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Dahle's samling av små spill.

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Kan noen legge inn spoiler med løsning. Gjerne på 1, 2 og 3






Hapland 1:


Skjult tekst: (Marker innholdet i feltet for å se teksten):

On the right hand side of your screen there's a big old yellow arrow. Click on the trapdoor above it to open it, and then click on the yellow arrow itself. A man will pop out! Aww, isn't he cute. Well don't get too attached to him, because if you're not careful he'll be killed horribly...


Ok, so you're by a lever. Click on the stick man and he will pull the lever which fires a missile, knocking over the bridge. Then click the firing tube on his cannon, pointing it upwards towards the bell, and click on the window on the far left to open it. Get the man to pull the lever again, the missile will hit the bell and the door of the house will open. Woot!


Now, point the firing tube down again. Here's an important note: if you click the bridge, it will move! Try it now to get the hang of it.


*TIMING NEEDED!* Get the stick man to pull his lever again, thus firing the bomb. Click the bridge when the bomb hits it to dispose of the bomb. Repeat this for the next bomb. Pull the lever again and a dark blue key will be fired into the hole at the bottom - the little man in there will be all like, "Wow!", his little exclamation mark will flash and he'll open the door.


Right, next click your man by the lever and he will get himself stuck in his own cannon, the silly man. But guess what? If you press the yellow arrow again, you get ANOTHER man who will go and stand by the lever. Bonus.


*TIMING'S GOTTA BE GOOD!* What you need to do is point the firing tube upwards, and get your man to pull the lever - he'll fire the other guy upwards. But watch out! You need to click the pointy thing (next to the bell) just before the guy gets there or he'll be impaled. Oops.


So now your guy's up by the bell. Click him! He'll push the bell over to the right. Now click on the bell a few times and observe what happens... Boom! There goes the mine. Next, click on that big red arrow that's hanging on the left of the screen and it will switch to point right. Click on the open door and out comes yet another little stick dude, who goes into the central house. Time for the last bit...


*TIMING IS ESSENTIAL!* So you, want to get your underground man into his house. But there's a problem! DO NOT click on him now or he will get run over by a dog thing on wheels. What you will need to do is click him and the dog thing will fall out of the crate: then IMMEDIATELY click on above. The guy in the house will slam the window, dropping the vibrating sheep/rock onto the evil monster.


The little guy will be way happy and run home to light his torch. Then voíla! Your portal will open and the sun will spin around! I bet you're so happy you went through all that... :-)


Hapland 2:


Skjult tekst: (Marker innholdet i feltet for å se teksten):

See that little stick man standing next to the tall pole with a red blob in it? He's your main guy. The first thing you need to do is click the red blob and it will swing round and turn into a green arrow. Then you need to click the thing that looks like two rocks to the right of it - this is a trapdoor. Click the yellow arrow directly beneath the pole and the little guy will walk to the right and fall through the trapdoor.



*UH-OH, TIMING NEEDED!* First, click the top of the pole to turn the green arrow back to a red blob. You then need to click the crate to the right of where your little guy has landed and as soon as an exclamation mark appears above his head, click the YELLOW arrow. He will throw the grenade upwards and it will be blasted to the right, destroying the door of the house - let's call it the Silly House.



Now click the pink plank on top of the crate a few times so that it falls off and makes a ramp. Click the stick man and now and he will wander off into the Silly House. Next, click on the Silly House window and it will slam, causing Mr Green Blob to awaken and fall off his perch. If you click him, he will head to the left, eat the crate and then commit suicide on some wires.



Right, now you need to go underground. Look for the switch with the red circle on it and press it. A light will come on to the right: you need to click the little arrow coming off the light that points right. This will make a wheel turn under the stairs: click the stairs to make them move. Finally, ring the doorbell to get the man to come out and stand by his lever.



Look on the left of your screen at the top of the castle. See that red box, like the one you just clicked underground? Good. Click it. A lamp turns on - click that lamp to move it so that it is pointing at the cannon balls. There is a bird perched on top of the castle, let's call him the Raven.



*THIS REQUIRES TIMING* Ok, what you're going to do (and read this before you do anything) is click on the Raven, who will pick up a cannon ball. You're going to click the first cloud that he comes to to make him drop the ball onto the wires. Do that now. Now you are going to click the Raven again, but this time click the second cloud when he reaches it to drop a ball onto sexy stick man's catapult.



Click the first cloud once again.



*THIS REQUIRES TIMING* Now my dears, click the first cloud to make it explode and VERY QUICKLY click the sexy stick man so that he fires his catapult and destroys the banner on the castle.



See the dude in the castle standing next to a nice painting of a field? Click him and he will fall to to the next level.



*MORE TIMING* Now what you'll need to do is click the grey trapdoor directly under the green and blue stained-glass window on the left of the castle. A dude being attacked by a fly will fall out, and you need to VERY QUICKLY press the fan in the center of the castle (a faint arrow is pointing to it) so that the fly goes through. AS SOON AS the fly has gone through, click the guy who fell down the the lower floor and he will pass safely under the suspended crate.




Now click the bloke on the far left so that he will fall down and stand by his lever. All of the people should be

standing by a lever now. Click the arrow underneath the bottom stick man so that it switches from left to right, then click the lovely stick man himself to make the water start to flow. Click the middle stick man to open his bridge. Finally, click the top stick man - he will pull his lever releasing the crate. A magic fish will pop out, drop in the water and by caught by the fisherman.



Now turn off the current by clicking on the bottom stick man again. Click on the fisherman who will eat his fish and the bounce to the roof of the castle, then click him once more so that he goes in the left door. The torch will now be lit.



Go back to the bottom left sticky dude and switch the arrow below him to Left. Click him to turn the current back on. Make sure your circle on a pole is set to green arrow.



Click the yellow arrow so that the stick man gets the idea and goes inside the Silly House. Go back to your underground switch and turn that light on, then click the left arrow on it to make the wheel under the stairs turn anti-clockwise. Click the stairs and they will roll down next to the crate.



*TIMING IS ESSENTIAL! - READ BEFORE YOU ACT...* Don't panic, you're nearly done! You will need to ring the doorbell on the Silly House so that a stick man will come out. Just before he gets to the top of the steps, click the crate and he will fall into it. He will then shoot out of the crate on a monster/dog thing with wheels and head down into the sea. You need to ACT FAST here, and click on the brown gate (looks like a pole with an arrow on the bottom) just before the guy gets to it on his truck to let him through. He will climb out and go into the castle.



Now flip the underground switches, and....


WOOHOO! You've completed it! Give yourself a pat on the back, and then make a vow to actually learn how to do these games by yourself without my help. :-P



i am writing 2 say that your version of the way to complete hapland 2 is wrong. mr. green blob is not meant to commit suicide on the wires. you are meant to destroy the wires with a cannonball, as you had described, then make the water flow right (as in not left). then wen mr. green blob heads to the water he gets blown up by the bomb wich would otherwise kill the dog on wheels.


Hapland 3:


Skjult tekst: (Marker innholdet i feltet for å se teksten):

Click on the stickman beside the carrot to make it walk to right and click on the carrot, before he eats it, click the top of the box below to hit the carrot down to the cave and at the same time click the 2 yellow flies before they take away the carrot.

Click the leverman until you see another carrot, click stickman to eat it.

Click on the right side of the box to release a flap

Click leverman again until you see the arrow. Click the other red arrow to face right

Click the arrow above the stickman and the stickman will go down

Activate both the hover pads

Click on the UFO and when it gonna abduct the stickman, click on the right yellow button under the box so that it abduct the rolling stone instead and the landmine exploded and the stickman run into the house and flush the toilet

Click the doorbell, click on the stickman again so that it go up the platform

Click stickman again so that it goes left

Click leverman until you see shield

Click on the switch beside the green arrow and click on leverman

Click the tube to bend upwards

Click on the UFO, when it fly out of the screen, click on the shield and click on the leverman so that the stone will hit the UFO and freezes the pond. (Timing is required)

Click on the shield and click the leverman two more times and this will shoot a rock and a black bomb, bounce off the shield into the basket

Turn on the light above the door and the stickman will go back to the other side

Click the gear on the center of the box and click the left yellow button to launch a wheel to other side of the lake

Click the switch on beside the green arrow again and pull the lever until you see red bomb, click on the bomb

Click the leaves above the crow and spider will come out

Click on the window to drop carrot

Click the spider then at the same time click the crow. Timing is important again, it sequence are done correctly then the crow will shoot down a ladder and drain the lake

Click the switch beside the green arrow again to make leverman go down to the bottom of the lake

Click the top of the right tree to drop fruit destroy the hover pad.

Click on the bell and the mechanic will come down to repair, when he is outside, close the door behind him

When he is at the red arrow, click him will climb up the ladder

Click him again will burn the vine

Click him again he will come down

Click arrow twice to point right

Open the gate between bathroom window and repaired hover pad

Click on the left of the crate in the cave

Click the mechanic to go down the cave


Last part is the hardest, again timing is very important. Click on the mechanic, when the cart just underneath the red blob, click on it and the orange doughnut will drop into the cart, when the cart move to the left cave and just before the opening of cave, press the leverman in the bottom of the lake so that a green doughnut will drop into the cart and release the monster which eventually smash the bottom right cave and reveal a do not press green button.


Do not push the button because it will blow up the guy in the cave.

You can still finish even if you do, but if you let him live, you can see some concept art for all 3 Hapland games at the end.

Click the gear at the bottom right to change the sign to blue press button.

Now press it and shout i did it!




Edit: La til Hapland 3

Endret av ElBarto
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Imba IQ xD. Hvordan i svarte får man "You are a genius!"? Jeg hadde jo lett 8 røde igjen >_>.


Poenget er at du skal ha 8 igjen, samtidig som det ikke skal være mulig å gjøre noe videre.



Ahh :).

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