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Sitter her nå med en god del adrenalin i kroppen, etter det jeg vil karaktisere som en av de merkeligste opplevelsene i mitt liv.


I det siste, har enkelte lys, som jeg har vært bombesikker på at har vært av eller på, enten vært påslått eller avslått, som om noen andre har gjort det. Dører som nettopp var åpne har lukket seg igjen. Jeg har bare trodd jeg var paranoid, helt til idag. Sto i dusjen, og hørte et helvettes rabalder fra vaskerommet som er vegg i vegg med badet nede. Jeg tenkte bare at det var muttern som var tidlig hjemme, eller søster som var på besøk. Etter rabalderet ble døra til vaskerommet stengt hardt igjen. Og noen prøvde å komme seg inn døra på badet, som jeg hadde låst. Etter dette hørte jeg mange rare lyder. Men tenkte at det var en av de to alternativene jeg tenkte. Så ser jeg ut vinduet, INGEN biler er her. Går ut av badet, alle dører inn i huset er låst. Begynner å produsere litt redsels adrenalin, går opp trappen til rommet mitt for å kle på meg, idet jeg når toppen av trappen, åpner en dør som er 2 meter foran meg seg opp uten hjelp av verken gjennomtrekk eller menneskelig kraft. Døra til søstra mi sitt rom, som nå er flyttet, som ikke var igjenlukket før, var nå stengt så inni helvette hardt igjen.


Dette er en hendelse som gjør meg bombesikker på at det fins no mer mellom himmel og jord enn vi vet om.

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Nope.. jeg mente det.... Eksdama opplevde samme greiene.. Og katta kunne plutselig kore og klikke mentalt uten grunn i det huset der... Mye rart jeg opplevde der liksom... Så derfor det slo meg. :)

Vi hadde ei katt før, som er dø av kreft nå. Kunne ligge og kose med den i et øyeblikk, så klikka den mentalt og du måtte rive den løs fra armen din....





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– Det er alltid ett menneske som er utløsende, men det kan ha med mellommenneskelige konflikter å gjøre. Det er ikke noe som vedkommende selv bevisst vet om, eller noe ondsinnet som ligger bak. De er sensitive, og stenger kanskje noe inne.

– Men hvordan kan en slik spenning begynne å flytte rundt på ting?

– Der er vi inne på noe veldig interessant. Du vet; tanken er en veldig sterk energi. Tanker kan flytte ting. Det har blitt forsket på det blant annet i gamle Sovjetunionen.

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The word Poltergeist is German for 'Noisy Spirit' and this particular phenomenon has been recorded for many years. This is probably the most destructive and terrifying of all paranormal activity. British paranormal investigator, Harry Price didn't hold back his objectives. Price stated that poltergeist can be cruel and spiteful. He also stated ghosts seem to haunt where poltergeists infest. There is a possibility that the haunting phenomenon and the poltergeist phenomenon may not be related, however, there does not seem to be enough scientific evidence for such a theory. Some scientific establishments refer to poltergeist activity as being caused by a suppression of sexual energy which is often found in adolescents.


Poltergeist are known to have attempted communication audibly or by writing, even though most messages are malicious. The most common question is that, do these incidents occur from a single entity or from within the witnesses themselves? Children have been known to have been attacked or maimed by unseen forces, and also injured by flying projectiles. Houses have been plagued with a constant pelting of small rocks and stones. Formings are also known to have occurred during this type of activity such as, water, oil, tar and even on the odd occasion blood. Most haunting's refer to haunted places; poltergeists have been described as haunted people. The extra-ordinary and often destructive action of poltergeists is usually attributed to one person around whom the phenomenon focuses. This has given rise to the theory that poltergeists are either internally generated by people in a state of stress or that external discarnate entities are able to latch on to one particular person through whom they then act. By its nature, poltergeist activity is probably the most frequently reported type of haunting and is a world wide phenomenon which dates back centuries beyond centuries.


Poltergeists have been referred to as, Ghosts, Elemental's, Entities, Agencies, Secondary Personalities, Intelligence's, Powers, Spirits, Imps and so on..............

One thing these all share is certain unpleasant characteristics. Where as the ordinary ghost of our story books is :- quiet, inoffensive, timid, noiseless, and benevolent. The poltergeist is usually the opposite. There are many differing effect of poltergeist activity. They are often :- mischievous, destructive, noisy, cruel, erratic, thievish, demonstrative, purposeless, cunning, unhelpful, malicious, audacious, teasing, ill-disposed, spiteful, ruthless, resourceful, vampiric and much more. In all circumstances alleged ghosts usually prefer solitude where as a poltergeist prefers company. A ghost seeks the half light where as the poltergeist will perform on the sunniest of days, (as it may have in the Gardners home).


We find that the term poltergeist is a compound of the German verb 'polter' "To make a noise by knocking or tumbling things about, to knock or rattle, to scold or blister". The noun 'geist', a ghost. The noun 'polter' or 'polterer' is a blusterer, bully, hector, roisterer, or noisy person. Interesting derivatives are 'polterzimmer', a room set aside for children, where they can make a noise, smash their toys and work off their anger. Polterabend is the night before a wedding, on which occur noisy demonstrations by young people of both sexes, who smash things outside the bride's house. Poltergeist infestations or visitations begin quite inexplicably, run their course and then cease as mysteriously as they begun. An adolescent (more often a girl than a boy) is almost invariably present in the affected household, and this young person appears to be the nexus and attraction of the occurrences. Should he or she be moved at the height of strange happenings, the disturbances will sometimes move with the adolescent and reappear wherever he or she goes. It seems likely that there is a psychological basis, but physical objects have undoubtedly moved under conditions which preclude may psychologists theories and it may be that an unusual combination of psychological tension, sexual awakening, physical energy and intense (but possibly unconscious) concentration and single - mindedness may produce a poltergeist. The one comforting thought is that poltergeist disturbances do not usually last for very long.


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Some object are seen to fly through the air slowly and then crash to the ground, however there are those who say that they have seen objects fly through the air very fast and then the have fallen very hard to the floor and not broken when they should have done. Some objects are found to be hot or warm to the touch, indicating molecular manipulation. Especially those objects that have seemed to pass through walls or ceilings. Some object fall to the floor as if they had an unnatural trajectory. There are those who believe in the fourth dimension theory. Some poltergeists have even thrown stones at windows from outside. When the case was investigated by the police. They found the stones to be scrubbed clean. Even more unusual was that there were no stones like this for miles around. Witnesses also reported seeing the stones pass through a previous whole in the window as if the stones had guided themselves in some way. Object are rarely seen to travel upwards, this may indicate a more difficult poltergeist action.



Som det står over, polterigeist er en paranormalitet. Paranormale evner forbindes med det psykiske og tankegangen til hjernen. Bare en tanke når det gjelder det å flytte ting med hjernen. Og er det noen som har sett filmen "Ghost"? med demi moore. Der dør typen hennes og blir igjen på jorden som spøkelse. For henne fremtrår han som poltergeist. Og der brukeshjernen for å flytte ting. Så lenge han prøver å bruke hånda går det til helvete. (ja film påvirker. :p)

Endret av Mac-Gyver
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