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Under A Funeral Moon er helt klart Favoritten her. Natassja In Eternal Sleep :love:



Anmeldelsen som fikk meg interessert i Darkthrone. Hentet fra www.metalcrypt.com


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Now this is it. Darkthrone are worshipped by legions of idiots who think they are the be-all-end-all of Black Metal, when actually 90% of Black Metal has been tired rehash ever since Quorthon screamed "Enter The Eternal Fire!" "A Blaze In The Northern Sky" was good, but this was the pinnacle, the very best Darkthrone album, the one they managed to produce before they sold out with "Transilvanian Hunger". On this album, Fenriz and the boys took the grim necro thing about as far as it is possible to go without actually recording a suicide.


This is just the grimmest. No album by any band has ever gone farther into the cold. "Under A Funeral Moon" is a triumph of raw production, as every instrument is audible, yet each one sounds thin, dry and cold. There is no depth to the recording at all, and the whole is like a kettle of bones rattling in a sub-zero crypt. The guitars crackle and spit out the repetitive, atonal riffs, the drums bash away, and Nocturno Culto's vocals have never sounded as raw and ugly as they do here. In other words, there is nothing to suggest that there is anything to this music that any normal person would actually like. It would seem to be music designed to be as hateful, ugly, and unappealing as possible. "Funeral Moon" is like raw, unvarnished evil dug right out of the frozen earth – it hates you, and it wants you to die. If you don't get Black Metal, then you will hate this album more than any other BM album, but if you like this kind of music, then the album is notable if only for reaching a kind of necro apothesis. No other Black Metal CD has ever been as relentlessly hideous as this one.


This is the best Darkthrone ever did, which doesn't make it the best BM album ever, as there are plenty of bands that do more with the genre than this. But "Under A Funeral Moon" was there first, and still sets the benchmark for unleavened evil. Supposedly, the cover photo shows Fenriz posing with the skull of Euronymous, which he dug up himself for the album cover shot. I don't know if it's true, but it gives you an idea of what the band were all about when they made this. "Under A Funeral Moon" is as raw as it is possible to get. 4.25/5



Supposedly, the cover photo shows Fenriz posing with the skull of Euronymous, which he dug up himself for the album cover shot.

Kan dette være fakta??

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Supposedly, the cover photo shows Fenriz posing with the skull of Euronymous, which he dug up himself for the album cover shot.

Kan dette være fakta??


Jeg tviler sterkt. Jeg tror ikke Fenriz er saa gal.

Jobber ikke han forresten i en barnehage?

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Jobber ikke han forresten i en barnehage?


Han jobber i postvesenet...



Det spesielle er kanskje at vokalisten er en kvinne ved navn Angela Gossow?


Som er fryktelig dårlig og oppskrytt her i fra og til helvete.



Fullstendig enig. Vet ikke hvordan vokalen er live, men på skive er den grusom. Høres ut som hu legger 3-4 stemmer oppå hverandre, og det har jeg aldri vært noen fan av.

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Noen som vel om bra merch-butikk i Trondheim? Skal dit i helga, se In Flames osv.



Veit om Aftermath. St Olavs gate 3. Har ikke vært der selv..



Aftermath er en veldig liten, men trivelig butikk. Utrolig hvor mye de har fått stabla inn der. Kan anbefales.

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Fullstendig enig. Vet ikke hvordan vokalen er live, men på skive er den grusom. Høres ut som hu legger 3-4 stemmer oppå hverandre, og det har jeg aldri vært noen fan av.



Fikk linken av en jeg kjenner. Han spurte om jeg merket noe spesielt, det første jeg tenkte var: "Flere vokalister?"

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Sabbat kansellerer Inferno. :(


Sorry folks, but we will not be playing the Inferno Metal Festival in Oslo on April 6th. Unfortunately suitable travel arrangements and running times could not be agreed. Keep It True in Germany, the following weekend is 100% happening.


HELVETES nedtur.


EDIT: HAHAHAHAHHAH det gjør iiiiingenting, for Red Harvest stepper inn som erstatter! :thumbup: :!: :D:dribble::w00t::yes::cool:

Endret av Glint
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