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calling all children of the earth, are you ready for rebirth?

millenium is here, but there's no reason to fear.

the time has come when all men must live as one.

so put down your weapon, put down your gun.

only then, are we truly free, you will see




in the first millenium, i broke the sound barrier.

in the next millenium, i'll brake the speed of light.

in the third millenium, i'll reach your speed. come down to earth. kiss the skysskrapers. be my prince boghart(eller noe sånt).




DJ tiesto - live@energy2000


bare meg som kom med trance...? :hmm:

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Metallica - Dyers Eve


Dear Mother

Dear Father

What Is this Hell You Have Put Me Through



Day in Day out Live My Life Through You

Pushed onto Me What's Wrong or Right

Hidden from this Thing That They Call Life


Dear Mother

Dear Father

Every Thought I'd Think You'd Disapprove



Always Cencoring My Every Move

Children Are Seen Bur Are Not Heard

Tear out Everything Inspired



Torn from Me Without Your Shelter

Barred Reality

I'm Living Blindly


Dear Mother

Dear Father

Time Has Frozen Still What's Left to Be

Hear Nothing

Say Nothing

Cannot Face the Fact I Think for Me

No Guarantee,it's Life as Is

But Damn You for Not Giving Me My Chance


Dear Mother

Dear Father

You've Clipped My Wings Before I Learnt to Fly



I've Outgrown That Fucking Lullaby

Same Thing I've Always Heard from You

Do as I Say Not as I Do



Torn from Me Without Your Shelter

Barred Reality

I'm Living Blindly

I'm in Hell Without You

Cannot Cope Without You Two

Shocked at the World That I See

Innocent Victim Please Rescue Me


Dear Mother

Dear Father

Hidden in Your World You've Made for Me

I'm Seething

I'm Bleeding

Ripping Wounds in Me That Never Heal

Undying Spite I Feel for You

Living out this Hell You Always Knew



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Metallica: We live to die... :roll:


Childre of bodom: One foot away from you is like a bit closer to heaven, but then again it's like beeing needled 27/7


Cradle Of Filth: So glad for the madness


Stort sett det jeg kommer på nå men jeg tror Dimmu Borgir skulle ha noe bra også. :hmm:

Skal si i fra om jeg kommer på hva det var ;)

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