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"Don't let daddy kiss me - don't let daddy kiss me - goodnight.

- Motorhead


"I wanna be rich and famous - I wanna be just the same as - the stars that shine on a christmas tree"

- The Sensational Alex Harvey Band


"There's nothing like a gang bang - there's nothing like a gang bang - to take the blues away"

- The Sensational Alex Harvey band


"oh look there's a rape machine - i'd go outside if he'd look the other way - you wouldn't believe - the things they do

- Gary Numan


"Is there still a moment somewhere - That will surprise us with its tricks?"

- Hawkwind

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"Nobody business if I walk, talk, make luv scene but I'm able to love"

-Benni Benassi (Able To Love)


"She had a light skinned friend, looked like Michael Jackson. Had a dark-skinned friend, looked like Michael Jackson"

-Kanye West (Slow Jamz)

Endret av Jerre
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