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Hjelp! Englelsk retting.


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Hvis noen flinke engelsk folk kunne sett kjapt over dette så hadde jeg blitt evig taknemmelig. Suger nemmelig i å skrive engels. suger i å skrive norsk også som mange sikert har sett. Hvis dere har noen andre formeninger om det så kom gjenrne med det også. Feks. om jeg har skrivi brevet helt feil og slikt. Er ikke no god på å skrive slike ting.









I am a 18 year old boy frome Norwey, and i realy want to study computer animation. I am planing to start studying the atum year 2005. We dont have so mutchschools in Norwey in this subject, so i serching for a school in a English speaking country. I have fundt this school

to be a realy good one in my case. 


I dont now any thing abaut the prosses on how to be a internasjonal student. If you culd giv me some of your nowlageon this mater i had i ben realy glad. I vil get al the info i can frome people that work with tis in my contry to.


I had ben glad if you culd give me some info abaut the difrent cources i must take, and the cost of it to.


I had ben relay glad fore al the info you culd get me, from the preperasjon(forberedlesene) in the beginning to the end.






(Navne mitt)




Må bare legge til.

Jeg forstår stor sett alt av engelsk som blir sakt. Snakking har jeg noe problemer med uttalen, men det er forde jeg nesten aldri bruker det.

(Dette var også skrevet uten ordbok, fant den ikke)

Endret av Lord-KGA
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Dette klarte jeg å rette:




I'm a 18 year old boy from Norway, and I want to study computeranimation. I'm my plans are to start studying the autumn, year 2005. There aren't many schools in Norway that teach this subject, so i'm looking for a school in an English-speaking country. Now, I have found this school, which should be perfect for me.


I don't know any thing about the process on how to be an international student. If you could give me some of your nowlageon(hva?) this matter I would been really glad. I will get ala the information I can, from people that work with this in my country too.


If you could give me some information about the diffrent courses I need, and how expensive they will be.



- Tidlig på morgenen, ikke i word men jeg har retta det i denne lille boksen..

Endret av sparks
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I am an 18-year-old boy from Norway, and I really want to study computer animation. I am planning to start studying in the autumn of 2005. We don't have so many schools in Norway who teach us this subject, so I have searched for a school in an English speaking country. And I have found this school to be a really good one in my case. 

I don't know anything about the process on how to be an international student. If you could give me some of your knowledge (?) this matter I would be really happy. I will get all the information I can, from people that work with this in my country too.

I would have been glad if you could give me some information about the different lessons I must take, and how much they cost.

I would have been really thankful for all the information you could give me, from the preparations in the beginning, to the end of the year.

(Navne mitt)


Har rettet alle leifene jeg kan (og forandret bittelitt på enkelte setninger)...



Er du helt sikker på at du vil studere i et fremmedspråklig land... :ermm:

Endret av endrebjorsvik89
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I am an 18 year old boy from Norway, and i really want to study computer animation. I am planning to start studying in 2005, in the autumn. We do not have so many schools in Norway on this subject, so I am searching for a school in an English speaking country. I have found this school to be a really good one in my case. 


I do not know anything about the process on being an international student. If you could give me some of your knowledge on this matter I would have been really glad. I will get all the info i can from people that work with this in my own country too.


I would have been glad if you could give me some info about the different courses I must take, and what the cost will (eller would) be too.


I will be really glad for all the info you could get me, from the preparation in the beginning to the end. (Denne setningen bør være helt annerledes synes jeg)


Husk på stor I (jeg), an (ikke a) der det er vokallyd på neste ord, lyden "ejshn" er "ation" på engelsk (preparasjon=preparation), og på engelsk kan man ikke si "jeg hadde blitt glad", det må være "jeg ville ha blitt glad". Bare noen tips! :)




Edit: The leifs! They are everywhere :no:

Endret av nr.4
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I am an 18 year old guy from Norway, and I really want to study computer animation. I am currently planning to start studiyng the autumn in 2005. We do not have many schools in Norway with this subject, so I am looking for a school in an English speaking country. I have found this (your?) school to be the perfect choice for me.


I do not know anything about being an international student. If you could give me some knowledge on this matter, I would appreciate it. I will try to get as much information on this from people working with it in Norway too.


I would also appreciate it if you could provide me with some information about the different courses I have to take, and the cost of it.


I would be glad for all information you can provide me with, from the preperations in the beginning to the end.



Skrevet litt fort, og det er muligens litt til der jeg ville forandret, hadde jeg hatt tid nå.

Endret av tuxdelux
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Vel, jeg har ikke giddet å lese det andre her i tråden har skrevet, så jeg retter'n jeg også. :) (legg merke til kommentarer i parentes)


Hello. (Du burde muligens droppe denne, eller eventuellt bruke en annen form for "hilsing", "hello" blir en smule barnslig og useriøst.)


I am an 18 years old male from Norway. I really want to study computer animation, and I am planning to start my studies in the autumn of 2005. There are very few schools that teach computer animation in Norway, so I am searching for an alternative in an English speaking country. I have found this (eventuellt "your" eller navnet på skolen) school to be the ideal choice for me.


I don't know anything about becoming and being an international student. If you could give me some information on this matter, I would appreciate it. I will try to get as much info as possible from people working with this in Norway too.


I would also appreciate if you could provide me with info on the different courses (classes, muligens?) I would have to take, and the cost of them.


I will be very thankful for all the information you could provide me with, from the preparations in the very beginning, to the end of the studies. (<- om det VAR dette du mente, da.)


Yours [Navnet Ditt]



Ikke for å knuse drømmene dine eller noe sånt, men er det er god idè å ta studier i engelsktalende land, når du er såpass ustabil i språket? Bare et tankekors, og lykke til! :)

Endret av HalTan
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*dra opp engelsk ordboka*


Jeg siterer:


"If you are writing to a company or an institution of some kind, you usually begin your letter with Dear Sirs. If you are writing to a person working for a company, but you don't know his or her name, you use the salutation Dear Sir or Dear Madam and end you letter with Yours faithfully. If you know the name of the person you are wirting to, you write Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/ms Brown and use the somplimentary close Yours sincerely."

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Tja, man kan skrive både don't og do not uten problemer. Men man skal være klar over at om man velger å bruke "do not"-formen kan de få en litt annen betydning, da det legger mer trykk i det. "I do not want to sleep with a squirrel." "I don't want to sleep with a chipmunk." Ikke den store forskjellen, though.

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Takker og bukker for deres hjelp.


Har nokk litt veldig mange skrivefeil ja :blush:

Suger i å skrive sån generelt, så det regna jeg med at jeg hadde.

Det var kanskje skrivi noe fort, og som sakt, jeg fatn ikke ordboka mi.





Om jeg skal studere utenlands?

Jeg forstår som sakt stort set alt. Husker når jeg hørte på en lydbok på engelsk første gang, da måtte jeg skru ned hastigheten 50% for å klare og forstå no. Etter kunn en bok forsto jeg meste parten pluss jeg kunne fint høre på normal hastighet. Jeg regner med at snakkinga skol komme greit også, i og med at jeg vet hve jeg skal si, men det er det og uttale det.

Skrivinga er noe annet. Det sliter jeg med, men jeg har blitt bedre siden jeg begynte og forstå engelsk. Før måtte jeg slå opp vert ord nesten. Når det kommer til det gramatiske i skrivinga så er det noe jeg sier mer rektig når jeg snakker faktisk, men det er en del feil fortsat da.


Jeg får vel greie på om jeg kan studere i fremed språkelig land eller ikke etter en slik språktest en må ta. Jeg får vel snakke litt med speilet før den testen.

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Tja, hverken 18 year old, eller 18 years old er direkte FEIL, det spørs bare hva man vil uttrykke. "18 year old" [ejtiinjeråld] er tilsvarende "attenåring", mens "18 years old" [ejtiin jers åld] tilsvarer "18 år gammel".




"He's an 18 year old." - "He is an 18 years old male."

Endret av HalTan
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