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info om patch 1.2

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her er ei liste over forandringar i patch 1.2 til far cry


Here's the changelog as of yesterday. Obviously features may change.

Made the run speed about 15% faster


Made sprint last 30% longer


Adjusted damage to vehicles


(vehicles now survive longer in multiplayer and behave consistently between weapon damage types) Bullet damage can be disabled by "g_vehicleBulletDamage" cvar: 0 = no bullet damage (default), 1 = bullet damage; this works only in MP.


MP vehicles can get the same damage from every kind of bullet (no distinction between sniper rifle and the deagle), this value is set by 'dmgBulletMP' variable inside 'DamageParams' table of the vehicle.


buggy, humvee and gunboat can be destroyed with one rocket.


bigtruck can be destroyed with three rockets.


buggy and gunboat can be destroyed with 100 bullets (if g_vehicleBulletDamage = 1)


humvee can be destroyed with 150 bullets (if g_vehicleBulletDamage = 1)


bigtruck can be destroyed with 500 bullets (if g_vehicleBulletDamage = 1)


vehicle damage code cleaned and made more consistent.


Fixed a number of serious issues with headshot detection


Ported a number of sensitive routines into non SDK sources


Fixed some issues with ladder animations appearing odd to other players


Added quicksave support for single player (still in process)


Fixed bug where players name tag didn't show up


Fixed bug where console would accept letters as variable states


Fixed a number of ladder related issues


Fixed error with warning message in connection dialogue


Fixed a significant number of bugs relating to quicksave (~100 bugs)


Fixed a connection dialogue error


Fixed an incorrectly localized HUD message


Fixed bug with server shutdown dialogue error


Addressed a number of issues with the server list UI


Fixed bug causing cancel button to stop working


Server create sessions are now saved


Fixed a bug causing game freezes when player joins and player rotates


Fixed a rendering issue with Radeon 9600 graphics cards


Fixed Punkbuster crash when switching from punkbuster online server to hosting LAN server


Fixed issue with punkbuster icon not showing up in the server listing


Fixed random crash relating to punkbuster server listing info


Fixed issue with punkbuster refusing connection to a server that is destroyed and then re-hosted


Fixed a number of crash problems related to punkbuster server creation with non-dedicated servers


Fixed issue with punkbuster enabled in multiple server profiles


Disabled vegetation size setting in multiplayer (used as cheat)


Added optimizations for character effects including invulnerability shader


Added optimizations for scoreboard performance. Scoreboard no longer updates fields that have not changed


Fixed issue where radar would not be drawn correctly with certain game type changes


Fixed framerate issue when player touched assault ammo pickups


Fixed issue with password protected servers not removing password after restart


Fixed issue with spectators not being able to hear ambient sounds


Fixed message printout for multiplayer statistics (was only working with log_verbosity 1, not it works with 0 (default) as well)


Fixed listplayer on the client (was only working on the server)


Changed multiplayer scoreboard system for less bandwidth and easier extendibility


Fixed bug in scoreboard that reported ping incorrectly by a factor of 2. Pings now appear correctly (half the old values). Note: ping is still the same, the output value was inaccurate)


Fixed check in server/client version check (now you cannot connect to servers with old network code)


Fixed bug in submitted Punkbuster ID causing random CD Key hash to be generated. Global ID unique to CD keys is now parsed correctly.


Added MultiplayerUtils:OnChatMessage a script function which is called on the server for every chat message (to enable saving out chats)


Made several changes to improve network packet scheduling


Separated multiplayer and single player weapon code better functionality with mod developers and support for changes to MP balance without affecting single player.


Made a number of changes to multiplayer weapon parameters, outlined below:


All weapons - Increase accuracy while standing still by 25%


Made the medic packs give 50% more health for the engineer class


Reduced rocket launcher clip to 1, no change to lethality.


Increased MP5 damage by 30% with full auto, 50% increase with semi-automatic


Adjusted AG36 damage to head and torso.


Reduced AG36 grenade radius.


Increased OICW accuracy by 30% when zoomed.


Reduced OICW grenade clip to 3 with max carry of 3 in the gun and 3 in reserve


Increased Pancor damage slightly


Reduced P90 damage by 10% and reduced max range by 25%


Increased lethality of mounted weapons.


Improved detection code for player name tags, fixed issue causing name tags not to appear if crosshair was on arms and legs


Fixed collision detection on the dedicated server with different arm position because of different weapons. Hit detection is now more accurate.


The record console variable was makred as protected because it opened up some cheat possibilities


Fixed a bug that sometimes caused players hit by a buggy not to credit the driver with a kill


Fixed a number of issues with discrepancies between player cameras in 1st and 3rd person


In addition to the improvements mentioned in the updated changelog, the 1.2 patch will enable much-anticipated Shader Model 3.0 support for NVIDIA's new GeForce 6-series cards. Leveraging Microsoft's DirectX 9.0c, SM 3.0 support will enable gamers with supported hardware to achieve unprecedented levels of realism in their Far Cry experience.


edit: tenkte det var på tide og oppdatere changelogen

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Buggy, humvee and gunboat can be destroyed with one rocket.


Bigtruck can be destroyed with three rockets.


Buggy and gunboat can be destroyed with 100 bullets (if g_vehicleBulletDamage = 1)


Humvee can be destroyed with 150 bullets (if g_vehicleBulletDamage = 1)


Bigtruck can be destroyed with 500 bullets (if g_vehicleBulletDamage = 1)

På tide!! Har plaget meg noe ekstremt :D


Håper også nettverkskoden er mer optimalisert!

Endret av TCi
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Er det lenge før patchen kommer?

eg siterer meg sjølv


patchen vert no testa ut av ubisoft/crytek, så den endelege utgivelse datoen er ikkje fastsatt. men dei ikkje møter på nokon store problem, så kjem den ut snart.


så vist det ikkje er nokon problem med den, så kjem den snart.

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15% raskere gameplay? i singleplayer?

digg! da blir det mulig å spille med både aa og af på da! yes! :yes:

:wow: du skremte meg litt der ja :p det første jeg tenkte når jeg så posten din var " JIIIPPPPPI" :thumbs: men så tar jeg en bedre titt på første post så ser jeg at det var feil, fillern å :thumbdown:

hehehe :p

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15% raskere gameplay? i singleplayer?

digg! da blir det mulig å spille med både aa og af på da! yes! :yes:

:wow: du skremte meg litt der ja :p det første jeg tenkte når jeg så posten din var " JIIIPPPPPI" :thumbs: men så tar jeg en bedre titt på første post så ser jeg at det var feil, fillern å :thumbdown:

hehehe :p

spelet vil mest sansynleg kjøre raskare på makina og. eg reknar med at dei kjem til å tweake litt på cryengine. sjølv om den første pathcen førte til dårlegare ytelse på maskina mi.

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spelet vil mest sansynleg kjøre raskare på makina og. eg reknar med at dei kjem til å tweake litt på cryengine. sjølv om den første pathcen førte til dårlegare ytelse på maskina mi.


Får håpe på det.... selv om det går helt glatt på maskina mi...

Aldri dumt med flere fps..

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no har datoen for den neste pathcen blitt fastsatt (nesten). den kjem i perioda 7-14 juni. det vart og fastsatt ein dato for sdk.


Wednesday 05.26.2004 Upcoming Far Cry Releases


We are pleased to announce the following upcoming Far Cry releases, which will be made available for free download.

The long-awaited Mod SDK will be released around June 14th 2004

The next patch, v1.2, will be released between June 7th and June 14th

Dedicated Far Cry servers for Windows and Linux will be released between June 15th and June 18th

Endret av ttt
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no har datoen for den neste pathcen blitt fastsatt (nesten). den kjem i perioda 7-14 juni. det vart og fastsatt ein dato for sdk.


Wednesday 05.26.2004 Upcoming Far Cry Releases


We are pleased to announce the following upcoming Far Cry releases, which will be made available for free download.

The long-awaited Mod SDK will be released around June 14th 2004

The next patch, v1.2, will be released between June 7th and June 14th

Dedicated Far Cry servers for Windows and Linux will be released between June 15th and June 18th

Topp. Takk for info ;)

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