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Nok ein gang var postkassen full av filmar frå Play.com

  • Snatch (2 Discs): £6.99
  • Blow: £5.99
  • Goodfellas - Special Edition: £7.99
  • The Usual Suspects - Special Edition (2 Discs): £5.99
  • Die Hard Trilogy Special Edition Box Set (6 Discs) (5.1/DTS): £12.99
  • Boondock Saints: £3.99

Die Hard er dei einaste eg har sett.



Ajajai! Her var det mykje snadder, som f.eks ALT!

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Nok ein gang var postkassen full av filmar frå Play.com

  • Snatch (2 Discs): £6.99
  • Blow: £5.99
  • Goodfellas - Special Edition: £7.99
  • The Usual Suspects - Special Edition (2 Discs): £5.99
  • Die Hard Trilogy Special Edition Box Set (6 Discs) (5.1/DTS): £12.99
  • Boondock Saints: £3.99

Die Hard er dei einaste eg har sett.



Du kan glede deg til å se mye bra film :D

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Nok ein gang var postkassen full av filmar frå Play.com

  • Snatch (2 Discs): £6.99
  • Blow: £5.99
  • Goodfellas - Special Edition: £7.99
  • The Usual Suspects - Special Edition (2 Discs): £5.99
  • Die Hard Trilogy Special Edition Box Set (6 Discs) (5.1/DTS): £12.99
  • Boondock Saints: £3.99

Die Hard er dei einaste eg har sett.



Klappe deg på ryggen for en god bunke med film.


Men å kjøpe den engelske sone 2 versjonen av Die Hard triologien er ikke så lurt den er kraftig klippet, eller nr 3 er klippet og dubbet i en del scener :thumbdown:

Får håpe for din del at du ikke bryr deg om sånt :)


Die Hard: With a Vengeance:


Skjult tekst: (Marker innholdet i feltet for å se teksten):

When we first see McClane, Walter tells him how far away the back up will be. In the uncut version, McClane responds with “Ten blocks, you fucking kidding me?” In the UK print, the word “really” replaces the strong language


As McClane stands in Harlem wearing the racist board, one of the black gang members shouts “What the fuck?!” In the UK version however, he says, “What the hell is that?”


When McClane and Zeus jump in the taxi, McClane says, “Get the fuck outta here!” but the strong language has the word ‘hell’ replace it


When McClane and Zeus are escaping in the taxi, Zeus is holding his arm in pain. In the uncut version, he shouts “Oh fuck!” but in the UK version he says, “Goddamn!”


In the police plaza, McClane cheekily says “Fuck you, Joe” to Lambert but in the UK version this is changed to “Go away, Joe”


Later on in this scene when the group are discussing Bob Simons, McClane says he was “a fuck-up, not a psycho”. In the cut version, he says Simons was a “flunky”


During the sequence where McClane and Simon are speaking on the phone, McClane says he understands that Simon is a “fucking wacko” but in the UK version he says “freaky wacko”


Just after Simon has set Zeus and McClane their first riddle, Zeus asks McClane if he was listening. McClane says he didn’t hear “every fucking thing” Simon said. This is changed to “every single thing” in the UK version. Just after this, Zeus asks, “What the fuck is wrong with you?” but because of the dubbing in the previous line of dialogue, this is changed to “what the heck is wrong with you?”


When Zeus realises the riddle is a trick and says he “forgot about the man”. McClane anxiously replies, “Fuck the man, we got 10 seconds left!” In the UK version he says “Forget the man”


As McClane is driving the taxi recklessly around New York with Zeus, he remarks about the distance they have travelled in such a short time, saying “That’s gotta be a record” in the UK DVD. In the uncut version, he really says “That’s gotta be a fucking record”


On the subway train as McClane is carrying the bomb down the aisle, he shouts, “Fuck!” as the liquids mix. This should have been cut out as it was on video, but it is left in the DVD


Zeus tells the man at the phone to “Get away from the goddamn phone!” in the uncut print, but this is changed to just “damn phone” in the UK version


In the UK version when Zeus makes the Rodney King joke, McClane retorts with “Very funny” but he is meant to say “Fuck you” as he does in the uncut version


When the guard in the Federal Reserve is killed by Katya, the shot of her brutally slicing his throat a second time from the front is cut from the UK version


Also missing from this scene is the second stab Katya gives the guard, where he is bent over and she stabs him in his right kidney


The spectacular lift shootout has been ruined in the UK version, but the DVD cuts are nowhere near as bad as the video cuts. To begin with, the shot of the second guard to McClane’s rear right falling from his gunshot wound has been removed


During this sequence, McClane shouting “Put that fucking gun down!” twice has been reinstated in the DVD but it should have been redubbed without the strong language as per the UK VHS version


As McClane headbutts the guard behind him, the second half of the shot as the camera pans back to McClane is missing from the VHS but it has been restored in the DVD. We see McClane continuing to headbutt the bloodied guard’s face, as he begins to slides down the wall behind McClane. In the VHS edition, more gunshots from earlier in the sequence have been replayed to try and smooth the cuts but this does not apply to the DVD. In the VHS, this has resulted in the loss of dialogue from McClane, as he shouts, “Put it down!” at Otto. In the UK version, this now looks very stupid as McClane’s mouth is moving but instead of speech we can hear gunshots. Again, this does not apply to the DVD release


At the end of this sequence, McClane pressing his gun against Otto’s head and blowing it clean off has been trimmed. In the UK version, McClane moves in front of the camera and we hear a gunshot as it cuts to the next scene. The gory sound effect has also been trimmed. In the uncut version, Otto’s head explodes and a large amount of his blood and chunks of his brain spray across the elevator walls and McClane’s face


McClane falls out of the lift and brings himself to his feet. He spies Zeus and shouts “Freeze… put your fucking hands up now!” but the strong language has been cut from the UK version


Just after this, McClane sees Ricky’s body and angrily remarks, “Simon-fucking-Says!” but again the strong language is cut from the UK version


When Zeus has picked up the gold bar, the dialogue should go like this:


Zeus: Damn, slow down, shit!

McClane: Put that shit down.

Zeus: No fucking way.


However, the UK version has been redubbed to remove even the word “shit”(!) as follows:


Zeus: Damn, slow down, shoot!

McClane: Put that gold down.

Zeus: Ain’t no way.


Just after this in the next scene, McClane asks Zeus if he knows how to hotwire the car. In the UK prints he says, “it takes too frigging long”. In the original version, he actually says “it takes too fucking long”


In the humorous scene where McClane commandeers the businessman’s car, the businessman tells Zeus and McClane to “Go take a hike!” in the UK version. In the uncut version, he actually says, “Go fuck yourself!”


Upon coming to the aqueduct, McClane speaks to the foreman about his workers and the foreman says he is going to “write those fucking clowns off”. In the UK version, the strong language has been cut


When McClane shoots the two Germans in the truck, the second shot of the two bodies jerking as they are riddled with bullets has been shortened in the UK version, so we now just see the two bodies slumping in their seats


In the scene where McClane calls Simon a “fuck-head” on the radio in the tunnels, this is changed to “bone-head” in the UK version


Following the car chase in the rain, McClane and Zeus end up upside down in their car. Zeus asks McClane, “what the fuck happened?” but this is changed to “what the hell happened” in the UK version


When the man on the boat is sliced in half, the gory sound effect has been dipped in volume to remove the initial slicing sound as the wire makes contact with this midriff


At the end of the Targo/McClane fight, McClane picks up a chain and hits Targo twice as he says, “You ever see a show called the Addams Family? They got a motherfucker on there called Lurch!” In the VHS version, the second chain hit has been removed and the word “motherfucker” has been redubbed with simply “mother”, but the DVD reinstates the second chain hit. It is worth knowing that the chain-whipping sequence was cut by 12 seconds in the US in order to secure an ‘R’ rating. This footage is missing from all versions world-wide


As McClane runs away from Targo, he shouts “Fuck!” in the uncut version but this has been taken off the soundtrack on the UK prints


Towards the end of the film, McClane radios the coastguard and tells them to look for “a fucking big black and white fucking white boat” but the strong language in his dialogue has been cut out


When Simon has Zeus and McClane tied up on top of his huge bomb, Zeus asks Simon, “Ain’t no riddle gonna stop this motherfucker?” but this has been redubbed with “No riddle’s gonna diffuse this thing?” in the UK cut


As McClane is trying to grab the splinter in his arm, Zeus asks “What the fuck are you doing?” but the strong language has been cut from the UK version


As McClane grips the splinter in his teeth, he tells Zeus, “Don’t drop this motherfucker, all right?” but in the cut version he simply says, “Don’t drop this, all right?” but the strong language has been cut out badly and we still hear him partly say it


During the sequence where McClane is telling Zeus about Holly, Zeus asks him “What the fuck is sorta separated?” when in the UK version he says, “What the hell is sorta separated?”


Moments later, Zeus says, “I bet you blame that shit on your wife” but the word ‘shit’ has been mysteriously cut out. Yes, this is a word that features extensively in the PG-rated comedy, Men In Black.


Zeus goes on to say, “Shit, where did it go?” but the word ‘damn’ has been used instead in the DVD version


As he looks for the splinter, McClane shouts “I don’t fucking see it!” but the strong language is, again, cut from the UK version


When the bomb starts to make a noise, Zeus screams, “What the fuck was that?!” but in the UK version he says “Why’s it doing that?!” which sounds simply stupid


McClane starts to look frantically for something to free Zeus but Zeus tells him to “get the fuck out of here”. The strong language is cut from the UK version.


McClane retorts with “We gotta fucking do something!” but the strong language is missing from the UK prints


Back on ground, McClane tells Walter and Lambert that Simon wasn’t playing against them. Zeus overhears and shouts, “Fuck that, McClane! You’re still alive, aren’t ya?” but in the UK version the word “forget” has been dubbed over the strong language


Finally, towards the film’s climax Zeus shouts at the bad guys from the helicopter with the line, “Run motherfuckers, the exterminators are here!” but the line has been redubbed with “Run suckers, the exterminators are here!” in the UK cut

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Kvifor fjerne banneord i ein film med 18-års aldersgrense? :wallbash:


Jaja, er ikkje værre enn å kjøpe nr. 3 i originalversjonen og bytte DVD-plata.



Det er mange sarte sjeler der ute, noen må jo passe på dem også.


Dette er resten av det som står på den siden med listen av alle klippede og dubbede scener.


The BBFC gave the film a ‘15’ rating for the cinema release after applying almost 15 seconds of cuts. These cuts apply to the DVD version only; VHS and cinema cuts are slightly different. Its worth noting that the DVD version has had some footage slyly reinstated without the BBFC’s knowledge, so in theory it is an 18. This trend is seemingly becoming more frequent as the years go on, and why this is I don’t know. Another point is that the subtitles on the DVD are uncut 95% of the time, as they are based on the uncut print! Also, if you listen carefully under the commentary, all of the uncut dialogue can be heard too!

The BBFC did not implement all of the cuts, however. The distributors were simply told to reduce the volume of the film’s bad language by removing the more aggressive strong- and very strong language, and that which could not be justified by context. The distributors were not told what individual words to remove.

One other point is that it appears different video versions released at different times are cut slightly differently in a couple of places.

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Ja det der er sure saker. Heldigvis hadde jeg alle filmene fra før (men ville ha boksen), så jeg byttet ut discene fra Vengeance og simpelthen byttet dem med de i boksen. Fattern fikk mine gamle Die Hard filmer. Han brydde seg ikke om det var mindre banning.


Men er det bare hos meg at boksen ikke inneholdt den der dingsebums-greia som egentlig skal være med? Se på bildet:

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Ja det der er sure saker. Heldigvis hadde jeg alle filmene fra før (men ville ha boksen), så jeg byttet ut discene fra Vengeance og simpelthen byttet dem med de i boksen. Fattern fikk mine gamle Die Hard filmer. Han brydde seg ikke om det var mindre banning.


Men er det bare hos meg at boksen ikke inneholdt den der dingsebums-greia som egentlig skal være med? Se på bildet:



Kjøpte den der på HMV i England, og da var heller ikke den dinsebumsen der inkludert. Solgte dog den boksen til en kompis for blodpris et halvt år senere :) Tror jaggu jeg tjente 100 kr på den eller noe...

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Er meeeget skeptisk til Clerks II. Skal mye til for at den i det hele tatt kommer i nærheten av eneren. :hm:



Har ingenting i verden å si for meg, etter traileren å dømme så ser det ut til å bli en typisk Kevin Smith film for min del. Det er få personer som klarer å skrive så god dialog som Kevin Smith, er like fasinert hver gang han setter igang å filme noe nytt.


Så dette kommer til å bli ûber bra :w00t:

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Er meeeget skeptisk til Clerks II. Skal mye til for at den i det hele tatt kommer i nærheten av eneren. :hm:


Det ser jeg ingen grunn til å være. Kevin Smith-filmer trenger ikke nå opp til de forrige, poenget er å kose seg med morsomme dialoger. Han har bevist gang på gang at Clerks ikke var en glitch, men at han har talent. Hvem bryr seg om den blir bedre enn Clerks, så lenge man koser seg?


Det siste kjøpet var en pakke med fire filmer:

Saturday Night Live - Best of Steve Martin

Saturday Night Live - Best of John Belushi

Saturday Night Live - Best of Tom Hanks

Saturday Night Live - Best of Chris Farley

Endret av SteffyBoy
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Er meeeget skeptisk til Clerks II. Skal mye til for at den i det hele tatt kommer i nærheten av eneren. :hm:


Det ser jeg ingen grunn til å være. Kevin Smith-filmer trenger ikke nå opp til de forrige, poenget er å kose seg med morsomme dialoger. Han har bevist gang på gang at Clerks ikke var en glitch, men at han har talent. Hvem bryr seg om den blir bedre enn Clerks, så lenge man koser seg?



Var det et forsøk på å bakke meg opp etter at du fikk Mystic River? :tease:


Lønn i dag så da måtte jeg jo handle litt :)


Dalkomhan insaeng/A Bittersweet Life : Director`s Cut, 24$

San jaat si hing/Moving Targets aka Blood Weapon, 8$

Batoru rowaiaru/Battle Royale og Batoru rowaiaru II: Chinkonka/Battle Royale II i en boks til 26$.


Syntes ikke oppfølgeren var noe spesielt bra, men når jeg får begge to til den samme summen som de skal ha for den første filmen så handler man jo :)


Alle tre fra DVDfromKOREA




Jeg så på den siden at the skulle komme en 4-disk se versjon av Taegukgi/Brotherhood of War, tenkte at jeg skulle la være men når jeg så at den kom med autografen fra enten regissøren eller en av de to hovedrolle innhaverne så klarte jeg ikke å la være så den ble forhåndsbestilt til den nette sum av 40$


Edit 2:


Gjorde som Steffyboy med SNL.







Og når jeg først var i gang på DDD.


Beverly Hills Cop CE, Beverly Hills Cop II og Beverly Hills Cop III, 5,99$ pr. stk.

Road House DE med kommentator spor med Kevin Smith og Scott Mosier :w00t: 14$

Også måtte jeg jo ta en kjangs: Basic Instinct 2 15$ :ermm:

Endret av Manx
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Nye morgen filmer, dette blir de siste filmene jeg bestiller før vi går inn i August. Nå må jeg skjerpe meg!!


Fra Play.com


- Clerks: 10th Anniversary Edition (3 Discs) £7.99

- The Shawshank Redemption - 10th Anniversary Special Edition (3 Discs)





Med 10 dager igjen av månden? Dream on... :p


Fikk mail fra sjappa jeg bruker i Oslo, tilbud på dvd bokser. Så da fikk jeg lagt til side sesong 2-5 med Sopranos for kroner 299 pr.stk, noe dritt at han ikke hadde igjen flere av første sesongen :mad:

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