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...men SWAT var ikke død på PC

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Jepp, som de fleste SWAT tilhengere har fått med seg så ble SWAT UJ kansellert (selv om det fortsatt ikke er 100% offentlig at den ble kansellert... :roll: ).


Men PC IGN har såvidt fått litt info;


it turns out an entirely new SWAT title, separate from Urban Justice, is in development for the PC. Try as we might (and even offering Steve's collection of three-year-old Hostess cupcakes as a bribe), we weren't able to get more information than this. However, Vivendi says they're on the brink of making a big announcement about the new title. Of course, we'll get you all the details as soon as they come in.


Så... kanskje vi iallefall får en ny SWAT tittel til PC alikevel. Det er lov og håpe som jeg alltid sier...

Regner med at de annonserer det på E3, hvis dette er fakta.



Kan til slutt ta med hva 10-David hadde om saken (siden dette er den eneste seriøse SWAT siden som finnes);


Vivendi has responded briefly to the apparent cancellation of Urban Justice by suggesting yet another SWAT game is in the works.


This week Sierra pulled down the official SWAT: Urban Justice web site, taking with it all references to the game from its FTP server and product catalog as well as closing the old Urban Justice forums. While the move was previously announced on Vivendi's official SWAT forums, this was the first official move to kill off Urban Justice, and resulted in an onslaught of news coverage on mainstream sites.


"We'll have news regarding the SWAT franchise this summer" was the cryptic response from Vivendi after news broke on 3D Gamers and Blue's News. While the reply did not acknowledge the cancellation of the Urban Justice, it at the very least indicates Sierra and Vivendi are interested in continuing the SWAT franchise.


Given as much as is known about UJ, I'm going to throw around some speculation. The removal of the UJ assets seems to jive with what we'd previously heard from PC Gamer UK: "Urban Justice" as a game is kaput. Vivendi's subsequent response regarding a summer announcement seems to indicate a SWAT game is still a top priority for the game maker. Again, this is inline with the print mag's story regarding a "SWAT 4" title being on hold. The lack of a desire to announce the next steps in the franchise just yet are likely due to any number of factors: it could still be in the conceptual stage, Sierra may be still be searching for an outside development team, or it may simply be retaining some advantages rather than revealing too much to its competition.


Regardless of the state of this next SWAT title, 10-David will be kept on "not many updates" mode until an official statement is made by Vivendi or Sierra regarding this game, which I wouldn't expect to see until at least this year's E3 convention in May. And yes, you can fully expect us to explore the saga of Urban Justice once Vivendi responds to my requests. I'm sure that's an interesting story.




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Driver nesten på samme måte som med Duke Nukem Forever

Den var litt drøy... DNF har de vel utviklet siden '97, så tror ikke det blir så galt. Dessuten har ikke SWAT den populariteten til DN, så de kan ikke gjøre det.


Egentlig tror jeg det kommer, men kanskje ikke før 3. eller 4. kvartal, for de skal ha en 6 mnd. etter at det har blitt presentert på E3.

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