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Linux-kompatibelt WLAN-kort (pcmcia)

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skal fc2 oppdage trådløskort og konfigurere dem automagisk vha kudzu? Hvordan laster jeg denne driveren? Hva er beste framgangsmåte hvis jeg vil teste om et kort virker?


lspci viste det som "Linksys"


Vil helst slippe å betale mer enn 300 kr for kortet - vil ha hele oppsettet for maks 1000 (kort+ethernet-wlan-bridge(også kalt accesspoint))

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Ved nermere undersøkelse er det dette kortet som gjelder:




Evt. dette (ikke at jeg tror det er noe å satse på - jeg kjenner flere som har det, og ikke får det til på linux):



Noen linker angående det første kortet:


http://www.ussg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/ker...211.3/0532.html og svaret: http://www.ussg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/ker...211.3/0534.html


Fyren øverst påstår at det virker (i suse 8.0) (til og med med flere forskjellige drivere - både orinoco og wlan-ng), men han kaller det SMC2632 - uten W. (noen steder. andre har han med W, så...)


Kan det stemme at det holder å dra en "modprobe orinoco_cs" - cs pga pcmcia ?

wlan-ng virker det som jeg må patche kernel for (eller i alle fall oppdatere)


Dette ble litt rotete. skrev det mens jeg tenkte, over en viss tid...

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Noen som ser noen ulemper med å parre kortet med denne ruteren:



Istedet for denne basestasjonen:



De koster det samme, og det burde da ikke være noe problem å sette den i accesspunkt-modus? Da har jeg en ekstra switch (eliminerer et par ekstra paralelle kabler jeg har slengende) samt en ruter hvis jeg skulle trenge det i framtiden (har i dag smootwall pga ISDN, men ved bredbånd er det ikke usannsynelig at den ryker ut)

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Endte på en:


SMC 2635 W nettkort (adm8211) og en D-link DWL 700 AP. Ser ut til å virke fin-fint det :D

Har dog enda ikke satt på kryptering, men vurderer å nøye meg med MAC + kansje SSH-tunell. Hvordan får jeg til dette? (WEP er bare tull uansett)

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Har du kortet? Skal (driver og) skriver en bitteliten howto - skal poste den (blant annet her) iløpet av dagen (eller et par dager)


Nei ikke ut-av-boksen, måtte installere en driver. Men det virker fint (med unntak av hot-un-plugging).


For ut av boksen se på prism-baserte kort etc. Men jeg ville kjøpe over disk ved ComputerCity, de hadde et billig kort (250 kr) samt at jeg kunne levere tilbake innen 30 dager hvis det ikke funket.


Sitter btw og skriver dette på lappisen i hagen med kun muse-ledningen koplet til :p

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The SMC 2535 W HOWTO (ADM8211 chipset) for Fedora Core 2


This howto describes how to install the SMC 2535 W PCMCIA wireless adapter on Fedora Core 2. It could probably be adapted to other compatible adapters and distributions as well, but this is the equipment i have used.


What you need:

- A wlan pcmcia card with the adm 8211 chipset, such as the SMC 2535

- A 2.6.6 kernel or better (i used the Redhat binary/source rpm version "2.6.7-1.494.2.2", which you can download manually, or with a tool such as yum or apt. You need the kernel-source, the kernel (can be generated from the source, but that is outside the scope of this document). While your at it, grab the documentation as well.

- GCC and friends. Can be installed from the CD, or using "system-config-packages" and installing "development tools" from there.

- kudzu - the redhat hardware detection and installation tool. (installed by default)

- neat alias system-config-network - the redhat network set-up gui (installed by default?)

- The drivers. I personally use the "adm8211-20040731" version, which you can download from:




There is also a forum (or at least a thread) dedicated to the drivers, just take a look at:




Okay, so this is what we are doing:


1. Install the new kernel if needed. Install the development-tools. Reboot into the new kernel, and make sure everything else works as intended. When it does, remove the extra entry for the old kernel in /etc/grub.conf so you dont boot it - it will make your card inpossible to connect.


2. Get the latest drivers from this site:




Make sure you read the "INSTALL" file included - the procedure may have changed.


Unzip the driver, and fire up your terminal. Then do:


- Login as root, including its paths:

$ su -

<type root-password followed by enter>

- cd into the path where you unzipped the drivers

# cd /path/to/drivers/

- Compile and install the drivers (this may take a minute)

# make install

- If everything went well - load the newly installed driver

# modprobe adm8211

- Then run kudzu in order to set up and configure the new network device. Make shure the card is connected and the "PWR/ACT" light is on.

# kudzu

- Log out of the terminal. Press control-D until you are logged out.


The card has now been installed, and you may configure it through the "system-config-network" alias "neat" GUI. To open it, run "neat" from the run-dialogue, or simply click RedHat-menu -> system-settings -> network


You will see your new device there. Select it and push "edit" in order to bring up the configuration dialogue.


Tips: If you are using gnome, you can activate the wifi applet on the taskbar. In order to do it, right-click the taskbar, click add to panel -> Internet -> wireless lan monitoring (or something like that - my desktop is in Norwegian.


Known bugs in the driver (as for 6/8):

- Hot-up-plugging does'nt work - don't try to disconnect the card while the pc is running.

It seems this is due to a bug making the kernel-module (driver) impossible to unload

once loaded. (unless you have the same pc as the person who made the drivers. YMMV)


This howto was written by Kyrre Ness Sjøbæk. For suggestions etc, contact me on:

kyrre [a-with-a-circle] solution-forge [period] net

Endret av kyrsjo
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