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hjelp til å stoppe adware/spyware?

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sliter mye med adware og spyware på pcen hjemme og pcen på hybeln (den har adsl men ikke router, bruker bare zonealarm). kjører internett explorer, vil det bli mindre spyware/adware om jeg byttet til f.eks opera? andre tips? har prøvd spybot, search and destroy, ad-aware, ccleaner men ingen av disse finner alt...

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Regner med du har fått svaret "ikke kjør microsoft-produkter" så mange ganger at du er lei av det, så jeg skal ikke gi meg ut på den linjen (selv om det frister).


En god regel er å forhindre at slik f.skap får "grobunn" på systemet ditt i utgangspunktet.


Endel ting du kan passe på selv, er VELDIG enkelt.


1. Ikke bruk "Administrator"-brukeren din til daglig bruk. Når du BRUKER pc'en, bruk en konto med BRUKER-rettigheter, og ikke ADMINISTRATOR-rettigheter.

2. Ikke kjør programvare du ikke har sjekket at er "fri" for smitte. (Med sjekket, menes virusscan, etc).

3. Sørg for at maskiner som er koblet til internet enten er "herdet" imot nett (god egensikkerhet) eller beskyttet bak brannmur/acl'er.



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det jeg bruker er:


Avant Browser


-Fungerer som et "skall" oppå IE. mye mer funksjonalitet, vinduer ala Opera, popup blocker, ad blocker etc innebygget. det hjelper mye på å forhindre at skiten først kommer inn på pcen siden disse programmene ofte kommer som følge av popups.


SUN Java - Ikke Microsoft Virtual Machine


-siden java støtte likevel må lastes ned er det like godt å skaffe det fra sun, og MicrosoftVM har også hatt en del sikkerhetshull.


AVG antivirus, gratis fra


-drit i norton gratis alternativ er like bra så lenge man oppdaterer definisjonene ofte.




-bør brukes særlig om man ikke har hardware firewall.


Spybot Search & Destroy


-fjerner det meste av spyware. Husk å bruke "Immunize" for ekstra beskyttelse.




-spesielt for å fjerne spyware som legger seg inn i IE. Eksempelvis "search bars", "homepage hacks" etc. har tatt det meste jeg ikke har blitt kvitt med Spybot S&D.



Med dette oppsettet har jeg klart å holde meg så godt som virus/spyware fri i et halvt år nå. Ikke så verst med tanke på at jeg bare har hatt bredbånd i et halvt år ;)

Endret av armyofme
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Identifiser åpne trojan (server service) porter med denne .


Smartline Active Ports v1.4


monitorere alle åpne TCP og UDP porter på local computer.

Active Ports mapper porter til "eiet" application så

du kan se hvilken prosess som har åpnet hvilken port.

Displayer også local og remote IP addresse for hver connection

og tillater deg å avslutte "eiende" prosess fra applikasjonen direkte .

Active Ports helper deg til å detektere og identifisere Trojanere og

andre ondsinnede program.


Trykk her for å laste det ned..



Litt greie ting å vite om trojanere ( engelsk ) .

Ikke bare normal browsing via IE som infiserer deg med de .


How does Trojan Horse infect your computer?

In order to gain access to a user’s computer, the victim has to be induced to install the Trojan himself. The usual method is to offer a seemingly useful system enhancement or perhaps a free game that has the Trojan attached to it. By installing it, the user also installs the Trojan.


The most common sources of infection are as follows:


Executing any files from suspicious or unknown sources.


Opening an e-mail attachment from an unknown source.


Allowing a "friend" access to your computer while you are away.


By executing files received from any online activity client such as ICQ.


Virtually every Trojan virus is comprised of two main parts. These are the called the "server" and the other, the "client". It is the server part that infects a user’s system.


Once infected, the computer becomes accessible to any remote user, usually referred to as a "cracker" or "intruder", that has the client part of the Trojan. That person can perform any action that the user can. For example, if the user keeps his credit card details on the computer, the intruder can steal that information. He may not necessarily make use of the credit card himself, but he can certainly sell the information to a third party who can then go on a spending spree at the user’s expense. The intruder can also steal passwords in order to gain access to restricted information or to password protected web sites as well.


In addition, the intruder can cause the system to reboot without warning, shutdown without warning, eject the CDROM tray, delete files, add files, make use of the user’s e-mail client, etc. etc. The possibilities are endless.


What problems can a Trojan Horse cause?

Let's suppose that you have already been infected. How do intruders attack and get a full control of your computer?


Practically every Trojan virus has two functional parts called the server and the client. The server part is the part of the program that infects a victim's computer. The client part is the one that allows a hacker to manipulate data on the infected machine.


Intruders scan the Internet for an infected user (technically speaking, an attacker sends request packets to all users of a specific Internet provider) using the client part of the virus. Once an infected computer has been found (the server part of the virus that is located on infected machine replies to client part's request) the attacker connects to that user's computer and creates a "link" between the two just like the one in an ordinary telephone conversation. Once that has happened (this procedure may only take a few seconds), the intruder will be able to get unrestricted access to the user's computer and can do anything he likes with it. The intruder becomes the master and the user the slave because short of disconnecting from the Internet, the user is helpless and has no means at his disposal to ward off an attack.


Intruders can monitor, administer and perform any action on your machine just as if they were sitting right in front of it.


A Trojan Horse works a bit like the backdoor to your house. If you leave it unlocked, anybody can come in and take whatever they want while you're not looking. The main difference with a backdoor installed on your computer is that anybody can come in and steal your data, delete your files or format your hard drive even if you are looking. There are no visible outward signs that anything untoward is happening other than perhaps unusual hard disk activity for no apparent reason.


Trojans' Classes

Each of the Trojan classes described next contains a variety of cracker's tools. Tauscan is capable of removing all of these classes if it detects them. To view the Trojans in each class, click on the Database button on the Tauscan toolbar.


Remote Access Trojans

These are the probably the most popular and very likely the most dangerous of the many Trojan classes currently available. It is these types that work in the server/client mode. The server part installs itself on the unsuspecting user's computer and the client remains on the attacker's system. Once an infected machine has been discovered, the intruder establishes a link between the two. He can subsequently perform any action the user can and more. For example, let's assume that the user has valuable data stored in a folder called "ABC" on his C: drive. In order to steal that data, all the intruder needs to do is to drag and drop the folder called ABC from the user's C: drive onto his own. It's as simple as that!


Mail Trojans

Another popular type of Trojan in hackers' circles is the mail Trojan. It works in server mode only and its main function is to record certain data such as the keystrokes the user enters when passwords are typed, the web sites he regularly visits and files in general. An infected machine will automatically send the information by e-mail to the attacker. These are very difficult to spot because the e-mail client is part of the Trojan itself.


FTP Trojans

This particular class of Trojan works in server mode only. It allows FTP access to an infected machine and can download or upload files at the intruder's whim.


Telnet Trojans

Telnet Trojans run in server mode only and allow an intruder to execute DOS commands on a remote machine.


Keylogger Trojans

These Trojans record the keystroke input on an infected machine and then stores the information in a special log file that the intruder can access in order to decipher passwords.


Fake Trojans

This type of Trojan uses fake dialog boxes and other bogus windows that purport to show that the user has attempted to perform an illegal operation. By displaying a dialog box, its sole purpose is to get the user to enter his user name and password. That information is then stored on file so that the intruder can use it at a later date.


Form Trojans

This is a Trojan that once installed ascertains the users personal data such as IP address, passwords and other personal data that he or she has stored on their system and then by connecting to the cracker's web page, submits the online form via HTTP. A cracker can then use the information gained whenever he wishes. The Trojan performs this function without any user intervention and without the user's knowledge. The user will not see any indication of the transmission such as pop-up windows that would indicate that this is taking place.


Source: http://www.agnitum.com/products/tauscan/ttour1.html

Endret av syar2003
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