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Holder på med Evil Dead 2013 og eneste grunden til at jeg fortsetter er for å se dei groteske scenene.


Typisk gjeng på 5 stk med IQ på 70. Så klart har ingen av dem mobil. Roper ikke på hjelp selv om dei andre er i rommet ved siden av.


Hvorfor kan ikke noen lage skumle filmer der folk ikke er helt retard?


Tja, selv synes jeg at The Descent var nokså bra gjennomført. Fikk sikkelig angst i den.


Men grøsser filmer har egentlig aldri vært skumle IMO. De er kun laget for..ja...grøssen.


Filmer som "The Orphanage"...DET er skumle filmer det.

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Tja, selv synes jeg at The Descent var nokså bra gjennomført. Fikk sikkelig angst i den.


Men grøsser filmer har egentlig aldri vært skumle IMO. De er kun laget for..ja...grøssen.


Filmer som "The Orphanage"...DET er skumle filmer det.


The Orphanage er jo ein grøsser då. Elles, for gode moderne skrekkfilmar, vend blikket mot Europa. Martyrs og franske Inside må nemnast. REC er også god.

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Olympus Has Fallen (2013)


Noen skrev at dette var det Die Hard 5 skulle vært. Ja dette kunne vært en typisk Die Hard film, og Butler spiller en typisk McClaine type.

Det Hvite hus blir andrepet og okkupert.

Den var litt lik mange tidligere slike filmer (Airforce one, Under Siege, Executive desicion..) og hadde lite eget som ville gitt det noe ekstra. Helt grei underholdning for de som liker sånn film.




Hvis jeg husker rett, sa noen at det skal være en til ny film med samme tema. Hvilken er det?


Vet ikke om du har fått svar ennå, men White House Down med Channing Tatum må det være.


Er dette en ny trend i hollywood, å lage helt identiske filmer samme året? (Friends with benefits/no strinch attached)


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Er dette en ny trend i hollywood, å lage helt identiske filmer samme året? (Friends with benefits/no strinch attached)

Var en stor tråd om dette på reddit for noen måneder siden. Skal se om jeg klarer å fiske den opp.


Edit: Fant den: Why is it movies like Olympus has Fallen and White House Down always come out at the same time.


3 mulige forklaringer på "fenomenet"



First off, yes, this is of course a thing, but no one here really has hit on why this happens. First off, studios do not steal movies from creatives. Ever since Buckwald v. Paramount studios have been careful as hell about not doing this (It's one of the many reasons producers, production companies and studios alike do not take unsolicited scripts).

Hollywood is much more connected than people realize. Decision makers at studios tend to swim in the same circles and there actually is an ounce of truth to some of what goes on in Entourage (espionage and whatnot).


The most common scenarios are:


1) You have Studio A that hears that Studio B has decided to put War Movie A into production. Decision makers at Studio A don't want to get in trouble for missing out on making money on a product that Studio B saw a financial opportunity to make. So Studio A fast tracks a production in the same genre from their reserve of optioned scripts that are stuck in development hell. They hire actors that test well to the same markets that the actors in Studio B cast and put the movie into production with a cheap director, cheap DP and the cheap production crews they tend to hire (and is the reason they get hired for crapfests such as these).


2) Studio A and Studio B both get their marketing data from the same Hollywood marketing company (the biggest of which is Inphenate which all the studios use so this happens a lot). They both look for scripts in their option library (for those that don't know, a script that has been 'optioned' is a script the studio paid the writer money for, usually at a reduced cost, and promises the writer certain dividends should the movie go into production which it almost never does (which is called being 'shelved')). So both studios either find those scripts in their option library or they don't and find a cost-effective writing/producing team to produce it (and on rare occasions actually find a writer who has made exactly what they're looking for). Both studios then go into production. The two studios then find out that they're both producing the same type of movie and both order the movies the to be fast-tracked to try and beat the other. This leads to them grabbing the next earliest release window in theaters, which are usually right next to each other. However, to get those fast-tracked early release windows they also have to find lower-cost talent that are still recognizable that are also available for the shooting window which usually leads to smaller shooting windows for the talent and hurried production schedules for the production team. This further lowers the quality of the film. So everything gets rushed out into theaters and usually the first film to market makes the majority of the money and the second film gets the scraps and whoever failed to secure the earlier release window gets fired and the person who worked under them takes their position and Daily Variety barely even covers it because that's how business is done in town.


3) Both studios just happened to be producing similar films because the concepts are nebulous and the timing felt right because they're trying to secure a relationship with the production crew/talent involved with the production or the other myriad reasons that films get made for seemingly no reason whatsoever. Then mostly what happens in Scenario 2 takes over.

It can sound disheartening, but once you realize that studios are simply responding to how Americans watch movies then you realize it's really just the fault of the people who go to the movies that the system became what it is now. This sucks for creatives on the screenwriting side of things, but if you know the system then you can sell yourself for rewrite work by getting into popular genres that are hitting with the studios which can be pretty decent money. Plus, if you can get on a short-list of rewriters you're pretty much set while you work on trying to get a screenplay sold.




Flere filmer i samme bane http://www.11points....t_the_Same_Time

Endret av Hille
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Er da ikke ukjent sak at andre/mindre selskaper kopierer/"låner" historier fra de store selskapene. Vært gjort i mange år. Så lenge det kommer noe nytt som fanger seernes interesse, vil det komme "kopier" av dem. Er et fint ord på det men kommer ikke på det nå selvsagt.

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Gjensyn med Erik Løchens meisterverk Jakten. Eksperimentell, leiken og original. Løchen tar ein stilarta og vågal nybølgeinnspirert forteljarstil til høgaste nivå. Poetisk og filosofisk. Jakten funderer over kjærleikens komplikasjonar på vakkert vis. Eit studie av ein evig konflikt. Ein menneskeleg og indre film som dykkar djupt inn i tankegangen til tre karakterar, bunde til kvarandre. Nydelig skutt er den også. Norsk fjell og natur kunne knapt vore utnytta betre. Evig øyde landskap. Og morosam til og med, i det den briljerer sin forteljarstil. I det ein av karakterane ber forteljaren halde kjeft, fordi han øydelegg naturopplevinga hans.

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Flott anmeldelse av utvilsomt en av de beste norske filmene. Kjenner jeg fikk litt lyst til å ta et lite gjensyn med denne selv. Denne filmen har blitt viet altfor lite oppmerksomhet i forhold til hva den fortjener. Er vel knapt noen i dette landet som har hørt om den, sett bort i fra de som er godt over snittet interessert i film da. Ganske synd egentlig.

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