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Problemer med swaret, finner ikke pakker

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Ny install av slack 10 her. Jeg la inn swaret med installpkg, leste man pagen, endret litt i confen, renama swaret.conf.new til swaret.conf og har nå kjørt swaret --update 2 ganger. Problemet er at den ikke finner noen pakker når jeg bruker search eller get osv. Det kommer bare:


root@zydar:/home/huf# swaret --search gimp
swaret 1.6.2-1

Lister tilgjengelige pakker med nøkkelord: gimp...

Ingen tilgjengelige pakker funnet med nøkkelord: gimp!


Dette er da vel ikke normalt? Den skal da finne noe...har søkt på andre ting enn gimp også.

Noen som vet?


Poster swaret.conf fila mi også.


# swaret.conf, Version: 1.6.2
### /etc/swaret.conf - SWARET EXAMPLE CONFIGURATION FILE ###
# Define a valid Slackware Linux Version.
# (Used for Dependency Support and other Features)
# NOTE: If you want to use Slackware Linux Current,
#       set VERSION to 'current' (VERSION=current).
# Define the language for status and error messages
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# Define Slackware (8.1 or Higher or Current) Linux Mirrors.
# (Used for Official Slackware Linux Packages)
# (Slackware Linux Mirrors available at http://www.slackware.com)
# NOTE: swaret will use the order of the specified ROOT URL's.
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Define Repository URL's with Slackware Linux Packages.
# (Used for Repository Slackware Linux Packages)
# (Repository URL's available at http://www.swaret.org/?menu=sp)
# NOTE 1: To use a Local Repository or Remote Repository,
#         be sure it contains the following Files:
#         - CHECKSUMS.md5 (For MD5 Sum, REQUIRED)
#         - FILELIST.TXT (For Package Name + Size, REQUIRED)
#         - PACKAGES.TXT (For Package Description, NOT REQUIRED)
#         - MANIFEST.bz2 (For Dependency Support, NOT REQUIRED)
# NOTE 2: To create your own Repository, use 'swaret-tools'.
#         You can get 'swaret-tools' at http://www.swaret.org!
# NOTE 1: The REPOSITORY NAME can only be ONE Keyword!
# NOTE 2: swaret will use the order of the specified REPOS_ROOT URL's.
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Define Libraries (8.1 or Higher or Current) List Mirrors.
# (Used for Dependency Support)
# NOTE 1: You need to specify a Libraries List Mirror which
#         contains a 'libraries-VERSION' File.
# NOTE 2: To create the Libraries List, use 'swaret-tools'.
#         You can get 'swaret-tools' at http://www.swaret.org!
#         You can also clear all DEP_ROOT Variable(s) which will
#         allow swaret to create the Libraries List for you
#         during Dependency Check using the defined ROOT Variable(s) above.
# NOTE: swaret will use the order of the specified DEP_ROOT URL's.
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# General Settings
# Do you want swaret to use Random Slackware Linux Mirrors?
# -> 1 for yes, 0 for no.
# Do you want swaret to parse all the Package Descriptions?
# -> If set to 1, swaret will also match Packages whose Description
#    is matching the Keyword(s) you specify after --ACTION.
#    NOTE: swaret will parse all the Package Descriptions for this,
#          and might slow down swaret when using an older System.
# -> If set to 0, swaret will not use Package Descriptions 
#    to match one or more Packages.
# If you don't want swaret to Upgrade, Install, Re-Install, Download,... 
# some Packages, add the KEYWORDS to the EXCLUDE Variable.
# To disable Exclude Method: swaret --exclude -off
# To enable Exclude Method: swaret --exclude -on
# NOTE: You can add ANY EXTENDED REGEXP (Regular Expression) to the EXCLUDE Variable(s)
# Basic Exclude
EXCLUDE=lilo swaret
# Advanced Exclude
# Example: kde-i18n[nl,en_GB] koffice-i18n[nl,en_GB]
EXCLUDE=kde-i18n[nl,en_GB] koffice-i18n[nl,en_GB]
# Do you want to enable Dependency Check?
# -> If set to 1, swaret will start the Dependency Check after 
#    every Upgrade, Install and Re-Install Procedure.
# -> If set to 0, swaret will not start the Dependency Check 
#    after any Procedure.
# Do you want swaret to Search for missing Libraries (and Fix) 
# which could be found on your System, but not tracked by ldconfig?
# -> 1 for yes, 0 for no.
# Set to 1, if you want swaret to use the 'slocate' program
# to Search for missing Libraries.
# (be sure to issue the 'updatedb' Command regularly!)
# If DSEARCHM is set to 0, swaret will use 
# the 'find' program to locate missing Libraries.
# -> 1 for yes, 0 for no.
# Start MD5 Check after Fetching Packages, Patches and Sources?
# -> 1 for yes, 0 for no.
# Start GPG Signature Check after Fetching Packages, Patches and Sources?
# NOTE: Check out F.A.Q. (--faq gpg) how to Import a Public GPG Key which
#       will be used by the GPG Signature Check.
# -> 1 for yes, 0 for no.
# Show Description for Packages during
# Upgrade, Install, Re-Install,... Procedures?
# -> If set to 0, you will not see a Description.
# -> If set to 1, you will see a Description.
# Cache Directory for (Repository) Packages and Sources.
# Enable Logging?
# -> 1 for yes, 0 for no.
# swaret Log File
# Show Warnings?
# -> 1 for yes, 0 for no.
# Show Information?
# -> 1 for yes, 0 for no.
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Network Settings
# Network Interface
# Use this if you have a Network Interface.
# Local Interface
# Use this if you do not have a Network Interface.
# For Example (CD-ROM):
# You got a Slackware Linux CD-ROM,
# mount the CD-ROM to /mnt/cdrom and
# set ROOT to 'file:/mnt/cdrom' in /etc/swaret.conf.
# Also, set NIC to 'lo' (Local Loop Device).
# NIC=lo
# Progress
# If set to 0, swaret will use the '%' Download Interface.
# If set to 1, swaret will use the 'size' Download Interface.
# If set to 2, swaret will use the 'wget/rsync' Download Interface.
# Timeout for wget and/or rsync.
# -> Number of seconds for Timeout
# Retries for wget and/or rsync.
# -> Number of Retries
# Behind a Firewall? Using FTP Mirrors?
# -> 1 for yes, 0 for no
# If you want HTTP or FTP Proxy Support,
# uncomment and Setup the following Variable:
# If you want RSYNC Proxy Support,
# uncomment and Setup the following Variable:
### /etc/swaret.conf - SWARET EXAMPLE CONFIGURATION FILE ###

Lenke til kommentar

Hmm, nå ble jeg betenkt. Du mener det swaret er bare til å update de programmene som jeg allerede har installert?


quoter swaret.org:

swaret is a script to help keep your Slackware System up-to-date.


swaret Upgrades, Installs, Re-Installs, Downloads,...

Packages, Patches, Sources (with Build Scripts) and much more!

swaret includes Dependency Support, which Tracks and Fixes missing

Libraries. It uses several Slackware Linux Mirrors through

http/ftp/rsync or a Local Repository. swaret has also Repository

Support to create a Repository of Slackware Packages which will

allow swaret to use it with the known --ACTIONS.

swaret can also use 3rd-party Slackware Packages available on

LinuxPackages DOT NET and other Repository Sites.

swaret has also Internationalization (i18n) Support.

Lenke til kommentar

Snodig, funker fint her..

root@phatsam:~# swaret --search gimp
swaret 1.6.2-1

Listing available Packages matching Keyword: gimp...
gimp-2.0.2-i486-1 (10192 kB) [Status: INSTALLED]
gimp-print-4.2.6-i486-1 (2240 kB) [Status: NOT INSTALLED]


Bruker så si standard config. Prøvde med din config, og samme resultat, fant bekke bakkene, så er ikke noe feil med den i alle fall.

root@phatsam:~# swaret --update
swaret 1.6.2-1

[ ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/os/Linux/distr/slackware/slackware-current ]
### Henter CHECKSUMS listefil... FERDIG!
### Henter FILELIST listefil... FERDIG!
### Henter PACKAGES listefil for pakker... FERDIG!
### Henter PACKAGES listefil for ekstra Pakker... FERDIG!
### Henter ChangeLog... FERDIG!
=> Genererer listefiler... FERDIG!

root@phatsam:~# swaret --search gimp
swaret 1.6.2-1

=> Lager EXCLUDE liste..... FERDIG!

Lister tilgjengelige pakker med nøkkelord: gimp...
gimp-2.0.2-i486-1 (10192 kB) [Status: INNSTALLERT]
gimp-print-4.2.6-i486-1 (2240 kB) [Status: IKKE INNSTALLERT]


Sikker på at du har installert alle pakkene som swaret trenger?

Lenke til kommentar

du må legge til flere URL'er der det står REPOS_ROOT for å finne noe særlig mer enn det du allerede har.









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