Hjelptrengerjeg Skrevet 2. september 2004 Del Skrevet 2. september 2004 Heisann! Har kjøpt cam og mic til PC'n, men får ikke lyden til å virke på msn! Hadde håpa på å snakka med dama som er i statene fortida! Veldig taknemlig om noen som visste hva som må gjøres. Mvh Han fra åsen Lenke til kommentar
wil Skrevet 3. september 2004 Del Skrevet 3. september 2004 har du ordna alle de riktige instillingene under lyden i kontrolpanel da? skrudd opp lyden på micen og sånn? Lenke til kommentar
Tommy Dreamer Skrevet 3. september 2004 Del Skrevet 3. september 2004 Hvis du har gjort som wil skrev over her, så se i denne linken og åpne de portene som står der: http://www.pcflank.com/fw_rules_for_app.htm?appid=87 Og denne linken: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q278887 ://http://support.microsoft.com/defaul...EN-US;q278887 En mail jeg fikk fra Microsoft da jeg spurte dem om hvordan jeg fikk til lyd på MSN: 1. Make sure that the computer you are using has the latest DirectX drivers. Please visit http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx? FamilyID=141d5f9e-07c1-462a-baef-5eab5c851cf5&displaylang=en then follow the on screen instruction. 2. Sound card may not be updated. Visit the sound card manufacturer’s websites and download the latest drivers. 3. Make sure that the router you are using have the latest firmware from the router manufacturer's web site. 4. If you have the latest updates for your router, turn on UPnP in the NAT if that is an option. I suggest that you contact the router manufacturer to enable UPnP. Note: If you are not sure what type of NAT you have, ask your computer manufacturer/NAT vendor, or your ISP (Internet Service Provider). Consult your network administrator if you are connected to a corporate network. 5. Open UDP Ports 5004 – 65535 on the NAT or firewall in order to enable an audio conversation. 6. Disable IP Security (IPSec): Note: You can only perform step 1 if your computer is running Windows 2000 or XP and make sure that you sign in on your computer using the administrator account to make sure you are allowed to access the 'Administrative Tools'. a. Go to Control Panel b. On Windows XP, switch to Classic view - To switch to a Classic View: b1. Right-click over the desktop window and select Properties. b2. Under the Themes tab, click the Theme: pull-down menu and then select 'Windows Classic (View) b3. Click Ok button. c. Open Administrative Tools d. Choose Services to open the Services management console. e. Scroll down to IPSec and right click and choose Stop to disable the IP Sec service. 7. Clear the QoS Packet Scheduler check box. a. Click Start, and then click Control Panel. b. Click Network and Internet connections, and then click Network Connections. c. Right-click the icon for the network or Internet connection, and then click Properties. d. Clear the QoS Packet Scheduler check box, and then restart the computer. Note: For more information about QoS, visit http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/hwdev/tech/n...os/default.mspx 8. If you also installed any 3rd party software or add-ons for MSN Messenger (i.e. Messenger Plus or Smiley Central from FunWebProducts), please remove it immediately from your computer. MSN has investigated reports that some third party add-in applications are causing the MSN Messenger application to suffer degraded performance and varying degrees of unstable operation. The .NET Messenger Service is an instant messaging service run by Microsoft. To provide a high-quality service to our users, and to help protect the network that runs the Messenger Service, only instant messaging clients and services Microsoft has tested and licensed are authorized for use with the Service. Lenke til kommentar
Rockmann Skrevet 3. september 2004 Del Skrevet 3. september 2004 Heisann!Har kjøpt cam og mic til PC'n, men får ikke lyden til å virke på msn! Hadde håpa på å snakka med dama som er i statene fortida! Veldig taknemlig om noen som visste hva som må gjøres. Mvh Han fra åsen jo en ting bruk webcam på msn og skype for prating last ned skype på www.skype.com funker hver gang til hele verden Lenke til kommentar
B4stian Skrevet 3. september 2004 Del Skrevet 3. september 2004 Heisann!Har kjøpt cam og mic til PC'n, men får ikke lyden til å virke på msn! Hadde håpa på å snakka med dama som er i statene fortida! Veldig taknemlig om noen som visste hva som må gjøres. Mvh Han fra åsen husk med webkamera-funksjonen visees kun video, men med videokonferanse får du både lyd og bilde! Lenke til kommentar
Hjelptrengerjeg Skrevet 4. september 2004 Forfatter Del Skrevet 4. september 2004 Hvis du har gjort som wil skrev over her, så se i denne linken og åpne de portene som står der: http://www.pcflank.com/fw_rules_for_app.htm?appid=87 Og denne linken: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q278887 ://http://support.microsoft.com/defaul...EN-US;q278887 ://http://support.microsoft.com/defaul...EN-US;q278887 En mail jeg fikk fra Microsoft da jeg spurte dem om hvordan jeg fikk til lyd på MSN: 1. Make sure that the computer you are using has the latest DirectX drivers. Please visit http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx? FamilyID=141d5f9e-07c1-462a-baef-5eab5c851cf5&displaylang=en then follow the on screen instruction. 2. Sound card may not be updated. Visit the sound card manufacturer’s websites and download the latest drivers. 3. Make sure that the router you are using have the latest firmware from the router manufacturer's web site. 4. If you have the latest updates for your router, turn on UPnP in the NAT if that is an option. I suggest that you contact the router manufacturer to enable UPnP. Note: If you are not sure what type of NAT you have, ask your computer manufacturer/NAT vendor, or your ISP (Internet Service Provider). Consult your network administrator if you are connected to a corporate network. 5. Open UDP Ports 5004 – 65535 on the NAT or firewall in order to enable an audio conversation. 6. Disable IP Security (IPSec): Note: You can only perform step 1 if your computer is running Windows 2000 or XP and make sure that you sign in on your computer using the administrator account to make sure you are allowed to access the 'Administrative Tools'. a. Go to Control Panel b. On Windows XP, switch to Classic view - To switch to a Classic View: b1. Right-click over the desktop window and select Properties. b2. Under the Themes tab, click the Theme: pull-down menu and then select 'Windows Classic (View) b3. Click Ok button. c. Open Administrative Tools d. Choose Services to open the Services management console. e. Scroll down to IPSec and right click and choose Stop to disable the IP Sec service. 7. Clear the QoS Packet Scheduler check box. a. Click Start, and then click Control Panel. b. Click Network and Internet connections, and then click Network Connections. c. Right-click the icon for the network or Internet connection, and then click Properties. d. Clear the QoS Packet Scheduler check box, and then restart the computer. Note: For more information about QoS, visit http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/hwdev/tech/n...os/default.mspx 8. If you also installed any 3rd party software or add-ons for MSN Messenger (i.e. Messenger Plus or Smiley Central from FunWebProducts), please remove it immediately from your computer. MSN has investigated reports that some third party add-in applications are causing the MSN Messenger application to suffer degraded performance and varying degrees of unstable operation. The .NET Messenger Service is an instant messaging service run by Microsoft. To provide a high-quality service to our users, and to help protect the network that runs the Messenger Service, only instant messaging clients and services Microsoft has tested and licensed are authorized for use with the Service. Tror problemet mitt er at jeg ikke har åpna den porten for audio comunication, men hvordan åpner jeg den da? MvH HAn fra åsen PS: Takk for all hjelpen så langt Lenke til kommentar
Hjelptrengerjeg Skrevet 6. september 2004 Forfatter Del Skrevet 6. september 2004 Halla, tror jeg har fått orden på det andre nå, men hvordan åpne UDP portene og må jeg gjøre noe for å åpne for port 6901??? 5. Open UDP Ports 5004 – 65535 on the NAT or firewall in order to enable an audio conversation. Lenke til kommentar
finfyr Skrevet 27. september 2004 Del Skrevet 27. september 2004 Ja, hva må en gjøre. Får heller ikke snakket med folk utenfor det lokale nettverket. Har ikke åpnet noen porter. Funker det med Skype selv om en ikke åpner porter? Lenke til kommentar
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