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Så Trainspotting for første gang i dag. En film jeg helt sikkert kommer til å se mange ganger. Må si at jeg er en liten tilhenger av filmer som omhandler dop. Har selvfølgelig da Requiem i bakhodet. :)


Jeg må spørre hvilken du likte best. Jeg har opplevd en ca 50/50-fordeling blant venner, så det er interessant å høre hva folk foretrekker.

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Selv likte jeg Requiem best, da den har den meget intense, triste stemningen på slutten som overgår det meste jeg har sett i noen film. Trainspotting har også klart å trykke inn et par av disse "klump i halsen"- scenene som gjør filmen vel verdt å se.


Lurer dog på en ting. Om jeg ikke husker feil så står det bakpå filmen at det er en action/komedie..?:shrug:

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Selv likte jeg Requiem best, da den har den meget intense, triste stemningen på slutten som overgår det meste jeg har sett i noen film.



Dette er faktisk.


Gudfaren 2 slår den i tristhet, men i intensitet er det Requiem som trekker det lengste strået.

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Mest av alt den glimrende engelske humoren! Filmen handler om Jip og hans nærmeste venner i London, som 20+åringer har de bedritne jobber, alt tilværelsen handler om er å lade opp mot helgens utskjeielser (filmen er noen år gammel, rave er fremdeles kult her). Historien er ikke like sterk som i Trainspoting eller Requiem, filmens styrke ligger i skuespillerne, samt måten den setter svært mange deler av undergrunnskulturens sterotypier på spissen. Er langt ifra filmen for alle, men skal man ramse opp dopfilmer, bør også den beste komedien også være med IMO.

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Jo mer jeg leser om Michael Bay's filmatisering av Transformers jo mer moro høres det ut.


I then saw about 10 minutes of animatics. For those that don't know what an animatic is, it's an animated storyboard using rough, rough animation to detail a complex action scene or a very visual sequence. Most of them were bits from various fight scenes that started in the middle of the action. I know there's going to be a fight between Megatron and Optimus Prime in downtown LA. Bay wanted to make sure I understood that they're still working on the physics involving the Transformers. He didn't want them to move like typical robots, but they had to have the weight of metal beings their size. He had considered doing Motion Capture work for the Autobots and Decepticons, but he ran a test of two stunt men fighting where he just mapped the animation over the men and he was happy with the results, at least in the rough animation tests.


From the animatics, the action seemed to be huge and what you'd want from a movie like this. Of course, Bay's fingerprints are all over them, even at this early stage of planning. I saw fights between fully transformed Autobots and Decepticons that had them plucking lamp posts out of the ground and smashing the other with the blocky concrete end, I saw them jumping all over each other, only to be shot back by an arm cannon, I saw mid-air transformations from a Jet into a robot as it collides a standing robot in downtown LA...


There was another bit I saw that brought back that scorpion Decepticon I mentioned earlier. This part takes place in the Middle East and shows US soldiers heading towards a small town as they're being followed by something under the sand (think Tremors with the surface sand rippling up as something passes underneath). In a flash it pops up and the tail skewers a soldier and in a sand cloud it disappears back under the ground, dragging the dead soldier with it. The other soldiers react, firing at the trail in the sand. In the chaos more get grabbed, this time the Decepticon jumping out of the sand like the Sand Worm in BEETLEJUICE. The soldiers run and then we get the most Michael Bay shot I saw in any of the animatics... Slow motion soldiers running towards camera, the Decepticon jumping out of the sand behind them. It's so slow that we can see the pincers acting as drills allowing it to dig under the sand. I thought it looked awesome.


The other animatic sequence I want to mention before I wrap up this report is a freeway chase. Bay said he has done many chase scenes in his career, but he wanted this one to feel different from his other chases. The sequence has Optimus and a Decepticon speeding along a crowded freeway, the Decepticon's truck flipping over any vehicle in its way. Optimus is catching up to him and transforms as he gets close, keeping the tires on the ground and avoiding as many cars as he can. The transformation was everything Transformers geeks would want to see big. It was smooth and ended with Optimus crouching, the wheels still on the ground.


Hele saken finner man her: Ain't It Cool News

Endret av Manx
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Tror det kan bli sinnsykt moro og her tror jeg Bay's action stil vil passe perfekt for filmen. Er vel kanskje en av de filmene jeg ser mest frem til det neste året i tett konkurranse med David Fincher's Zodiac.


For ikke å nevne John Woo's Spy Hunter (hvis den noen gang blir noe av) ta en titt på noen av disse pre-production clipene: Clip 1, clip 2, clip 3, clip 4 og clip 5. Må den bli noe av :w00t:

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