Steezo Skrevet 16. september 2004 Del Skrevet 16. september 2004 Tar dette på Engelsk, håper det er greit for massene Check this one out: In America, there is a service on the internet, whereby, deaf people can make phone calls to people using the internet. Because the deaf person cannot ring the person they wish to talk to directly, they type their message through an "IP RELAY" on the internet. How this works is, the deaf person types his message along with the number they wish to send the message to, and a human operator working for the IP RELAY company rings this persons number, and reads the deaf persons message to them. This service is totally free to use in America, and recently, some people have been abusing the service with calls just to make people laugh, sending messages to their friends etc, and getting the operators to say stupid/vulgar things in the messages. Anyway, someone has saved loads of phone messages and saved them on the internet to listen to. They are hilarious. Some are crap but the ending for nr 100 is gold Lenke til kommentar
Beop Skrevet 16. september 2004 Del Skrevet 16. september 2004 Og HVORFOR poster du dette her? Lenke til kommentar
Black Star Skrevet 16. september 2004 Del Skrevet 16. september 2004 Totalt irrelevant for kategorien. Stenges. Lenke til kommentar
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