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Flotte omslag. Det der er originalversjonene, eller?



Ja, fra starwars.com:


First Look: Original Trilogy DVDs

May 16, 2006


The Star Wars trilogy comes out for a limited time as individual movie DVDs on September 12th -- complete with the unaltered original films as bonus material -- and will be available for pre-order starting this week. This is a chance for longtime fans to re-experience the movies as they originally played during their first theatrical releases, and an opportunity for new fans to see a bit of movie history.


Each movie comes as a two-disc set -- one disc is the 2004 remastered version of the film, while the second disc is a version that captures its original theatrical presentation. For more information about this release, see the original announcement story here. StarWarsShop.com will be making Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi available for pre-order on Friday, May 12.


Here's a look at the cover art for this release. Done in the photo-montage style of previous DVD release, each movie mimics a poster design from the original theatrical campaign.


Edit: Ja på at der er flotte omslag også. Moro at orginal versjonen er "bonus" på utgivelsen. :hmm:

Er det noen annen grunn for å kjøpe dem?


Det som ikke kom fram i de første rapportene er at de originale versjonene kommer i ikke-16:9, ikke-anamorfisk widescreen :thumbdown: , basert på de gamle videotransferne fra tidlig/midten av 1990-tallet.

Fra The Digital Bits (et stykke ned, og med flere oppdateringer lenger opp):

Skjult tekst: (Marker innholdet i feltet for å se teksten):

We've confirmed something that we'd begun to suspect... and it's probably going to disappoint a lot of you. It certainly disappoints us here at The Bits. Those new DVD editions of the Star Wars films? The original theatrical versions of the films are going to be non-anamorphic (our original post on this indicated otherwise, but we have confirmed that the widescreen versions will be letterboxed only). What this likely means is that Lucasfilm has simply re-purposed the previous non-anamorphic transfers that were done back in 1995 for the last laserdisc and VHS release of the "original" versions of the films. And with that, our enthusiasm for this DVD release has just dropped through the floor. Anamorphic-enhanced versions of the theatrical editions, we'd buy in a heartbeat. But what we're going to get instead is little better than a ported-over laserdisc. In this day and age, releasing a widescreen film without anamorphic enhancement on DVD is just unacceptable. Does Lucasfilm really think fans want those versions of the films on DVD so badly that people just won't care? Yes Virginia, they do. How many versions of these films do you suppose Lucasfilm will try to get fans to buy in high-def over the coming years? And think about it... you just know the studio has to be prepping yet another standard DVD release for next year's 30th Anniversary of the original Star Wars. Do you suppose this means that the theatrical editions won't be included in the super-über box set of all six films? Probably. Ugh.

Tror jeg klarer meg med



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En rask sjekk viser at denne boksen ligger på rundt AUD85 hos de fleste andre australske etailerne som sender internasjonalt, så tror jeg ville slått til hos EZY hvis jeg var interessert. Skulle dog gjerne sett en anmeldelse av denne utgivelsen hvis jeg hadde vurdert å kjøpe den (men det vurderer jeg jo ikke, jeg har nemlig sluttet å kjøpe dobbelt opp :whistle: ).


Bryr meg ikke om bildekvalitet, har ikke god TV anyway. Lyden er ikke mer enn 4.1, så jeg trenger ikke DTS. Jeg bryr meg mer om innpakning og ekstramateriale framfor slike fremmedord som anamorphic.

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