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Hip Hop-tråden - les reglene


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Synes ikke T.I. er noe spess bra jeg.


Co-sign. Ser ikke det helt store med ham.


Anyway, fant igjen en gammel sang fra dagene jeg spilte det første Tony Hawk-spillet. Tror ikke det finnes en ordentlig musikkvideo til låta, så dere kan sjekke ut denne skatevideoen istedet:

Aim feat. YZ - Ain't Got Time To Waste


Vet ikke om noen av dere husker låta, men den gav meg litt nostalgi iallefall :)

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Fordi det ofte er noe mainstream piss.



og da har de rett?



EDIT: 700 innlegg!



Eh, hæ? Rett i hva?

Skjønner ikke helt hva du vil fram til, men fant en flott forklaring for deg:


hip pop




Ja Rule

Puff Daddy

Lil Bow Wow



In other words half-assed "rappers" who claim that they are the shit when the only people that should be receiving credit for their music are the producers. Since they are the ones that create the beats, it doesn't really matter about the music. Any ass clown can get a bomb ass producer and rap about bullshit and make millions of dollars. A prime example is anything off Nelly's latest album or that milkshake song that is on the air right now.


Hip pop artist lyrics mostly include the following topics:


1. Sippin' Cristal Champagne

2. Rollin' in Escalades, Navigators, or other over-priced SUV's.

3. Talkin' about DUB rims or Spinners.

4. Lame ass choruses that includes 20 other rappers singing along from their mediocre label.

5. Talking about how hard the "gang" life was when they were raised in a suburb, not the hood (See Ja Rule).


Hip Pop is bullshit people, it's a marketing tactic that brainwashes the minds of the youth of America into thinking that these lame ass rappers do have good lyrics. If you want good lyrics go listen to the real hip hop:

KRS-One, Mos Def, Gangstarr, Rakim, and Common. Just to name a few.


Most of the so-called "rap" that you hear on the radio is hip pop. What you see on MTV, that's hip pop.



Endret av shizz kebab
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