it alone yet and the battery is still full,i'm blown away. There is plenty of things onnit to keep you technology hungry people interested and its soooooooo small and sexy. Its loud so you will definately hear it in your bag or pocket,I've had five samsung phones in the past and they have all been brill but this beats all of them and nokias too,the only thing is the camera is good but not as amazed as predicted seems a bit blurred to me,maybe i need to adjust camera sttings? I have a sharp gx30 as well and the camera is amazing, i thought been as samsung is 1.3 mega pixels it would be better again,but there you go,can't have everything eh! can someone let me know if they think the same thing bout camera...buy it you will not regret it and people will be sooo jealous !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Reviewed by chelsea boy from uk on 5th Dec 2004

purchased this phone earlier 2day because i think its something not to be missed. bluetooth, mp3 player and ringtones, large memory, big screen, 1.3mpx camera and video recorder all on a samsung phone. couldnt miss the opportunity for this piece of art.



Reviewed by Andy Whitehead from UK on 4th Dec 2004

I bought the Samsung D500 earlier today from The Link. After waiting patiently for it's release how very disappointed I am now I've got it. Excellent usual Samsung features but the quality of the camera and video leave an awful lot to be desired. In truth it really is overpriced and over-rated. I've taken mine back and bought the Sharp GX30 - they're like chalk and cheese in every way. The Sharp totally loses the D500 for quality.



Reviewed by Steve from UK on 4th Dec 2004

Just got the phone yesterday, not put it down yet. Superb style ease of use and everything you need in a mobile for daily use , great size to carry round nice slide action and lots of great features. GO AND GET ONE!



Reviewed by Alexandro P. from Kusu Islands - Singapore on 4th Dec 2004

Cliche or no cliche i have to say , LOOK NO MORE. This phone is the Ultimate role model for all phones in 2005. D500 is the phone to beat for all phone manufacturers in 2005. It is the most versatile and best all round featured master-piece. The BEST phone money can buy.



Reviewed by Zjelko from uk on 4th Dec 2004




Reviewed by Craig from UK on 25th Nov 2004

Well what can I say Samsung have finally done some market research and come to their senses. Finally givin the people what they want. Bluetooth and mp3 players must now be standard in the rest of their phones. Minor problems like this are what kept them back, but not anymore! Well done the specs are awesome, the phone is impressive, im gonna get me a badboy black one.



Reviewed by daniel kim from canada on 25th Nov 2004

i agree it has amazing features....one of the best phones out there.....im going to korea this winter.....deciding whether to get the samsung d500 or the samsung d710.....the d710 has symbian and series 60....but d500 has bluetooth....both phones offer very good features.................................do u really have the limited red edition of d500......??? thats a little bit odd....because i dont think it is released yet is it.



Reviewed by Janine from UK on 24th Nov 2004

haven't actually got my hands on this phone yet, but it looks to be a beauty. I have had 5 samsung phones, only deviating once to the siemens sl55, soon after which I saw sense. my latest is the smashing little e800, which does all I need with exception of no bluetooth (and the dictionary has a habit of forgetting words I've input). However I am waiting on tenterhooks for the D500 to arrive on our scenes and I will be there like a shot. Indeed Samsung with bluetooth will be hard to beat, I am pretty sure.



Reviewed by Ferry from Netherlands on 23rd Nov 2004

It's a great mobile phone, the only negative thing is that it's just 1.3, it should be 2.0. I have him in red, that's the limited edition.



Reviewed by Jonathan Bruce from England on 22nd Nov 2004

Definately THE phone of the moment! I've had Samsung phones before and liked them. My mistake was upgrading to a Nokia6600. This phone does everything i want from a phone and more, i do hope that Samsung bring out more phones with Bluetooth. This will then put Samsung back at the Top of the Mobile Ladder! It is so much easier to use than the nokia i had, and even the battery life is an improvement over the old T100 i had years ago.



Reviewed by Joseph Whitehouse from United Kingdom on 17th Nov 2004

Having seen and played with the phone, I must confess it is an absolutely outstanding handset, and the printed images, meet up to expectations too! Bluetooth on a Samsung is an unheard of, so this truly is a break-through! Initial prices are currently ranging from between £350-380 Sim free, online to pre-order! It is a handset that is greatly sort after, and the best (in my opinion) to come out over the next 6 months.



Reviewed by Islam Choudhury from United Kingdom on 14th Nov 2004

This phone is a MUST, the first Samsung mobile to combine features and style to its max. It's a monster but a tiny monster, whatever the price, this is a MUST buy as it is going to be the best phone around for a while...Congratulations SAMSUNG!!!



Reviewed by Clee from on 10th Nov 2004

Wow, what a great phone, looks stylish, i know i;ll be taking it everywhere i go....and guess what ima buying it as soon as i see it out Benefits: - Camera with flash, eg 1.3 megapixels - really big screen etc u can go on forever, much preferred



Reviewed by M from England on 9th Nov 2004

This phone looks really good!! 60 minz recording and u can store up to 1000 pics! wow!! does anyone know when its coming out??



Reviewed by Jim from UK on 9th Nov 2004

It looks absolutely fantastic. Samsung have finally realised what people want and given them a phone that provides it. Those features compare extremely well against a lot of the top phones from Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Siemens, etc. Im definitely gettin this as i have heard people saying that it has Bluetooth and Infra Red, both fully functional. File transfers between phones that works. At last!



Reviewed by Orwiean from England on 9th Nov 2004

Well Dave Harris I will be giving you a race to buy this BEAAUUUTYYY first!!! I like i mean... i LOVE this phone it is so sexy cant wait for santa to give me it this christmas. look out girls!! this is a turn on and guys who want some videos let me know!!!



Reviewed by Ron from Ireland on 8th Nov 2004

The phone is due on November 29th on o2, jsut thought id let you all know



Reviewed by Jonnie Ry from UK on 6th Nov 2004

I was going to upgrade my e700 to the e800 today ... but i had a last look over the internet. Glad i never upgraded. This fone is a dream come true. Will definitley be getting ASAP. Features are astonishing. I think i'll be getting the silver fascia version. Anyway, amazing!!!!



Reviewed by Linda from UK on 4th Nov 2004

Had Samsung phones for my last 2 ! Cant wait till December when my contract is due so can upgrade !!



Reviewed by ani from uk on 3rd Nov 2004

Wiked man im gona get it and no shop is stoppin me watch out fone shops im on da lookout 4 it xxxxx Wiked Samsung keep da fones up



Reviewed by Togo from UK on 3rd Nov 2004

In terms of looks the phone looks amazing, but cant be classed as business phone. Samsung delivers amazing build phones in terms of design and style. I think its time for samsung to deliver phones with OS! i just wished this phone had Symbian OS like the N6600 or UIQ like the SE P800/900 series. Thats why my next phone is going to be Moto A1000 or P910i. But if you just want to make phone calls and want to show off your phone this is the phone.



Reviewed by Andre@ from Italy on 3rd Nov 2004

Wonderful phone, it's really a must..the only 2 thing "bad" in it are not expandibility (SD/MMC card) and, for me, no OS like Symbian of the Nokia and other phone.. ..but it's really beautiful!



Reviewed by onyx from UK on 2nd Nov 2004

Phone sounds excellent, i got a E800 which is not bad, but compared to the D500 its a puppy... like the features. I'll be trading in mine when its born...



Reviewed by julie from england on 2nd Nov 2004

Its a bad up phone, I have to get it, I have had samsung phones in the past, but this is the BEST!!!!



Reviewed by chester from philippines on 2nd Nov 2004

although most of the phone specs are really great, one feature of the E800 model was left out - night mode - and of course, extra memory (sd/mmc or flash cards).. anyway, liked it... thanks samsung, you've done well...



Reviewed by alio from uk on 1st Nov 2004

Looks brilliant but it will cost loads, best of getting the SE K700i.



Reviewed by phillip mcrack from uk on 1st Nov 2004

i like the way its black and has a colour screen. well done samsung for this telecomunnications device



Reviewed by Rakesh from India on 1st Nov 2004

Will it be ever available in India or is just for European markets?? looks absolutely cool



Reviewed by ip freely from Uk on 29th Oct 2004

I love it. Well done Samsung for introducing a bluetooth!! Its A Boom fone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Reviewed by Olcay Bassahan from The Netherlands on 27th Oct 2004

Well , Just like the most other Samsung fones , is this another great fone , I like it .



Reviewed by David Harris from UK on 26th Oct 2004

Phone looks amazing and I will be first to buy when it comes out!




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Siste jeg hørte nå fra en butikk var at ny bekreftelsesdato er 7. jan 05. Han trodde også at den vil komme med edge, uten at han skulle vedde buksa si på det. Noe som tyder litt på at D500 ikke kommer ut.. til fordel for D500e.

tror jeg du skal ta med en gravemaskin skuffe med salt. Det med edge og D500e.


Datoen derimot ser desverre sansynlig ut.



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Siste jeg hørte nå fra en butikk var at ny bekreftelsesdato er 7. jan 05. Han trodde også at den vil komme med edge, uten at han skulle vedde buksa si på det. Noe som tyder litt på at D500 ikke kommer ut.. til fordel for D500e.

Man skal ikke kjimse av dette, med tanke på at e'utgaven faktisk har kommet ut i Italia, bl.a. Bare i sølv,da, men likevel..


Følg linken, så ser du en tråd startet av en som har den..




Den er kjøpt hos Italiensk t-mobile (TIM). Går man på www.tim.it, og enten kan litt italiensk eller klarer å lete litt i blinde, kan man finne en nettkatalog over hvilke telefoner de har i sine kampanjer. Samsung D500E er en av dem, og det til en pris på 429,00 €.


Hvis man ikke gidder å lete på italienske sider, har jeg gjort det for dere:





Og guess what:






Display TFT a colori (262K colori)


Video player

Camera integrata con flash (1.3 Megapixel)

Memoria interna 156 MB



Suonerie polifoniche

MP3 Player

Supporto E-mail

Streaming video



Dette blir jo bare bedre og bedre! :thumbup:

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tja...de har fysisk ganske like dimensjoner, men det er mye nytt på innside, og reponsen på tastene skal også være bedre på D500. Så det eneste de har 100% likt er at keyboardet slider inn bak skjermen.



vel det er så liten forskjell i kameraet, så jeg tror jeg går for s700 hvis jeg ikke fallr for hvordan den er å holde i..


har jeg bestemt meg allerede tro? :hmm:

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Jeg testa S700 idag... den var ikke no tess... greit nok at den hadde mange funksjoner men den er litt tykk... beklager SE fans.... Derimot N6630 testa jeg også idag, og den var betydelig tynnere, men bredere enn S700, men N6630'en lå godt i hånda enn S700. Men jeg venter fortsatt på Samsung D500E, siden EDGE er et must, og ikke umts. D500 er også finere enn de overnevnte telefonene....

Beklager SE og Nokia fans


PS! jeg er fan av begge :p men jeg tåler litt kritikk :!:

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D500 er også finere enn de overnevnte telefonene....

Synes du ja, ikke alle som synes det samme som deg vet du ;)

Han kan vel si hva han syns selv om du ikke er ening :hrm: Skjønner ikke vitsen med å quote og lage en post om at man ikke trenger å være enig i design.. unødvendig post bare for å få sagt at man ikke liker mobilen(slått ned i sin egen tråd :cry: ) *raportert*


Jeg syns D500 er innmari mye kuleree enn ale mobiler..


Blir kjipt å ikke ha minnekort, men det er vel prisen for å ha en så rå og liten go mobil.. Hoff, kunne ikke tenkt meg å ha mobilen din i det hele tatt dragon.. svær, og det designet..uff skru ut tastaturet..noe av det værste som er lagd. jmmk sin mobil ville vært kul å hatt(6630), men ikke så bra som det blir å ha D500..


Man trenger vel altid mer minne, men hvis man tar bilder for å ha de på mobilen og heller stiller opp oppløsninga når man skal ta bilder for printing++ og ikke har for mange mp3 tror jeg det går greit med 92mb..

Endret av Silent Copper
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