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You have been selected to recieved this


Official Forum Flame:






[ ] Clueless Newbie

[ ] Loser

[ ] AOLer

[ ] 12 year old

[ ] Troll

[ ] Pervert

[ ] Geek

[ ] Spammer

[ ] Wannabe

[ ] Asskisser

[ ] l337 d00d

[ ] Other:


You Are Being Flamed Because


[ ] You posted a .999_ = 1 thread

[ ] You posted a Release Date thread

[ ] You posted a Patch thread

[ ] You posted an PC vs X-Box thread

[ ] You posted a System Specifications thread

[ ] You posted a (InsertRandomRPG) vs DiabloII thread

[ ] You continued a long, stupid thread

[ ] You committed crimes against pork biproducts

[ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message

[ ] You haven't read the FAQ

[ ] You don't know which forum to post in

[ ] You just plain suck

[ ] You posted false information

[ ] You posted something totally uninteresting

[ ] You doubleposted

[ ] You posted a message all written in CAPS

[ ] You posted racist crap

[ ] I don't like your tone of voice


In Punishment, You Must:


[ ] Give up your AOL Internet account


[ ] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor

[ ] Actually post something relevant

[ ] Read the f****** FAQ

[ ] Be Pat Buchanan's love slave

[ ] Go to your room with no supper

[ ] Apologize to everybody on this forum

[ ] Go stand in the middle of a Highway

[ ] All of the above


In Closing, I'd Like to Say:


[ ] Blow me

[ ] Get a life

[ ] Never post again

[ ] I pity your dog

[ ] Go to hell

[ ] I think your IQ must be 7

[ ] Take your s*** somewhere else


[ ] Learn to post or f*** off

[ ] Go jump into some industrial equipment

[ ] All of the above




The preceding Forum Form Flame was constructed for use on people

not worthy of actual thought or effort in being flamed. People so

STOOPID that a simple copy/paste and a few check marks is all

that's necessary to properly relay the flamer's contempt for the



You have been identified as such a person and as such, this flame

was brought to you in under 10 seconds.


Sucks to be you.

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[ ] Clueless Newbie

[ ] Loser

[ ] AOLer

[X] 12 year old

[ ] Troll

[ ] Pervert

[ ] Geek

[ ] Spammer

[ ] Wannabe

[ ] Asskisser

[ ] l337 d00d

[ ] Other:


You Are Being Flamed Because


[ ] You posted a .999_ = 1 thread

[ ] You posted a Release Date thread

[ ] You posted a Patch thread

[ ] You posted an PC vs X-Box thread

[ ] You posted a System Specifications thread

[ ] You posted a (InsertRandomRPG) vs DiabloII thread

[ ] You continued a long, stupid thread

[ ] You committed crimes against pork biproducts

[ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message

[ ] You haven't read the FAQ

[ ] You don't know which forum to post in

[X] You just plain suck

[ ] You posted false information

[ ] You posted something totally uninteresting

[ ] You doubleposted

[ ] You posted a message all written in CAPS

[ ] You posted racist crap

[ ] I don't like your tone of voice


In Punishment, You Must:


[ ] Give up your AOL Internet account


[ ] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor

[ ] Actually post something relevant

[ ] Read the f****** FAQ

[ ] Be Pat Buchanan's love slave

[ ] Go to your room with no supper

[ ] Apologize to everybody on this forum

[ ] Go stand in the middle of a Highway

[X] All of the above


In Closing, I'd Like to Say:


[ ] Blow me

[ ] Get a life

[ ] Never post again

[ ] I pity your dog

[ ] Go to hell

[ ] I think your IQ must be 7

[ ] Take your s*** somewhere else


[ ] Learn to post or f*** off

[ ] Go jump into some industrial equipment

[X] All of the above



Den var drit bra... .. og må brukes her .. :grin:

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