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  Kowalski skrev:
Måtte denne tråden brenne i helvete.

Hvorfor i alle dager svarte jeg på denne?


ETT innlegg, og nå er den alltid på topp av "mine innlegg". Jippi, en komplett usammenhengende liste over 10 000 vilt forskjellige låter. Det kan jeg få bruk for..

Godt poeng :thumbup:

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  Kowalski skrev:
Måtte denne tråden brenne i helvete.

[Futuramarobotstemmemodus] I concur. [/Futuramarobotstemmemodus]


On topic: Damn the Machine - On With The Dream.

  RoughEdge skrev:
Damn The Machine was a band formed by Chris Poland (ex-Megadeth) to display skillful guitar work in a more conventional setting than his solo record.


Damn The Machine played an eclectic brand of heavy metal that combined elements of thrash and progressive metal with skillful arrangements.  Each track stands out as each song has its own personality and important part to play within the world that was created for this amazing debut.  Damn The Machine plays with dexterity and employs many techniques to convey their human struggles in the face of difficult sequences.


Damn The Machine made brilliant sparks in the short time they left their creative mark on the musical landscape. It's a shame Damn The Machine didn't get the recognition they deserved at the time when the band existed (1992-1994). This is still one of my favorite discs even after all these years.

Dette sabla bra albumet kan bli ditt for ca. 90 kroner, latterlig billig spør du meg.

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Nico; The Velvet Underground - Venus in Furs

Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather

Whiplash girlchild in the dark

Clubs and bells, your servant, don’t forsake him

Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart

:ohmy: Endret av TLZ
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