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Backstage - pensjonert diskusjonstråd for musikk


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Jeg skulle på Hobve me d så kom Tool på Øya og jeg gadd ikke :)


Lurer kanskje på om eg stikk på Øya òg. Ein del bra der i år, men det er eit par bra band kvar dag spredt utover heile festivalen og eg veit ikkje om eg har ork til å vere der festivalen ut. Menmen, vi får sjå.

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Jeg skulle på Hobve me d så kom Tool på Øya og jeg gadd ikke :)


Lurer kanskje på om eg stikk på Øya òg. Ein del bra der i år, men det er eit par bra band kvar dag spredt utover heile festivalen og eg veit ikkje om eg har ork til å vere der festivalen ut. Menmen, vi får sjå.



Kan jo bare kjøpe dagspass da :) Tror det er flere igjen.

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Kan jo bare kjøpe dagspass da :) Tror det er flere igjen.


Men så var det det å velge dagar då.. =P

Men eg må slutte å lure meg sjølv. Ender nok opp med å skaffe meg eit festivalpass uansett.

Endret av KimNK
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Noen som har hørt den nye plata til Turisas, The Varangian Way? Den har vel egentlig ikke kommet helt ut, men den er mulig å skaffe på en ikke-lovlig måte. Men uansett må jeg si at den er minst like bra som Battle Metal. Spessielt "To Holmgard and Beyond", "A Portage to the Unknown" og "Miklagard Overture" er helt supre låter. Turisas leverer!

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Peter Lindgren has stepped down from his guitar wielding duties after 16 years in Opeth. Below is an open letter from Peter addressing the issue:


"It is with sadness I announce that Opeth and I are going separate ways after almost 16 years. The decision has been the toughest I've ever made but it is the right one to make at this point in my life.


The reason behind this is that I feel that I simply have lost some of the enthusiasm and inspiration needed to participate in a band that has grown from a few guys playing the music we love to a world-wide industry. The love of music has always been, and still is, our motive, but I personally have lost something along the way. The massive amount of touring has taken its toll. Opeth has worked extremely hard to get where we are right now and in order to persist and maintain the quality of the music, it is necessary that we continue to work hard and  always stay focused. But in doing so, it means that we nowadays spend 18 or 19 months on the road and I don't feel the same enthusiasm for the upcoming world tour that I have felt earlier. I have come to a point where I realize I won't be able to give the band 100%, and from both sides this will not be good enough for what Opeth stands for. I will always love playing, listening to, and living music, but I will do it differently from now on.


These years has easily been the best of my life and I will always cherish the memory of what we have experienced together. I would like to thank the band, our management, record label people, all the bands I've made friends with for everything. Most of all, I would like to thank the fans from the depth of my heart for the support throughout the years.


I wish Mikael, Martin, Per and Axe all the best and I am confident they will continue doing the greatest music in the world!! /Peter"

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Peter Lindgren has stepped down from his guitar wielding duties after 16 years in Opeth. Below is an open letter from Peter addressing the issue:


"It is with sadness I announce that Opeth and I are going separate ways after almost 16 years. The decision has been the toughest I've ever made but it is the right one to make at this point in my life.


The reason behind this is that I feel that I simply have lost some of the enthusiasm and inspiration needed to participate in a band that has grown from a few guys playing the music we love to a world-wide industry. The love of music has always been, and still is, our motive, but I personally have lost something along the way. The massive amount of touring has taken its toll. Opeth has worked extremely hard to get where we are right now and in order to persist and maintain the quality of the music, it is necessary that we continue to work hard and  always stay focused. But in doing so, it means that we nowadays spend 18 or 19 months on the road and I don't feel the same enthusiasm for the upcoming world tour that I have felt earlier. I have come to a point where I realize I won't be able to give the band 100%, and from both sides this will not be good enough for what Opeth stands for. I will always love playing, listening to, and living music, but I will do it differently from now on.


These years has easily been the best of my life and I will always cherish the memory of what we have experienced together. I would like to thank the band, our management, record label people, all the bands I've made friends with for everything. Most of all, I would like to thank the fans from the depth of my heart for the support throughout the years.


I wish Mikael, Martin, Per and Axe all the best and I am confident they will continue doing the greatest music in the world!! /Peter"



Faen... Det var ikke gode nyheter. Håper de finner en god erstatning asap.


Edit: Han som tar plassen er Fredrik Åkesson. (ex. ARCH ENEMY, KRUX)

Endret av ersa
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Peter Lindgren has stepped down from his guitar wielding duties after 16 years in Opeth. Below is an open letter from Peter addressing the issue:


"It is with sadness I announce that Opeth and I are going separate ways after almost 16 years. The decision has been the toughest I've ever made but it is the right one to make at this point in my life.


The reason behind this is that I feel that I simply have lost some of the enthusiasm and inspiration needed to participate in a band that has grown from a few guys playing the music we love to a world-wide industry. The love of music has always been, and still is, our motive, but I personally have lost something along the way. The massive amount of touring has taken its toll. Opeth has worked extremely hard to get where we are right now and in order to persist and maintain the quality of the music, it is necessary that we continue to work hard and  always stay focused. But in doing so, it means that we nowadays spend 18 or 19 months on the road and I don't feel the same enthusiasm for the upcoming world tour that I have felt earlier. I have come to a point where I realize I won't be able to give the band 100%, and from both sides this will not be good enough for what Opeth stands for. I will always love playing, listening to, and living music, but I will do it differently from now on.


These years has easily been the best of my life and I will always cherish the memory of what we have experienced together. I would like to thank the band, our management, record label people, all the bands I've made friends with for everything. Most of all, I would like to thank the fans from the depth of my heart for the support throughout the years.


I wish Mikael, Martin, Per and Axe all the best and I am confident they will continue doing the greatest music in the world!! /Peter"





Faen, dette var en forferdelig avsluttning på kvelden. Dette var uventet, jeg har ikke ord. En tåre felt i natt. :[

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Synd at Peter slutter i Opeth selvsagt, men jeg tror også dette kan være med på å puste nytt liv inn i bandet. Mike = Opeth uansett, så musikalsk sett er bandet fortsatt i de beste hender.



Enig der, men det er alikevell utrolig trist at Opeth mister Peter som har vært der i 16 år. Med Lopez mistet de en fantastisk trommeslager, som gav noe utenom det vanlige, og nå Peter. Nå håper jeg bare de holder seg til denne lineupen og ikke bytter medlemmer i øst og vest.


Lenge leve Opeth!

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