Wheeli Skrevet 13. august 2004 Del Skrevet 13. august 2004 Juiceboosted.com er ikke noe annet en ren svindel, og tråden har värt flittig diskutert opp og ned hos www.scam.com Firmaet opererer med en kontoradresse som er virtuell, telefonnummeret som oppgis er et såkalt viderekoblingsnummer. Selskapet gir garantier som er umulig å holde. Men jeg anbefaler å gå inn på overnevnte adresse og lese hele den lange tråden på ulike elementer som har blitt avslört og som man må stille seg sterkt kritisk til. Her er en oppsummering av det som har framkommet om Juice Boosted: ***sakset fra www.scam.com*** This is mostly a test, someone said via PM they are having difficulty with the thread. I am checking to see if it still works. The pro/con list is buried again. For those of you who don’t want to back read. This is the current list. For the pros here, feel free to suggest a pro. Ways that you can help shut down the JuiceB scam listed at the bottom. The complete list so far regarding Juiceboosted.com: pro: 1. con: 1. Tech compression is unreasonable. 2. Sideline techs equally unreasonable. (Blocking spam, 404, ability to determine age of chat room users(!) etc...) 3. MLM. Suspicious in itself. 4. Lots of $$$$$$$ on the page. 5. Signing affiliates is bigger than the actual product. A product they cannot in fact have as it is technologically unviable! 6. The money they would have to pay out. Works out to over 2 billion GBP for 80 million sign ups in October. No known source of funding, nor will they discuss this with affiliates when directly asked. 7. Theft of a Web site and implied relation to a known company. 8. That known company stating they are not related and stating they are taking legal action. This is OnSpeed.com who are suing them for copyright infringement and who tried to shut them down several times only to have them slyly change hosts. 9. Lack of security on the Web site. The sign up page where you give bank details is not secure and at the mercy of any passing hacker. 10. Amateur Web site code. 11. Cheap Web server, not even their own. Ironic from a company that 'plans' to do nothing less than 'revolutionize' the entire Internet with their alleged hi-tech capability! Dream on. 12. Vapourware. 13. Lack of contact. (E-mail, and telephone). They will answer e-mail but only to give promo advice. They pointedly ignore questions about payout ability or funding resources. The telephones are unmanned with recorded messages. 14. Fake business address. Operate from a multi-used maildrop. 15. Constant drilling that there is “no risk” or is “free” every 4th or 5th line. 16. Lack of legalese such as fine print and language like “up to 2mb.” 17. Lack of hard rmation about the site. 18. A business model that would require the ability to stay profitable with 80 million free for life accounts. They claim their system is 'encoded' with multiple points of revenue but will not elaborate on these when asked to. 19. No registration with Dunn & Bradstreet. 20. No evidence of incorporation. 21. No evidence of 23 patents. (Though technically even if they did, patents are not a pro) 22. SKBi programming group doesn’t seem to exist. (Mind control site has wrong caps on abbreviation, Google doesn't list any other likely candidates.) Amazing really to think any company supposedly behind this has NO Web site of its own, nor is listed on Google, the largest search engine! Go figure! For details or clarification on any of these, feel free to ask. If you're still in any doubt, visit the broadband forum for a systematic demolishing of all JuiceB's tech claims by Karl Bode, an experienced broadband magazine editor well clued-up on such matters: http://www.dslreports.com/shownews/51529 Please then return to this posting and help us by contacting the various regulatory bodies below so we can get JuiceB shut down ASAP. Links to help shut JuiceB down. Trading Standards: http://www.tradingstandards.gov.uk Ofcom http://www.ofcom.org.uk/contact_ofc...complaint_query Advertising Standards Authority (they have a complaints form in the "contact us" section) http://www.asa.org.uk/index.asp Police: http://www.met.police.uk/fraudalert/ Watchdog Consumer Protection: http://www.bbc.co.uk/watchdog/contact/computers.shtml Office of Fair Trading: Please e-mail them at [email protected] Then follow up with a FAX. From the UK use: 0207 211 8877 From the US, use: 01144 207 211 8877 From most other places: 044 207 211 8877 Please be detailed and use a subject line such as Juiceboosted or JuiceB scam alert. I advise against saying 'Juice' as there is a company by such a name who have NO connection with Juiceboosted, so to be safe, please make the suggested distinction above in all reference to JuiceB/boosted. Thanks to all who add their weight to the above. ****** Mvh. Wheeli Lenke til kommentar
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