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Problemer med film-mappa mi!

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Sist jeg var på lan, lastet jeg ned en god del filmer. Når jeg kom hjem skulle jeg åpne film-mappa som ligger på (D:) men da stoppa bare alt sammen opp, og viss jeg er heldig åpner mappa seg etter fem min. jeg har sjekka for virus og annet rusk og rask. Men vet ikke hva mer jeg kan gjøre nå :no:


må jeg slette hele greia eller? :cry: håper noe skjønner problemet og har noe smart å komme med!


Håper da denne posten har havnet i rett kategori, ellers må den bare flyttes.


Mvh hanne:)

Endret av Hanne:)
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Det er en kjent ting at Windows får sjokk av mange og store filmer.

Skulle det da i tillegg være problemer med en (eller flere) blir det stopp,,,


Det en kan prøve er å gå inn i Registeret (Kjør->regedit)



Og slette verdien som ligger lagret under default

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Det er som am3k skriver, men det er 2 ting som bør fikses:




Clicking AVI Files on explorer casuing 100% CPU Usage



Well windows seem to have a REALLY big problem when it comes to reading AVI files.

It seems that when you click on an AVI file in explorer, it'll try to read the entire

AVI file to determine the width,height, etc. of the AVI file (this is displayed in

the Properties window). Now the problem with Windows is that if you have a broken/not

fully downloaded AVI file that doesnt contain this info, Windows will scan the entire

AVI file trying to figure out all these properties which in the process will probably

cause 100% CPU usage and heavy memory usage.


To solve this problem all you have to do is the following:


1. Open up regedit

2. Goto HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\.avi\shellex\PropertyHandler

3. Delete the "Default" value which should be "{87D62D94-71B3-4b9a-9489-5FE6850DC73E}"


Voila! Please not that this will no longer provide you with the windows properties

displaying the AVI file information such as width, height, bitrate etc. But its a

small price to pay for saving you resources.


NOTE: Please use caution when using regedit. Improper usage may cause windows to behave

imcorrectly. Also, I cannot be held resposible. Backup your registry first.




avi files causing high cpu usage again with installation of XP SP1



I have recently installed Windows XP SP1 update and have found that the problem with avi files

causing 100% cpu usage started happening all over again. I tried to do the original tweak shown

on the site, but the registry key specified was already deleted. I searched around and found

this tweak that fixes the problem, in both the original release of Windows XP and the SP1 update.


The ultimate solution


To correct the misbehavior in Windows XP, remove the following registry key.




This will prevent Explorer from loading shmedia.dll in response to file property queries on these files.

This will not effect your ability to play files, get file attributes, or even view thumbnails.

I really think Microsoft is trying to make sure people only use mpeg




Begge hentet fra TweakXP.com

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