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Backstage - pensjonert diskusjonstråd for musikk


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Haha, Manowar er så fantastiske.


Now the world must listen to our decree

We don't turn down for anyone we do just what we please.

Got to make it louder, all men play on ten.

If you're not into metal, you are not my friend




Haha ja, morsomme quotes fra de gutta der.


- During an interview when asked what he thought about Metallica, Joey DeMaio replied, "I'm sorry, I don't listen to country music."


- "We play Metal pure, you know. We don't play radio bullshit. We don't suck ass." -Joey DeMaio






Tvilar på at nokon tar gjengen seriøst. Håper ikkje at det er meininga at dei skal være det heller.

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De tar seg selv med stor humor og selvironi, så det er nok meningen andre også skal gjøre det. Men på ingen måte parodierer de noe som helst, de har holdt på siden 1982 og lagde sin egen genre så og si.


Jeg har sett dem gjøre pranks med hverandre på scenen som fikk vokalisten til å knekke sammen i latter midt i rolige partier på sanger f.eks.

Eller som på en CD-singel med livelåter, der de tar en coverversjon av Lady Marmalade i "manowar-versjon" (this is the manowar fuck beat), bare morro.

Ekstremt mange tar de seriøst, de har en svært lojal fanbase, og selger ut svære turneer uten å blunke.

Endret av Bitex
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MNEMOSYNE PRODUCTIONS are happy to announce a brand new musical collaboration between Starofash, Ihsahn and one of Norway's most well known folk musicians, Knut Buen. The project is called HARDINGROCK and the album is titled ‘Grimen'.




'Grimen' presents folk tunes on the Norwegian national instrument, harding fiddle, text and melodies based on Norwegian mythical tradition, arranged and recomposed in modern form with influences from heavy metal and classical inspired electronica. An experimental project where folk tunes are thematically broken down and expressed in a new rhythmic and harmonic form with guitars, piano, keyboards, percussion, recitation and song.


"It has been a great experience to work with such a fine musician as Knut Buen", says Heidi S. Tveitan, the name behind Starofash. "The process has been challenging in terms of us having to work within the tonality of Norwegian Folk music, and to make non-rhythmic music into ‘rock'n roll rhythms'", she continues.


"Even though the elements the three of us brought to the table were very contrasting, I think we're all very pleased with how it came together", says Ihsahn. "The material provided to us by Knut is a huge part of Norway's cultural treasure, and I think the album definitely is a worthy development that rocks!"


This album is set for release 11th of June 2007  on Nyrenning Forlag, and is distributed by www.musikkoperatorene.no


For more information and a listen, please see our profile at www.myspace.com/hardingrock


Jeg gleder meg.




Musikken er heilt for jævleg elendig. Faktisk dårlegare enn Ihsahns soloskive.

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MNEMOSYNE PRODUCTIONS are happy to announce a brand new musical collaboration between Starofash, Ihsahn and one of Norway's most well known folk musicians, Knut Buen. The project is called HARDINGROCK and the album is titled ‘Grimen'.




'Grimen' presents folk tunes on the Norwegian national instrument, harding fiddle, text and melodies based on Norwegian mythical tradition, arranged and recomposed in modern form with influences from heavy metal and classical inspired electronica. An experimental project where folk tunes are thematically broken down and expressed in a new rhythmic and harmonic form with guitars, piano, keyboards, percussion, recitation and song.


"It has been a great experience to work with such a fine musician as Knut Buen", says Heidi S. Tveitan, the name behind Starofash. "The process has been challenging in terms of us having to work within the tonality of Norwegian Folk music, and to make non-rhythmic music into ‘rock'n roll rhythms'", she continues.


"Even though the elements the three of us brought to the table were very contrasting, I think we're all very pleased with how it came together", says Ihsahn. "The material provided to us by Knut is a huge part of Norway's cultural treasure, and I think the album definitely is a worthy development that rocks!"


This album is set for release 11th of June 2007  on Nyrenning Forlag, and is distributed by www.musikkoperatorene.no


For more information and a listen, please see our profile at www.myspace.com/hardingrock


Jeg gleder meg.




Musikken er heilt for jævleg elendig. Faktisk dårlegare enn Ihsahns soloskive.



Dette var stusselige greier gitt. Jeg er fan av Ihsahns vokal, men den høres forferdelig malplassert ut på første låta der. Andre låta var pen nok (dog rimelig intetsigende etterhvert), men historiefortelling til musikk er ikke noe jeg takler spesielt godt, så den datt også dermed flatt midt på trynet.


Tror nok dette her blir forbigått i stillhet ja... :roll:

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Du kan da ikkje sjekke ut det der.

Hørt dei to songane på Myspace?


Joda joda, kan jeg vel...litt i hvertfall. Kanskje jeg tar på meg bunad også.


Edit: ok, den andre var mongo.

Endret av Kaospike
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