RogueFreak Skrevet 22. mars 2004 Del Skrevet 22. mars 2004 Rykter har jo versert lenge om oppfølgeren til Ghost Recon, og nå ser det forhåpentligvis ut til at GR 2 vil komme om ikke så altfor lenge (ikke så altfor lenge er jo ett veldig vagt tidsaspekt når det kommer fra spillbransjen...). Etter hva jeg skjønner, planlegger Ubi å vise frem GR2 på årets E3... vi får se... Her er en nyhetspost som sto hos, men som ble tatt ned igjen idag faktisk, spørs om ikke Ubi hadde en finger med i spillet der... Ghost Recon 2 Exclusive Posted by Rocky on Sunday, March 21 2004You've heard the rumours, now here's the fact - Ghost Recon 2 is coming, and it's not far away! We have already heard second hand information that Ghost Recon 2 will be aired at E3 in May, but that's not all. has also heard directly from the horse's mouth that Ghost Recon 2 production is well underway and the Ubi Soft marketing machine is about to swing into full force! Having read our report by zjj on the fans Ghost Recon 2 Wishlist, Ubi Soft were keen to know more about the direction the fans would like to see Ghost Recon 2 take. They were also keen to hear how the modding community had taken up the challenge of producing new and innovative features to fill the void. For the fans who have stayed the course and remained loyal to Red Storm's fantastic Ghost Recon this is great news, and we can't wait to see what Red Storm have in store for us this time around! We've been running a Ghost Recon 2 discussion forum since the start of the year, join in here. Så, det gjenstår og se om dette bare er rykter eller om det virkelig kommer en Ghost Recon 2 "snart"! Lenke til kommentar
TST Skrevet 22. mars 2004 Del Skrevet 22. mars 2004 Vi tar dette her: Lenke til kommentar
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