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Hip Hop-tråden - les reglene


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Jeg har snakket litt med han på Myspace faktisk. Han har talent, men han er en skikkelig drittsekk. :)



Hi-Tek - Ohio All Stars


Kjøpte den nye Hi-Tek-plata, ble veldig skuffa. Var mye kjipt. Var vel den sangen her og èn annen som var fete. (til gjengjeld var de virkelig FETE)

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Rap and bullshit. Ikke hiphop.


Hiphop-påvirka popmusikk. :) Det kan i hvert fall sies om dagens R&B, men sjangern har jo utvikla/forandra seg veldig opp gjennom åra.


Som allmusic.com sier:

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Evolving out of jump blues in the late '40s, R&B laid the groundwork for rock & roll. R&B kept the tempo and the drive of jump blues, but its instrumentation was sparer and the emphasis was on the song, not improvisation. It was blues chord changes played with an insistent backbeat. During the '50s, R&B was dominated by vocalists like Ray Charles and Ruth Brown, as well as vocal groups like the Drifters and the Coasters. Eventually, R&B metamorphosed into soul, which was funkier and looser than the pile-driving rhythms of R&B. Soul came to describe a number of R&B-based music styles. From the bouncy, catchy acts at Motown to the horn-driven, gritty soul of Stax/Volt, there was an immense amount of diversity within soul. During the first part of the '60s, soul music remained close to its R&B roots. However, musicians pushed the music in different directions; usually, different regions of America produced different kinds of soul. In urban centers like New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago, the music concentrated on vocal interplay and smooth productions. In Detroit, Motown concentrated on creating a pop-oriented sound that was informed equally by gospel, R&B, and rock & roll. In the South, the music became harder and tougher, relying on syncopated rhythms, raw vocals, and blaring horns. All of these styles formed soul, which ruled the black music charts throughout the '60s and also frequently crossed over into the pop charts. During the '60s and '70s, soul began to splinter apart -- artists like James Brown and Sly Stone developed funk; Kenny Gamble and Leon Huff initiated Philly soul with the O'Jays and Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes; and later in the decade, danceable R&B became a mass phenomenon with the brief disco fad. During the '80s and '90s, the polished, less earthy sound of urban and quiet storm ruled the airwaves, but even then, R&B began adding stylistic components of hip-hop until -- by the end of the millennium -- there were hundreds of artists who featured both rapping and singing on their records.

Endret av Thendrup
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Moderne rnb har sitt utspring i hiphop, men det vil jo ikke dermed si at det er hiphop fordet. Jazz er ikke det samme som blues selv om det er der musikkstilen egentlig kommer fra.


Nå har jo begrepet hip hop gjerne blitt et uttrykk brukt om hele ungdomskulturen, og den vil jeg si R'n'b i aller høyeste grad er en del av.

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Hip hop (also spelled hip-hop or hiphop) is both a cultural movement and a genre of music developed in New York City in the 1970s, predominantly by African Americans.[1] Since first emerging in the Bronx, the lifestyle of hip hop culture has today spread around the world. Hip hop music, a form of popular music which grew out of the culture, is also today performed and heard by audiences worldwide. Hip hop as a cultural movement encompasses a wide array of human activities, referred to as elements, including but not limited to DJing, emceeing, breakdance, and graffiti.


Hva du personlig tror bryr jeg meg vel egentlig ikke en pøkk om. Det er en allment anerkjent oppfatning at hip hop er en ungdomskultur som involverer ting som hip hip-musikk, b-boying, turntablism og så videre. Ser ikke helt hvordan du greier å ekstrahere fra posten over at det brukes som et generelt begrep på ungdomskultur. R'n'B og hip hop deler svært mange elementer nå for tiden, og jeg ser absolutt ingen som helst grunn til at r'n'b ikke skal kunne telle som hip hop. De deler blant annet samme hitliste i USA ..

Endret av Loeve
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R'n'B og hip hop deler svært mange elementer nå for tiden, og jeg ser absolutt ingen som helst grunn til at r'n'b ikke skal kunne telle som hip hop. De deler blant annet samme hitliste i USA ..

Hoho, question solved. :wee:


Men om du følger den elementdelingslogikken der, kan du like gjerne kalle Rage Against the Machine eller Linkin Park for hiphop også.

Endret av Thendrup
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