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Star Trek (din mening?)


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Liker Star trek jeg. Finner det inspirerende å se problemstillinger kommer opp. De kan bli relevant gjør menneskene reiser i rommet. Krever endel fantasi og forkunnskaper for å skjønne hva det går i når ting kommer opp, ellers kan ting virke ganske døvt for enkelte.. noe jeg skjønner godt.


Liker best TNG. Har alt av filmer og serie fra de i dvd samlingen :)



(PS! Liker Mr Data best.... synd han døde :-( )

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Star Trek er som en dårlig såpeserie, bare med "space-theme" (satt på spissen, dog). Som en eller annen påpekte: ensformig "Å nei! Vi blir dratt inn i den necrofantasturiske galaksebanepartisorens magnetiske strøm, hva skal vi gjøre?!!!", avsluttet med "Pheu, det var på nære nippet, Scotty, skal vi ta et slag sjakk?".


Forresten enig med Anette, er ikke spesiellt glad i Star Ware heller.


Syns det er litt rart at akkurat du skulle hate StarTrek. Roddenberry beskrev jo selv StarTrek universet som en sosialistisk utopi.


La oss si at Hotell Cæsar egentlig er et dypt studie i kapitalismens bakdeler og innflytelse på den menneskelige psykologi: Spennende tema, fantastisk elendig underholdning.

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digger generelt sci-fi, men ikke star trek.


hendte jeg så en episode eller to av TNG (det er den med captain jean luke picard, ikke sant?).. Synes det ble veldig mye sånn

"Å nei, skipet vårt fungerer ikke helt, og vi blir dratt inn i et sort hull!"

og så på slutten av episoden:

"puh, vi klarte det. jeg bare tok og konfigurerte [et eller annet fancy navn på en fiktiv teknologisk duppeditt] og reverserte energistrømmen" og blablablbalbalbla og masse intetsigende tullprat som egentlig ikke gir noe særlig mening


...hvis dere skjønner hva jeg mener?

hehehe,,, forstår deg jeg ja.. hehehe

du fikk meg til å flire også..


jeg liker Star Trek, men forstår meg på de som synes det blir for gammel peis.

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Jeg liker, i likhet med mange av vår generasjon, TNG best. Kanskje fordi dette for mange var det første møtet med StarTrek.


TOS har jeg ikke sett (nei, den har vi ikke sett), men kjenner jo igjen karakterene fra filmene.


DS9 har jeg bare sett de fem første episodene av, men det engasjerte ikke. Nå sier mange at serien ikke blir særlig bra før etter noen sesonger...


Jeg skjønner ikke hvorfor Voyager er forsåvidt upopulær blant trekkies. Jeg synes mye av TNG-stemningen er der, og jeg likte Voyager godt.


Jeg har sett alle episodene av Enterprise, men det er liksom ikke like mye StarTrek... Serien foregår jo nærmere oss i tid også.

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30. Any two incidents that happen on a planet will always happen within walking distance of each other. This could be two shuttle craft crashing or landing; a [crash] landing that happens to be near a party of characters

already on the surface, etc.


29. Corollary: Whenever a party of characters beams down to the surface of a planet, the are guaranteed to arrive at the one place on the planet where something unusual is about to happen.


28. The incident that happens to the characters always happens within minutes of their arrival.


27. No matter what else goes wrong or gets damaged, two systems will *always* keep working on a starship: The view screen and the artificial



26. All space-faring civilisations have view screens and artificial gravity. All view screen technology is compatible, even between craft from

opposite sides of the galaxy. (none of the PAL vs NTSC type problems we get now...)


25. If you are introduced to a new character, and it is not one of the first three episodes of a new series, that character is certain to die

before the end of the series, usually before the end of the episode. Mentioning the fact that they have a family or friends will speed this up



24. Damaged systems can be repaired quickly and easily by diverting power from some other system.


23. All computer consoles, especially ones on the bridge, have major power conduits running immediately behind them which explode violently if

the ship takes just a couple of hits. Despite this, they will still work perfectly if you return to them after being blasted ten feet in the air.


22. All computer consoles have dozens of buttons, very few of which are actually labelled. No wonder you need to go to acadamy to learn how to fly these things.


21. However, if an alien race wants to take over the ship, they will be able to understand exactly what every control does. Similarly, the star-trek

crew will be able to understand the control panels of any alien ship they happen to be in.


20. For some reason, Photon Torpeoes or phaser blasts are not guided. Four out of five miss their target, despite the fact that it's a technology we already possess even today. Very wasteful.


19. The Warp Core is a seriously unstable device, which regularly has to be expelled into space for safety reasons, can "breach" with seemingly little provocation, fills the room with dangerous gas/plasma/etc when the slightest thing goes wrong with it, and yet most of the main characters

spend a lot of time standing right next to it, even though the controls could easily be re-routed to any other part of the ship.


18. Characters can often be seen looking down or across into a communications view screen. But whenever you see anyone on your own view screen, they're looking straight ahead into it.


17. All alien cultures have space craft and buildings with sliding doors (which make a 'whoosh' sound when they open). The only exceptions to this are primitive people, who generally have open doorways or at best material

covered doorways. Hinged doors seem to have no place in the galaxy... execpt for 20th century Earth.


16. Universal Translators allow you to understand anything anyone says, but you can still swear in Klingon, and it won't get translated. Likewise,

if you're explaining something about your native culture, you can speak words from your native langauge, and then follow it up by explaining the

literal translation... which assuming with the universal translator is working, and you're speaking your native language anyway, would be exactly what you said in the first place... Hmmm....


15. Apart from the odd outburst in native Kingon, Star Trek characters never swear, or even come close to doing so, even when their ship is being

blown to peices.


14. Despite having "interia dampers" which can overcome the forces involved in jumping to warp 9 from a standing start, the slightest jolt from

an external source (weapons, turbulence, etc) can throw the entire crew out of their seats.


13. Alien races are almost without exception humanoid, breath the same atmosphere, and eat the same food as us. It's even possible to successfully breed between any two species.


12. Humans are the only race in the galaxy who's species name does not correspond to the name of their home planet.


11. All alien names (planets, species and individuals) would score extremely well in Scrabble. Lots of Zs, Ks, Xs and Vs. but strangely, they're still usually pretty easy to pronounce.


10. Time travelling always involves the planet Earth, usually going to the 20th century, and you often land up in the middle of a major historic

event. (See also point 30 - you will always end up landing right in the middle of this event (and disrupting it), no matter where in the world it's



9. Also, considering that time travel hasn't been 'invented' yet in Star Trek, they do get to do a remarkable amount of it, but for some reason

none of these events has so far acutally lead to it's invention.


8. Most space craft have a suspiciously aerodynamic shape, despite being designed for space flight, and never going near an atmosphere.


7. Most space craft have the bridge located at the front or top of the ship, even though they use the view screen to see everything and have no

windows, or any other reason to be in such a dangerous place. (it's always the first thing to get blasted when the fighting starts)


6. Star Fleet engineers can solve any problem. I mean *anything*. They always give an estimate on how long a repair will take. Their captain always

gives them half as long, and they always manage to get it done in that time. Maybe they deliberately double all their estimates?


5. In space, no-one can hear you scream.... but starships still manage to make a rumbling sound as they fly by.


4. All planets - and even some asteroids - have exactly the same gravity.


3. Any time an unrecognised female makes their presence felt, Kirk or Riker will immediately fall in love with them.


2. The attrition rate among low ranking crew members makes you wonder how anyone ever gets past their first year on board. But yet somehow the senior officers always survive, despite putting themselves in just as much danger.


1. Her (continuing) five year mission, to boldly split infinitives that no man has split before.

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Jeg liker ikke science-fiction generelt, men når jeg våkner på søndags morgen og er fyllesyk. Da setter jeg på tven og ser Startrek Voyager. Det er topp underholdning :thumbup:

topp underholdning når man er fyllesjuk.. ok. Da lurer jeg virkelig på om det er ment positivt, eller negativt.

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