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Men hvordan har 'w00t' blitt til?

w00t belongs to gamers the world over. It seems to have been derived from the obselete 'whoot' which essentially is another way to say 'hoot' which itself is a shout or derisive laugh. But others maintain that w00t is the sound several players make while jumping like bunnies in Quake III. Still others want you to believe that it comes from the phrase 'wow loot' used in multiplayer RPGs many moons ago. And if you can believe it some folks even think it was derived from the gaming phrase, 'We Own the Other Team!' Fiction or fact? I suppose you'll just have to decide what 'w00t!' means to you...


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Jeg lurer på hvordan de finner hvor mange seere de har som ser på ett program.

Hørt at de har plasert ut x antall sånn duppditter som registrer hvilken kanal en ser på hos en del frivillige personer.. :hmm:

Edit: leif

Jepp. Stemmer. Naboen har slik. Slipper å betale NRK-lisens fordi de har "bryet" med å ha duppeditten i huset :p

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