sull Skrevet 31. juli 2004 Del Skrevet 31. juli 2004 Les topic. Hva kan problemet være ? Lenke til kommentar
e321 Skrevet 31. juli 2004 Del Skrevet 31. juli 2004 sjekk rammen, og full hardisk. Eller spyware, hvis du har f.eks kazaa. Lenke til kommentar
Jim Rager Skrevet 31. juli 2004 Del Skrevet 31. juli 2004 Hørest it som adware/spyware dette ja. prøv ad-aware eller søk me antivirus programmet ditt Lenke til kommentar
Equerm Skrevet 31. juli 2004 Del Skrevet 31. juli 2004 Dette hørest ut som virus, spyware eller adware, prøve med en virus sjekk, og en spyware sjekk med f.eks ad-aware. Lenke til kommentar
Peder82 Skrevet 31. juli 2004 Del Skrevet 31. juli 2004 har ikke windows sin standard driver for skjermkort inne? :!: Lenke til kommentar
sull Skrevet 31. juli 2004 Forfatter Del Skrevet 31. juli 2004 (endret) Jeg har nå utført en Ad-aware 6 kontroll og den fant 31 items i kategorien Data miner... de fleste heter noe med cookies....noen som har peil? Hvordan sjekke RAM'en for feil forresten? Endret 31. juli 2004 av sull Lenke til kommentar
apwr Skrevet 31. juli 2004 Del Skrevet 31. juli 2004 Du kan bruke memtest86...(memtest) Lenke til kommentar
Erijk Skrevet 1. august 2004 Del Skrevet 1. august 2004 Jeg har nå utført en Ad-aware 6 kontroll og den fant 31 items i kategorien Data miner... de fleste heter noe med cookies....noen som har peil? Hvordan sjekke RAM'en for feil forresten? Det er tracking cookies , noe du får når du besøker websider, det er ikke så farlig. kjør spybot search and destroy ! å ta en oppdater virusprogrammet ditt, å kjør den Lenke til kommentar
sull Skrevet 1. august 2004 Forfatter Del Skrevet 1. august 2004 Takker for alle svar Lenke til kommentar
*MIB*Viking Skrevet 1. august 2004 Del Skrevet 1. august 2004 Adaware og Spybot er noe tull- Bulletproof Spyware remover finner mye mer enn de andre programmene til sammen! Lenke til kommentar
Syar-2003 Skrevet 1. august 2004 Del Skrevet 1. august 2004 Adaware og Spybot er noe tull- Bulletproof Spyware remover finner mye mer enn de andre programmene til sammen! Da tror jeg ikke du har satt deg ordentlig inn i versjon 1.3 av spybot . Kikk litt i advanced settings og tools der , og du vil få deg et par overaskelser av hvor mye mere som ligger i spybot 1.3 enn en spy-scan. ... Lenke til kommentar
*MIB*Viking Skrevet 1. august 2004 Del Skrevet 1. august 2004 Har kjørt ALT av Adaware OG v1.3 av Spybot! Har DU prøvd Bulletproof Spyware Remover? I pakken er det popup stopper og hele pakka- jeg kjørte dette ETTER Adaware v6.181 og Spybot 1.3 og fant 81 items som lå og bremsa PCn!! Lenke til kommentar
Syar-2003 Skrevet 1. august 2004 Del Skrevet 1. august 2004 (endret) Jo jeg har prøvd bulletproof . Men siden jeg har såpass tett system og mye fokus på spyware prevensjon er/har jeg aldri vært stort plaget av noe unntatt tracer cookies egentlig. Så jeg kan liksom ikke gi den noen karakter for scanning og deteksjon kontra spybot. Det jeg sier er at 1.3 er litt mere enn en spyware scanner . Mye mer faktisk , og tror det er få der ute som egentlig har fått det med seg . Og bruker spybot kun hvis uhellet er ute til scanning av systemet. Som: Immunize Beginning from version 1.2, Spybot-S&D allows you to immunize your computer against some spyware. It currently offers three different immunities: Permanent Internet Explorer immunity Similar to JavaCools SpywareBlaster, this allows you to tweak some internal Internet Explorer settings to block the installation of known spyware (and similar threats) installers. Spybot-S&D is able to set all entries for those that are in its database to be blocked. If you want to distinguish, you should install SpywareBlaster. Permanently running bad download blocker for Internet Explorer This is a second layer of protection for IE. While the Permanent Immunity blocks installers by their ActiveX ID, this one blocks anything that should come through by different aspects. You can view a log of blocked installers in the Tools / Resident section. Permanent Opera immunity This list shows all Opera profiles, and how many of the plugins that Spybot-S&D knows as bad are already blocked in each profile. To set the complete protection, just tick the checkbox in front of the profile you want to protect. To remove the protection, untick the checkbox. Not many browser plugins are currently working for Opera, but the try to install some may crash Opera, and ActiveX support for Opera is available in third-party beta software, so use this function as a pre-caution against future misuse of Opera through spyware. Secure shredder tool The secure shredder is a tool to get finally rid of files, without any further possibilities of recovery. Resident Tools Resident is a permanently running application to protect your system. Currently, it consists of a browser helper for Internet Explorer that will block download of files known as malicious (spyware installers for example). This page inside Spybot-S&D allows you to install/uninstall this helper as well as view the report which pages it has blocked (that should only appear if the first layer of protection, the main IE immunity, didn't stop the culprit). ActiveX Tools Spybot-S&D is able to display a list of installed ActiveX applications. It also has a small database integrated that will display a green checkmark in front of ActiveX applications known as legit, and a red sign in front if applications known as illegit. BHO Tools Spybot-S&D is able to display a list of installed browser helper applications. It also has a small database integrated that will display a green checkmark in front of browser helpers known as legit, and a red sign in front if applications known as illegit. It also allows the user to enable or disable single BHOs. Browser pages Tools Spybot-S&D is able to list all known locations where Internet Explorer start and search pages are anchored. If your browser got hijacked and you can't use the normal IE control panel to reset your start or search page, you can use this Spybot-S&D tool to locate the URL (please send it to [email protected] so that it can be added to the next update), and change it. Hosts file Spybot-S&D using the hosts file Tools Spybot-S& can add a prepared list of websites known for bad behaviour (installing spyware or tracking users, for example) to your hosts file. If you want to do this, we recommend you also read the FAQ about cures for possible slow-downs on Windows NT based systems (Windows NT, 2000 and XP). And if you should notice you cannot visit a site that worked before, you should check the Hosts file section to see if that site is on the block list. IE Tweaks Tools These are very small changes recommended to make your system a bit safer and more secure. Locking the hosts file will prevent most hosts hijackers (even unknown) from doing harm; locking the IE settings will prevent other users of your computer to change your preferences. Process list Tools This tool displays a list of all currently running processes, including some information about them. It also allows you to kill some processes, but please do not use this function until you know what you are doing! System startup Tools This tool lists all programs that are started at Windows startup. If those items are in the database coming with Spybot-S&D, it will display some more information about them. It also allows you to disable (and enable) items, as well as delete them, change them or insert new items. New feature added in version 1.3: entries that have changed since the last snapshot (the first has been created the first time you started Spybot-S&D for the first time, later on you can create snapshots by right-clicking the list and selecting the corresponding menu item) are displayed in bold letters. This allows you to see changes to the list at once. Uninstall info Tools This tool lists all programs that have registered some kind of Uninstall information with Windows. You can use it to remove the uninstall information of no longer existing programs as well as to simply get an overview. Entries that have changed since the last snapshot (the first has been created the first time you started Spybot-S&D for the first time, later on you can create snapshots by right-clicking the list and selecting the corresponding menu item) are displayed in bold letters. This allows you to see changes to the list at once. Winsock LSPs Tools Spybot-S&D is able to display a list of installed network drivers as a reference for professionals, and allows this list to be exported for future reference. New feature added in version 1.3: entries that have changed since the last snapshot (the first has been created the first time you started Spybot-S&D for the first time, later on you can create snapshots by right-clicking the list and selecting the corresponding menu item) are displayed in bold letters. This allows you to see changes to the list at once. Spyware may also install itself as an LSP, thus having access to all the data you transmit. LSP are currently used by CommonName, New.Net, NewtonKnows and webHancer. Endret 1. august 2004 av syar2003 Lenke til kommentar
sull Skrevet 4. august 2004 Forfatter Del Skrevet 4. august 2004 Hei, jeg har nå googlet litt rundt og funnet litt om en fyr som hadde samme problem... jeg fant en forum thread : I denne tråden konkluderer han med at han trolig har løst problemet ved å: "Well, so far *crosses fingers and knocks on wood* no sign of the slow motion problem, seems that flashing BIOS with the FG version might have done the trick there!" d jeg lurer på er hvordan man "flasher BIOSen med FG versjonen".... Lenke til kommentar
blacktower Skrevet 4. august 2004 Del Skrevet 4. august 2004 Feilpostet i "Annet om hardware". Flyttet til Programvare -> Windows. Du burde forøvrig oppdatere førsteposten med litt mer informasjon om systemet ditt. Lenke til kommentar
blacktower Skrevet 4. august 2004 Del Skrevet 4. august 2004 Feilpostet i "Annet om hardware". Flyttet til Programvare -> Windows. Du burde forøvrig oppdatere førsteposten med litt mer informasjon om maskinen din og nøyaktiv hva som skjer. Lenke til kommentar
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