Rydjord Skrevet 3. mai 2004 Del Skrevet 3. mai 2004 Klippa ut litt informasjon fra Rpgdot.com forumene. Gothic 3 very early "facts" (last update: May 3rd With only bad news about the Night of the Raven I'm moving on to Gothic 3. I took the time to translate some of the things from the German Jowood forum. These things are, as far as the German gamers know, facts, from interviews, articles etc. I say it with a lot of caution. After all, many things can change during the process of making G3 It seems that there has been published an official German Gothic comic years ago with a lot of information about the Kingdom of King Rhobar II and about the lands. All the "facts" seems to based for a large part on this comic. The German gamers believe that PB make the continent the same way it was told and shown in the comic. Technical data: The (probably German) release is planned for 3rd Quarter 2005. The facial animations will be better than those of Halflife 2, at least that's the goal of the developers. There using EMotion FX 2 for it. There is a licensed Graphic-engine. Thee engine will be largely modified, so that the engine can't be recognised in the end. A Physics-engine can be licensed when needed. In that case only the x-ray, crytek, HL2 und Krassengine will be capable to meet the demands of PB. There will be new animations and models. There's a lot more money and time available to make G3. This time there will for certain be a real orchestra used for the music, not only computermade stuff. Locations: Mainland The human kingdom is Myrtana. The Myrtant is a river running through the kingdom. Myrtana is divided in four different areas, maybe more. Varant is one of the four areas of the Kingdom Varant is a city/place where Lee has fought a certain battle, before landing in the VoM. There's a mountain called the Archolos, where wineplants grow on the very fertile ground. Capital city The city is under attack by orcs, and might even be fallen. The city has a harbor. There are blast furnaces in the capital. Northlands The Orcs are attacking Myrtana from the Northlands Nordmar Nordmar lies in the north of the kingdom and has had trouble with the orcs for centuries. Only in Nordmar (land or city) can the ore be made suitable without a loss of energy. Southern Isles You will be able to reach the Southern Isles. On one of these islands is the last of the four Temples of Beliar located. On these Southern Continents lives an oriental race with a dark skincolor. Khorinis Khorinis is an isle for the coast of Myrtana. Jharkendar is the lost city of the Water Mages. Only in the VoM can the magic ore be found. Game elements Unlike in some of the German gothic-comics there will not be another god. Only Adanos, Innos and Beliar. Diego, Milten, Lester and Gorn will be in the game in any case. The hero will possible be weakened, but will not start without any powers or strength. The hero will not be shipwrecked! The hero will probably lose his powers by somekind of dark ritual and will be rescued just before he dies under the curse. The orcs are almost winning the war and the capital is under siege. There will not be a multiplayer part, this is not possible. The story of the nameless hero will continue and in the end you will become some kind of superhero. Maybe with divine powers from Innos? You will learn the story and hear news from person to person. The pieces of the puzzle will slowely fall together. No general quests which reveals the entire story. The world will be much more spectacular and much more beautiful and the interaction with npc's will be further improved. The orc-invasion is coming from the North(lands) Some possible maps One of them was in the comic, I believe, others were fan-made using info from the comic. http://forum.jowood.de/attachment.php?postid=910470 http://forum.jowood.de/attachment.php?postid=910707 Same card but with a different boarderline of the countries. http://forum.jowood.de/attachment.php?s=&postid=927653 Very detailed map from the comic. http://forum.jowood.de/attachment.php?s=&postid=954076 The capital http://forum.jowood.de/attachment.php?s=&postid=957363 The castle of King Rhobar II. *Remember, I'm not taking any responsibilities when it will after all not be in the game. This is what the German gamers take as official from interview, emails (they do get email from PB, maybe PB just can't speak English), comics and articles. I only translated it. *Thanks to Sowilo from the German Jowood forum for making his summary post. *Thank you, Hi-Necro, for posting the maps on rpgdot. It made the search a lot easier. All denne informasjonen stammer orginalt fra JoWood forumene oversatt ved Rpgdot forumene. Lenke til kommentar
Stig_W Skrevet 4. mai 2004 Del Skrevet 4. mai 2004 Dette var ekstremt mye informasjon om et spill som ikke er blitt luftet av utviklerne enda. Jeg tror vi alle må ta denne infoen med en klype salt, men om noe av dette kommer til å stemme med det ferdige produktet er jo absolutt ikke utenkelig. Det skal bli spennende å følge med på utviklingen av dette spillet, på samme måten som jeg fulgte utviklingen av Gothic 2 nesten daglig. Lenke til kommentar
Civilix Skrevet 4. mai 2004 Del Skrevet 4. mai 2004 There will not be a multiplayer part, this is not possible. Synes dette er helt feil holdning å ha når man planlegger spillet Lenke til kommentar
Elyas Machera Skrevet 4. mai 2004 Del Skrevet 4. mai 2004 There will not be a multiplayer part, this is not possible. Synes dette er helt feil holdning å ha når man planlegger spillet Synes det er bra jeg Lenke til kommentar
Rydjord Skrevet 4. mai 2004 Forfatter Del Skrevet 4. mai 2004 (endret) vell for å fortdette med god tradition så har jeg en link til et intervju med Kai Rosenkranz om Gothic 3 her det er ivertfall offesielt nytt. ikke det at det er så mye informasjon der så er det mye interesant lesing. Det er litt forskjellig om den informasjonen somjeg har posted ovenfor er offesiell. noe er garantert ekte men mye er og bare spekulasjoner. men slik som actalen med Emotion FX 2 er garantert ekte. Og det som står om Grafikkmotoren er spekulasjoner som allerede har blitt benekta. Gothic 3 skal bruke egen bygd grafikk motor. Dei to siste tegningene (over slottet og byen) ser litt for detaljert ut for bare å være fanfic. Det tredje Kartet er hentet fra den tyske Gothic tegneserien. Endret 4. mai 2004 av Rydjord Lenke til kommentar
vaskiZ Skrevet 4. mai 2004 Del Skrevet 4. mai 2004 Hvorfor er det så viktig med MP? Utrolig hvor viktig det er for mange folk. De beste rollespillene jeg har spillt er uten MP. Lenke til kommentar
jaddaa Skrevet 7. mai 2004 Del Skrevet 7. mai 2004 Høres bra ut... Bra at de holder god gammeldags tradition... Skulle fiksa en co-op mode til G3..... Litt kjipt uten MP Lenke til kommentar
Melfacion Skrevet 7. mai 2004 Del Skrevet 7. mai 2004 gothic og morrowind er spill som ikke trenger MP, og som ikke hadde blitt det samme med MP. Kan bare si at jeg gleder meg stort her Lenke til kommentar
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