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Trenger gode råd om router-innstillinger

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Jeg har en Wireless 11G Cable/DSL Gateway, og har ikke annet enn problemer. Håper nå noen her er kapable til å hjelpe meg med noen innstillinger, så jeg kanskje får det til å fungere. Problemet mitt er at jeg hver eneste gang jeg skal logge meg på må putte inn CD'en med Run Discoverty Aplication. Først da vil maskinen "feste" seg til routeren min. Dette med trådløst. På en annen maskin vil den ikke feste seg i det heletatt, og jeg finner den heller ikke med CD'en.


Jeg har win xp home edition, har Tele2 ADSL og har byttet telefonabonnementet til Telio.


Jeg registererer at jeg har diconnected på ISP Gateway Address før jeg har brukt CD'en.


Når jeg endelig har tilkobling, har jeg følgende routerinnstillinger (har satt x'er over enkelte ip-adresser for sikkerhetsskyld):


Access From the Internet

Discard PING from the internet side: Yes

Firewall Switched On: Yes


Internet Settings

PPP over Ethernet Enabled: No

Internet IP Address: 193.xxx.x.xx Dynamic IP

Subnet Mask:

ISP Gateway Address 193.xxx.x.x Connected

DNS: 193.xxx.xx.xx; 193.xxx.x.xx

Remaining Lease Time: 0 days, 03:37:19

MAC Address: 00-0D-54-A4-xx-xx


LAN Settings

LAN IP Address: 192.xxx.x.x

LAN Subnet Mask:

Gateway's DHCP Server: Disabled

DHCP Range: 192.xxx.x.x to 192.xxx.x.xxx

LAN Port MAC Address: 00-0D-54-A4-xx-xx


Wireless Settings

Wireless Networking Enabled: Yes

Channel: 11

Service Area Name/SSID: 3Com

WPA Encryption: Disabled

WEP Encryption: Disabled

Wireless MAC Address: 00-0D-54-A4-xx-xx


Hardware Status

Port - Speed - Duplex

Cable / DSL Port 10 Half Duplex

LAN Port #1 No Link No Link

LAN Port #2 No Link No Link

LAN Port #3 No Link No Link

LAN Port #4 10 Half Duplex



Kan noen hjelpe meg :cry:

Som sagt er ISP blank inntil jeg har satt i CD'en som er beregnet til store problemer. Og jeg får ikke koblet over fra min bærbare som også er trådløs. Fra den får jeg fint koblet til naboen.

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Du kan iallefall med fordel endre denne innstillingen:


Gateway's DHCP Server: Disabled


til Enabled


Så får klientene IP Adresse automatisk fra routeren.

oj, det ser ut til å fungere :thumbup:

Har igjen å restarte maskinen og se om den da kommer seg på nett. Rekker ikke det før i kveld, men dette ser langt lysere ut. Takk!

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ISP Gateway Address 193.xxx.x.x Connected

Finnes det noen fornuftig forklaring på at det ble ISP Gateway Address 193.xx.x.x: Disconnected midt under et spill? Resultatet ble at alt koblet seg ut, og at jeg etterpå får se at det er disconnected.


Legger også med siste delen av loggen. Har ikke greie på dette, men syns det ser litt rart ut:


2004/09/17 20:14:51 : Blocked access attempt from 193.217.xxx.xx

2004/09/17 20:16:29 : Blocked access attempt from 81.224.xxx.xx

2004/09/17 20:16:52 : Blocked access attempt from 193.217.xxx.xxx

2004/09/17 20:17:45 : Blocked access attempt from 80.203.xxx.xx

2004/09/17 20:18:19 : Blocked access attempt from 193.217.xxx.xxx

2004/09/17 20:18:25 : Blocked access attempt from 81.224.xxx.xxx

2004/09/17 20:19:47 : Blocked access attempt from 202.111.xx.x

2004/09/17 20:20:32 : Blocked access attempt from 129.240.xxx.211

2004/09/17 20:23:15 : Blocked access attempt from 81.224.xxx.168

2004/09/17 20:25:55 : Blocked access attempt from 80.146.xxx.31

2004/09/17 20:26:21 : Blocked access attempt from 80.143.xx.61

2004/09/17 20:26:37 : Blocked access attempt from 82.133.xxx.193

2004/09/17 20:27:03 : Blocked access attempt from 81.224.xxx.168

2004/09/17 20:27:56 : Blocked access attempt from 82.133.xxx.193

2004/09/17 20:28:05 : Blocked access attempt from 80.203.xxx.43

2004/09/17 20:28:58 : Blocked access attempt from 81.224.xxx.168

2004/09/17 20:29:10 : Blocked access attempt from 82.133.xxx.193

2004/09/17 20:30:58 : Blocked access attempt from 193.217.xxx.20

2004/09/17 20:31:20 : Blocked access attempt from 81.170.xxx.238

2004/09/17 20:32:22 : Blocked access attempt from 62.231.xx.219

2004/09/17 20:32:25 : Blocked access attempt from 193.217.xxx.109

2004/09/17 20:32:25 : Blocked access attempt from 62.231.xx.219

2004/09/17 20:32:27 : Blocked access attempt from 193.217.xxx.109

2004/09/17 20:32:31 : Blocked access attempt from 62.231.xx.219

2004/09/17 20:33:28 : Blocked access attempt from 81.224.xxx.168

2004/09/17 20:34:21 : Blocked access attempt from 62.231.xx.219

2004/09/17 20:35:24 : Blocked access attempt from 81.224.xxx.168

2004/09/17 20:35:31 : Dhcp client lease invalid.

2004/09/17 20:35:31 : DHCP Client : Send Discover

2004/09/17 20:35:35 : DHCP Client : Send Discover

2004/09/17 20:35:36 : DHCP Client : Receive Offer from 193.217.xxx.1

2004/09/17 20:35:37 : DHCP Client : Receive Offer from 193.217.xxx.1

2004/09/17 20:35:38 : DHCP Client : Send Request, Request IP = 193.xxx.xxx.91

2004/09/17 20:35:42 : DHCP Client : Send Discover

2004/09/17 20:35:50 : DHCP Client : Send Discover

2004/09/17 20:36:06 : DHCP Client : Send Discover

2004/09/17 20:36:37 : DHCP Client : Send Discover

2004/09/17 20:37:12 : Blocked access attempt from 193.217.xxx.158

2004/09/17 20:37:12 : Blocked access attempt from 81.224.xxx.168

2004/09/17 20:37:15 : Blocked access attempt from 193.217.xxx.158

2004/09/17 20:37:16 : Blocked access attempt from 193.217.xxx.251

2004/09/17 20:37:21 : Blocked access attempt from 81.224.xxx.168

2004/09/17 20:37:41 : Dhcp client lease invalid.

2004/09/17 20:37:41 : DHCP Client : Send Discover

2004/09/17 20:37:42 : Blocked access attempt from 193.217.xxx.244

2004/09/17 20:37:45 : DHCP Client : Send Discover

2004/09/17 20:37:53 : DHCP Client : Send Discover

2004/09/17 20:38:08 : DHCP Client : Send Discover

2004/09/17 20:38:09 : Blocked access attempt from 195.216.xxx.122

2004/09/17 20:38:39 : DHCP Client : Send Discover

2004/09/17 20:39:00 : Blocked access attempt from 195.137.xxx.163

2004/09/17 20:39:10 : Blocked access attempt from 81.224.xxx.168

2004/09/17 20:39:38 : Blocked access attempt from 129.240.xxx.211

2004/09/17 20:39:42 : DHCP Client : Send Discover

2004/09/17 20:39:42 : DHCP Client : Receive Offer from 193.217.xxx.1

2004/09/17 20:39:43 : DHCP Client : Receive Offer from 193.217.xxx.1

2004/09/17 20:39:44 : DHCP Client : Send Request, Request IP = 193.217.xxx.91

2004/09/17 20:39:47 : DHCP Client : Send Discover

2004/09/17 20:39:55 : DHCP Client : Send Discover

2004/09/17 20:40:01 : Blocked access attempt from 217.232.xxx.55

2004/09/17 20:40:10 : DHCP Client : Send Discover

2004/09/17 20:40:14 : Blocked access attempt from 193.217.xxx.104

2004/09/17 20:40:42 : DHCP Client : Send Discover

2004/09/17 20:40:43 : DHCP Client : Receive Ack from 193.217.xxx.1, Lease time = 18000

2004/09/17 20:40:44 : Dhcp client renew

2004/09/17 20:40:44 : Get Ip = 193.217.xxx.91

2004/09/17 20:40:44 : Get Netmask = 255.255.xxx.0

2004/09/17 20:40:44 : Get Gateway[0] = 193.xxx.0.1

2004/09/17 20:40:44 : Get Dns[0] = 193.216.xxx.12

2004/09/17 20:40:44 : Get Dns[1] = 193.xxx.x.12

2004/09/17 20:42:23 : login Unsuccessful

2004/09/17 20:42:28 : login Unsuccessful

2004/09/17 20:42:33 : login Unsuccessful

2004/09/17 20:42:40 : login Unsuccessful

2004/09/17 20:42:46 : login Unsuccessful

2004/09/17 20:43:05 : login Unsuccessful

2004/09/17 20:43:31 : login Unsuccessful

2004/09/17 20:43:34 : login Unsuccessful

2004/09/17 20:43:43 : login Unsuccessful

2004/09/17 20:43:45 : login Unsuccessful

2004/09/17 20:43:46 : login Unsuccessful

2004/09/17 20:43:46 : login Unsuccessful

2004/09/17 20:44:38 : login Successful

2004/09/17 20:45:20 : Blocked access attempt from 195.216.xxx.122

2004/09/17 20:45:46 : Blocked access attempt from 82.133.xxx.193

2004/09/17 20:46:11 : Blocked access attempt from 194.248.xxx.57

2004/09/17 20:46:12 : Blocked access attempt from 80.146.xxx.31

2004/09/17 20:46:33 : Blocked access attempt from 82.133.xxx.193

2004/09/17 20:46:55 : Blocked access attempt from 80.146.xxx.31

2004/09/17 20:47:51 : Blocked access attempt from 69.93.xxx.51

2004/09/17 20:48:15 : Blocked access attempt from 81.224.xxx.168

2004/09/17 20:48:50 : Blocked access attempt from 82.133.xxx.193

2004/09/17 20:49:09 : Blocked access attempt from 80.146.xxx.31

2004/09/17 20:49:29 : Blocked access attempt from 193.217.xxx.109

2004/09/17 20:49:48 : Blocked access attempt from 129.240.xxx.211

2004/09/17 20:49:49 : Blocked access attempt from 127.0.xxx.1

2004/09/17 20:49:51 : Blocked access attempt from 129.240.xxx.211

2004/09/17 20:50:06 : Blocked access attempt from 127.0.xxx.1

2004/09/17 20:50:33 : Blocked access attempt from 80.146.xxx.31

2004/09/17 20:50:46 : 192.xxx.xxx.25 login Successful

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