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Maniac mansion deluxe - released

Gjest Slettet-80wCWpIM

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Gjest Slettet-80wCWpIM




The team behind The New Adventures of Zak McKracken (story) has released Maniac Mansion Deluxe, the 256-colour remake of LucasArts classic adventure. "With its improved SCUMM-interface, digital sound effects and continuous background music it’s the best Maniac Mansion ever made!"


Full Story:



There are weird people living in Maniac Mansion: Dr. Fred, a "retired" physician turned mad scientist; Nurse Edna, a former health care professional whose hobbies would make a sailor blush; Weird Ed, a teenage commando with a hamster fetish; and then there's Dead Cousin Ted, and the Tentacle, and somebody - or something - else... And what's a sweet young cheerleader named Sandy doing in Dr. Fred's basement?


Your goal is to direct a team of three local college students (including Sandy's boyfriend Dave) through the mansion to rescue Sandy. As you explore, you'll meet all the strange inhabitants of the mansion, and you'll discover Dr. Fred's ambition to control the world - one teenage at a time.


You'll find that each of the seven teenagers you can choose from has special skills, talents, and weaknesses. And each of the crazy occupants of the mansion has goals and desires that can help or hinder your team, depending on how you handle them. The story - and your approach to rescuing Sandy - will be different depending on which kids you choose and how you interact with the people and things inside the mansion itself.


Your goal is to direct a team of three local college students (including Sandy's boyfriend Dave) through the mansion to rescue Sandy. As you explore, you'll meet all the strange inhabitants of the mansion, and you'll discover Dr. Fred's ambition to control the world - one teenage at a time.


You'll find that each of the seven teenagers you can choose from has special skills, talents, and weaknesses. And each of the crazy occupants of the mansion has goals and desires that can help or hinder your team, depending on how you handle them. The story - and your approach to rescuing Sandy - will be different depending on which kids you choose and how you interact with the people and things inside the mansion itself.



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DU KØDDER?!??!?!?!??!!?! Årets spillnyhet for undertegnede. *laster ned* Skal komme med en kommentar etter litt spilling. Takk skal du ha, dette gjorde dagen min! :D Forresten, trådstarter: Les over quoten din, ser du dobbelt? ;)

Endret av LarsP
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Vel, ikke forvent Morrowind-grafikk da..de har bare lagt på flere farger. Spillet ser fortsatt ut som det er tegna av en 10-åring , bare i styggere farger heheh. Men for all del, det er jo klassiker, selv om det har endel grusomt ulogiske puzzles. Men det hadde jo alle adventure-spillene.


Og i disse dager der Walkthrough bare er et par tastetrykk unna på internett, slipper man å sette seg fast og måtte vente i 2 uker på neste Svenska Datormagazin som KANSKJE har et hint om akkurat den biten du er på i "Adventurespel" delen. Evt. bla gjennom 40 gamle utgaver av bladet for å finne gamle hints.

Endret av Bitex
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