Vannjenta Skrevet 26. april 2004 Del Skrevet 26. april 2004 Hva blir egentlig forskjellen på om Auto AI er skrudd på eller ikke? Har det med ytelse, eller prestasjon å gjøre? Lenke til kommentar
Jørgen Sørheim Skrevet 26. april 2004 Del Skrevet 26. april 2004 Det er vel mer snakk om at AI-en blir tilpasset hvor bra du spiller. Hvordan dette blir utregnet, vet jeg ikke. Kan ha noe med hvor sjelden du blir oppdaget, hvor bra du treffer, og lignende ting. Lenke til kommentar
ttt Skrevet 26. april 2004 Del Skrevet 26. april 2004 den offisielle forklaringen er Petar Kotevski (AI programmer for CryTek, skaperen av Far Cry) Hello guys, Since there has been a lot of topics here on the forum asking how the AI autobalancing works and how it affects the difficulty of the game, here is a short explanation. When you check the autobalance box, basically your difficulty selection is only valid at the moment when you start playing. When you encounter enemies and kill them or die yourself, the balancing will auto-adjust the difficulty - mostly reflected in the enemies alertness, accuracy, aggression etc. The adjustment is continuous, and happens every time an enemy or a player gets shot. The bottom line is: if the enemies survive longer in ACTIVE combat with you (this means them shooting you and you shooting them - not them looking for you while you are hiding ) - then the difficulty will lower because you are having trouble killing them. If however you kill enemies really fast and they hardly get a shot out, then the difficulty raises since you seem to pass too easily past enemies. If you choose to stand around and not do anything and you are not getting killed, the difficulty does not alter - since no enemies are killed and you are not killed (this is like standing in some place where there is no enemies - the difficulty should not raise there, should it ?) And yes its true that you can "make" the game easier by just not hitting the enemies on purpose - but only after you have died or after you end up killing one of them. The game will not become easier if no one dies. But the moment you do start killing them again, the game gets harder again and the cycle starts again. The main purpose of the balancing is to "allow" you to pass an area when you have died as many times as the designers decided would be enough, but not frustrating. When you have died a certain amount of times, the game will become easier than easy difficulty and no matter how fast you kill the enemies, it will not raise the difficulty. Until you hit the next checkpoint - then all conditions are reset and the game can get harder again. Of course, if you want to play the game as designed and without it cutting you any breaks, then you should play without autobalancing. If you want to play the game without too much frustration, then play with autobalancing. One last note: the autobalancing works more accurately in the patched version, so if you really want to play with autobalancing, make sure you have downloaded the patch and patched your game. Lenke til kommentar
Nitrius Skrevet 26. april 2004 Del Skrevet 26. april 2004 (endret) jeg har den av jeg, så etter jeg har spillt igjennom spillet en gang uten så skal jeg teste med, ganske så kul funksjon spør du meg Edit: mente kul sry, ser ikke altid over hva jeg skriver min feil Endret 26. april 2004 av remy5 Lenke til kommentar
TDK Skrevet 26. april 2004 Del Skrevet 26. april 2004 ganske så kuk funksjon spør du meg Kuk funksjon? eller kul funksjon? Jeg testet det og det ble vanskeligere... (har kansje noeå gjøre med at jeg er så god! (not)) Lenke til kommentar
espen999 Skrevet 26. april 2004 Del Skrevet 26. april 2004 Haha, visste ikke det gikk å si kuk på forumet engang jeg Lenke til kommentar
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