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Gmail donasjon; holdningsendring

Anbefalte innlegg

når jeg prøver å logge inn på gmailen så bare står den på "loading".

vet dere hva som er galt? :cry:

Dette er hva Gmail sier selv:


There might be a number of reasons why the "Loading" screen doesn't change.


Here are some potential causes and solutions:



If you are using Internet security or personal firewall software, we suggest you disable it for troubleshooting purposes.



If you are using Internet Explorer, please follow these steps to reset your browser's preferences:


1. From the Tools menu at the top of your browser, select 'Internet Options'

2. From the Privacy tab, select 'Low'

3. Select 'Edit' and type 'google.com' into the 'Address of Website' field

4. Select 'Accept' to override the handling of particular cookies

5. From the Security tab, check that the setting is at 'Medium' or lower

6. Click 'OK' to accept changes



Clearing a browser's cache often helps resolve Gmail log in problems. To clear your browser's cache in IE, please follow these steps:


1. Close all open browser windows, and then open a new one

2. From the Tools menu at the top of your browser, select 'Internet Options'

3. From the General tab at the top of the dialog box, select 'Temporary Internet files' > 'Delete Files'

4. Check the 'Delete all offline content' box

5. Click 'OK' and close your browser window to complete the process


Finally, close your browser window, and open another to log in to Gmail. If you are able to log in to your Gmail account, you can try raising the Privacy setting to 'Low' or 'Medium.'


If you continue to experience problems logging in, please let us know by clicking 'contact us' below.

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Takk for mailen Zethyr.

Har fått invites på kontoen min, men linken er rød og ingenting skjer når jeg trykker på den? (Må innrømme at jeg har ikke undersøkt problemet men hvis noen her vet hva det betyr så....) :shrug:

Må si jeg er skuffet over at gmail også ikke fungerer med Opera :(

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