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Foresten er det noen som har sett waking life her? Så noen anbelfalte den her et sted, men kan ikke huske hvem. Den har ligget hos en kamerat i en uke nå så jeg har ikke fått sett den enda :(

Har lyst til å se den selv. Jonas skrev iallfall positive ord om den her..

Ja, der var den ja.


Stemmer det steffyboy. Jeg skal se den uansett. Bare lurte på om det var noen flere som hadde sett den.

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Saw er, rett og slett, nærmest en ren se7en rip-of.

Filmen hadde mye potensiale, men kludret det til etter ca. 30 minutter.

Foruten kan jeg nevne at den ikke er spesielt skummel, òg skuespillet er, mildt sagt, dårlig.


Anmeldelse fra en imdb-bruker:


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"(This review does not necessarily expose the plot of the movie, however it may change one's expectations of the movie and thus make for a less enjoyable experience.)


Ever rented a scary movie, expecting to be on the edge of your seat in fear, and instead ended up howling in laughter at each and every stupid turn of the plot? This movie had so many opportunities to impress and actually scare the viewer. It was cut poorly and jumped around too much; making references to the past seem more like excuses as to why the plot was heading in its particular direction. The writers must not have thought about how the potentially excellent plot should have been carried out, because the poor construction of time throughout the plot is discouraging to the viewer and makes the movie increasingly tiring to watch.


Almost worse than the writers having abused what could have been an excellent and classic thriller was the fact that it gradually relied on cheap tactics for a scare. The acting didn't make it scary, and the situations hardly made it scary, therefore it needed a few dark scenes with things jumping out at you to make it worthwhile. Even those were predictable.


Not even the gore could've saved the plot, and it rivals the gore of the successful thriller Se7en.


Speaking of Se7en, I feel like Saw tried to follow Se7en's incredibly fascinating psychological theme, but failed miserably in doing so. I was terribly disappointed in the lack of analysis and plot structure surrounding the psychology of the killer. The beginning scenes tease the viewer into thinking that this is a psychological thriller; believe me, it is far from that.


Oh, did I mention poor acting? At first, Cary Elwes seems makes a convincing performance; however, this completely deteriorates at the most crucial parts of the plot. I was left in tears of laughter at this performance, which is worthy of a Razzie. The performance of Leigh Whannell is also terrible and too played-out, although not as bad as the performance by Elwes, and the big red flag with this is that Whannell is also a writer for the movie.


The end of Saw could never make up for having lost the entire middle of it, and that is what makes it a huge failure. It was an opportunity wasted, and I have no clue as to why Monica Potter and Danny Glover chose to take roles in this movie.


I am mad at myself for wasting money on just renting it. It was definitely not worth the $4, and in the future I will definitely avoid seeing anything having to do with Elwes, Whannell or James Wan. The big tragedy in this is not that it lacked basis to its plot, it's that the great potential storyline was thrown away and poor acting added insult to injury. I'll avoid the poor puns involving the title and just conclude with this: don't watch this movie."


Så enig, så enig. Men for all del, det er bare å se den, bare du ikke forventer deg alt for mye.

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Gjest Slettet+9817234daf

Er uenig i det Scarface^ sier om at Statham spiller mye på humor. Han kan lett spille utelukkende depperoller. Er faktisk veldig uenig i at han spiller mye på humor. Synes ikke han passer til det. Han er ikke en morsom karakter. Synes Vin Diesel var et godt valg jeg. Han er stor, sterk og faktisk en veldig dyktig actionskuespiller.

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Såg thrilleren Saw i helga...fy flate for ein bra film. Ligger blandt dei beste thriller\skrekk-flimane for min del. På nivå med Nattsvermaren on Se7en.

Jeg og noen venner skulle bare se de første minuttene av denne filmen, men så ble den så fengslende at vi måtte se hele. Jeg er enig at den første delen av filmen er best, synes det taper seg litt etterhvert.


MEN, jeg for min del, synes dette er en bra film. :)


Forresten, ingen her som skal på film-linja på agder folkeshøyskole? Oddsen for det er vel heller minimal.

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