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Han er superhelt fordi han klarer å gjøre det samme som de andre superheltene, bare uten superkrefter. Å ha superkrefter aleine gjør en ikke til superhelt eller vice versa.


Han klarer å oppnå det samme: Kick the bad guys' monkey asses.

Endret av cun
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Batman er mye tøffere en Spider-Man og alle andre superhelter, spesielt slik han ble tolket av Burton.

Må en person ha krefter som grenser mot det magiske/overnaturlige for å kunne kalles en superhelt? Jeg synes ikke det, når en person er så overlegent bedre en sine motstandere som Batman er, bør han kunne kalles en superhelt.

Edit: Trykkleif

Endret av Bruckiania
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Mye tøffere med en kar som ikke trenger å basere seg på overnaturlige krefter, vel?


Helt enig. Skjønner heller ikke hvorfor vi kaller Batman en superhelt. :shrug:



Fordi han er det! En superhelt har ikke nødvendigvis superkrefter. Det finnes flere slike. En superhelt er en som har gjort det å være en helt til en 9-4-jobb. Batman og delvis Punisher (selv om at Punisher egentlig er en slags antihelt, sånn som Conan) er eksempler på disse. Vanlige mennesker som ikke har noe fiks-faks greier slik som f.eks Spider-Man og Superman. :wee:


Er derfor Punisher og Batman er de tøffeste heltene. :love:


PS: Hvis de ikke skulle være superhelter, hva er de i såfall da? :p



Han er superhelt fordi han klarer å gjøre det samme som de andre superheltene, bare uten superkrefter. Å ha superkrefter aleine gjør en ikke til superhelt eller vice versa.


Det blir litt dumt å si, egentlig. En kan jo si akkurat det samme om "motsatt side"!

En kan jo si at Spider-Man er mye tøffere siden han ikke må bruke penger og masse falske dikkedarier for å gjøre extraordinary things.


...Men igjen, du har jo helt rett. Batman er kungen.

Endret av Hr. Jenssen
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Det blir litt dumt å si, egentlig. En kan jo si akkurat det samme om "motsatt side"!

En kan jo si at Spider-Man er mye tøffere siden han ikke må bruke penger og masse falske dikkedarier for å gjøre extraordinary things.


Nei. Overnatur < Kløkt

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Han likner jo så jævlig på Venom. Jeg har aldri hørt om at Edderkoppen gikk i svart (han hadde ikke det i de 80-tallstegneseriebladene jeg hadde, i hvert fall).



Ble veldig mye baluba ut av det bildet da. Her er et bilde for å roe nervene til en del folk tenker jeg, jeg gadd bare ikke å hvie det med i går :)





Er det virkelig ingen som vet hvorfor han ender opp med svart drakt.

Kan vel si såpass at drakten til Venom er ikke laget av vanlige tekstiler ;)

Mer i spoiler for de som ikke vil vite hva den er laget av...



Skjult tekst: (Marker innholdet i feltet for å se teksten):

Costume Specifications:

Alien material made of tough flexible fibers of organic polymers which have the ability to mimic any type of clothing whatsoever the costume in as yet unexplained manner dampens Spider-Man's Spider-sense.


Mer info:

On Battleworld, a planet created by a being calling himself the Beyonder, the crimefighter known as Spider-Man obtained a sleek, black costume when his familiar red-and-blue one was ripped into tatters. After the Asgardian thunder god, Thor, had acquired a new cape and helmet from a bizarre machine that replicated fabric, Spider-Man attemted the same feat, but mistakenly reached into a machine that housed a strange symbiote, one of the many odd life forms encountered on Battleworld.


When Spider-Man grabbed the little black ball, it instantly slithered over his body covering him from head to toe. But it did not pattern itself after his red-and-blue costume. Rather, it took on the appearance of the garment worn by the new superhuman adventurer introduced on Battleworld and Spider-Woman, whom Spider-Man had been admiring.


The web-spinner was amazed at the properties of his new suit, but never questioned the mechanism behind them. For instance, it could mimic any type of clothing whatsoever, making Spider-Man's need for spare clothing obsolete. It also contained a "dimensional aperture" where he could place his camera, spare change, and other items without adding to the bulk of the costume. The costume was also equipped with its own web-shooters and seemingly contained an unlimited supply of webbing.


Once Spider-Man returned to Earth, the alien costume could not tolerate being separated from its host for long periods of time. At nights, when Spider-Man's alter-ego, Peter Parker, slept, the symbiote would engulf him and send the somnambulator to battle evil.


Later, Spider-Man battled the Puma, who perceived that the wall-crawler's webs were organic. Startled by this revelation, Spider-Man accepted Reed Richards offer to study the costume. Richards learned that the costume was actually a living alien symbiote, a parasite trying to graft itself permanently to Spider-Man both mentally and physically. Richards succeeded in separating the alien costume from its host by shooting it with a "sonic blaster." He then contained the being in a special environmental cell.


But the alien was much more intelligent than anyone perceived. It escaped from its cell and made its way to Peter Parker's closed where it waited, disguised as a spare red-and-blue costume. Spider-Man unwittingly donned the costume, which immediately made itself apparent. He brought it to the bell tower at Our Lady of Saints Church gambling the intense sound of its bells would destroy it.


Spider-Man lost the gamble, and he succumbed to the bells before the costume did. However, the empathic parasite had preyed upon the emotions of Spider-Man long enough to learn how to feel, and in feeling, to act. Sacrificing itself, the alien costume saved Spider-Man, who assumed it then crawled away to die.


Actually, the symbiote, weak and dying, slithered down into the church where Eddie Brock kneeled in prayer at the alter. Raised a Catholic, he was begging forgiveness for the suicide he was contemplating. Brock had been a successful columnist for the newly-revived Daily Globe until he began writing a series of articles about the "Sin-Eater murders." A bogus offender had confessed to Brock about committing the murders. Protecting the "murderer's" identity under the First Amendment, Brock related his story every day in the Globe until mounting pressure from the authorities forced him to write an exclusive revealing the murderer.


Although that edition of the paper sold out immediately, Spider-Man soon revealed the true identity of the Sin-Eater to be Detective Stan Carter, making Brock a laughingstock among his fellow journalists. Fired from the Daily Globe, he was forced to write venomous drivel for scandal newspapers. Brock blamed his predicament on Spider-Man.


Brock began an intense physical workout program hoping to reduce the stress his life had become. However, such physical exertions only increased his violent obsession with Spider-Man. Although his body had been honed to near-perfection, Brock's mind was reduced to an all-consuming vessel of hatred.


It was this expression of fierce emotion that attracted the empathic parasite. In order to survive, the alien costume had to feed off the nearest and greatest source of emotion. The symbiote joined mentally and physically with Brock, whose emotions overwhelmed the already confused alien. The dominant thought on both their minds was that of Spider-Man. But Brock's sheer hatred for the crimefighter twisted the costume's feelings to a similar extent. In effect, Brock's emotions drove the symbiote insane, just as their bonding may have driven Brock over the edge.


Brock soon discovered that the costume gave him all the powers of Spider-Man, and more besides. It also added bulk to his already large frame and increased his strength to superhuman levels. Calling himself "Venom," Brock directed the costume to sprout a hideous grin and he plotted his revenge.


Through the costume, Venom learned a great deal about Spider-Man, including his secret identity. Brock taunted Peter Parker with minor assaults, such as pushing him in front of a moving subway train. The alien costume could cancel out the wall-crawler's spider-sense presumably by projecting conflicting frequencies upon the brain waves which act as its mechanism.


Venom finally made a bold move when he confronted Parker's wife, Mary Jane Watson-Parker, at their old Chelsea apartment. Although Venom's twisted sense of morality did not allow him to physically harm Mary Jane, Spider-Man immediately realized the nature of this new threat.


Taking the time to retrieve the sonic blaster from the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man challenged Venom at Our Lady of Saints Church. Although he fired the blaster at Venom, Spider-Man soon discovered that the symbiote could not be separated from Brock because it had completely bonded with him. Trying to escape and rethink his options, Spider-Man was caught unawares by Venom. He captured Spider-Man and secured him to the inside of the church bell with a considerable amount of webbing.


Spider-Man narrowly escaped the bell's crushing clapper before defeating Venom by forcing him to deplete his webbing supply of which the alien symbiote was actually comprised. Before the alien could regenerate enough of its mass to become a renewed threat, Spider-man brought Venom to the Fantastic Four who imprisoned him in a sonic containment cell. The Fantastic Four then shipped Venom to the government super-prison in the Colorado Rockies called the Vault.


Venom later escaped the Vault by directing the alien costume to disguise itself as a guard's uniform. A young guard who had just been assigned to the Vault was fooled into thinking that Venom was a fallen colleague and he released the gate mechanism which imprisoned the criminal. Venom killed the naive guard and escaped to New York City where he once again confronted Spider-Man.


This time Spider-Man used psychological warfare upon Venom, by taunting the alien symbiote to return to him. The alien, torn by its love-hate relationship for Spider-Man, tried to leave Brock and to re-establish its link with its original owner. But the trauma of trying to detach itself from Brock's nervous system was too much to bear. The alien costume and Eddie Brock were both knocked unconscious and were subsequently returned to the Vault.


Håper klarer å overføre hvordan drakten til Venom er i bladene til film på en heftig nok måte...

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