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Backstage - pensjonert diskusjonstråd for musikk


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Jeg har veldig lyst til å se Sunn live. Hørt folk har blitt frelst etter konserter uten å være no særlig glad i drone fra før av.


Her er en som har skrevet om en Sunn konsert.



I drove the 500 kilometers down to Oslo to catch the mighty Earth perform, and to see the phenomenon Sunn o))) play live. I had never seen Sunn play live before, and I thought they sounded a little boring on record. This has totally changed after the concert.... (fortsetter under)





Earth played first, a foursome consisting of a guitarist (the great Dylan Carlson), a female drummer, a man on a baritone guitar, and a synthist/trombonist. They ground away, slow and monotonous, but still melodic, with their western-style doom, as featured on their last album "Hex...". Really awesome. They even played a new track, from the tour-only split 12" with Sunn, a song in the same vein as the "Hex..." album, but even more melancholic and droney, plus a track off the "Pentastar..." album. I stood paralyzed in the audience, just vibrating along with the sonic waves projected at me at a thousand decibels, eyes closed. A really fucking awesome show.


Then, I headed over to the merch stand, picked up the split 12" and a shirt, and lounged a little, until I heard the Sunn o))) guys checking their equipment.

I went back into the main room, and smoke started pouring out, eventually shrouding the entire concert hall. An intro played, choir singing, sounds. This lasted for about 20 minutes, then the munks entered the stage. One could barely make out their silhouettes in the smoke, in front of the large almighty wall of Sunn amps, and speaker cabinets. From the first strike on the strings, the vibrations would not stop for about one and a half hour. Or so I was told, since I lost all track of time during this audial assault. The whole world vibrated, it seemed, smoke everywhere, munks performing their rituals on stage, hooded, drinking red wine. Then more munks entered the stage, one with a saxophone, one with his hood down, face corpse painted. His shrieks were claustrophobic and tormented, barely louder than the massive wall of sound produced from the 1200 watts (or so) of Sunn amps. After a while, a second vocalist joined Malefic on stage, this one red hooded, uttering more chanting vocals, perfecting the (un)holy ritual on-stage. Misters Anderson and O'Malley shook, threw, hit their guitars, shoved them into the monitors, abused the instruments, while coordinating their strikes via hand and body signals, which gave the whole performance even more of a ritualistic feeling. When their performance was about to end, the three string handlers placed their instruments atop of the Sunn amps, feedbacking, droning. All three turned to face the wall of amplification, and raised their arms: amplifier worship. After a while (I have no idea how long), they switched all six amps off simultaneously, abruptly ending the endless drone and vibration, leaving all the bodies in the audience in a mild shock.


It was a truly shattering experience, fucking awesome...



Endret av lanez-nor
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