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info om patch 1.2

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patchen (som skulle komt denne veka) har blitt utsatt. :cry:


Greetings from the Far Cry team.

We’d like to thank all of you for your continued patience and interest in the upcoming 1.2 patch and SDK. We’re sorry to say that this community update is to let you know that the patch & SDK won’t make it out next week.


The Far Cry Patch and SDK were found to contain a few remaining bugs which justify extra testing -- better safe than sorry. More information to follow as it becomes available.


Thanks again to all of you for your continued support and enthusiasm for Far Cry.

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Patch 1.2 kommer senere denne uken :woot:


edit: Postet kanskje litt vel raskt... den kommer kanskje til helgen/tidlig neste uke...

Patch 1.2 is in its final stage of production: a nasty scoreboard bug and a CDkey security issue remain to be fixed, but otherwise a huge list of improvement/fixes have been implemented and tested successfully.


We’re now localizing all the readme files, and the final candidate will be tested extensively later this week to make sure it is really solid - we don’t want to rush in the last few days after such a long development time.


Thanks for your patience,


Matthieu Boulard – Far Cry UbiSoft Producer

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Litt flere nyheter om patchen. Den kommer mest sannsynlig neste uke.


Kilde: http://www.anandtech.com/video/showdoc.html?i=2102&p=1

Next week, Ubisoft will release their second patch to CryTek's FarCry. This is the game that shows off the beautiful CryEngine renderer that CryTek has put together. The images and scenery is truly beautiful, and with the new patch comes a much needed update to run speed (~15%) and run duration (~30%). These new features make the game an even more enjoyable experience.


The FarCry 1.2 will feature a new rendering path based on Shader Model 3.0 (Vertex and Pixel Shader 3.0), which is currently only supported by NVIDIA's 6800 series cards and not by ATI's X800 line of cards.


AnandTech is testing the new patch on six different levels in FarCry.

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FC Patch 1.2 coming July 5th - 17 Comments

by ahm | 4th July, 2004, 04:05






Ubisoft said that Patch 1.2 is in its final stage of production, but there is still no release date available. All we can do is wait and hope the patch will be worth the long wait.



:hmm: ser ut til at man må vente lenge på denne patchen :cry:

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Går spillet glattere da?

For jeg har merka hakking på FarCry på min supermaskin.


(jeg har ikke lasta ned noensom helst update, altså jeg har den elste)


Går spillet glattere om jeg laster ned patch?

Om du kaller den maskinen du har i profilen din for en supermaskin, så burde du krype frem fra den steinen du nå ligger under.


Har ikke hørt om at patchen vil ha noen ytelsesforbedringer..

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MeSa: vist det er den "supermaskina" du nevner i Min maskinvare, så er det ikkje rart at spelet hakker.


men over til saken. patchen fikser i hovudsak multiplayer bugs, men det vil og bli foretatt enkelte justeringer i sjølve spelet, så det kan hende at du vil merke ei mindre ytelse økning, men dette er ikkje førsteprioritet med denne patchen.

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her er siste nytt om far cry 1.2:


Once again, we want to let you know that Far Cry patch 1.2 is close to being released. We were about to release this week as planned, when a hardware manufacturer code update forced us to modify the patch accordingly. It took a couple of days to make it work without breaking anything else. We think it is worth the extra wait, as it's all about making sure everyone enjoys the best experience possible, both in terms of gameplay and performance.

Yesterday, a new solid patch candidate left for what we hope is the last series of tests.


We are all looking forward to releasing this very ambitious Far Cry upgrade, and we know we need to give it our best to make sure we live up to your expectations.


Thanks again for your patience


Matthieu Boulard

Far Cry Ubisoft producer



(beklager at eg ikkje fekk posta dette før, men det virker som om forumet har vert nede)


edit: eg oppdaterte (omsider) changelogen til patchen, den ligger i den første posten.

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