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Nye Ati drivere Ute

Robin B

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Har et inntrykk at det nesten  alltid er noe møll med ATI driverne.

Geforce,og Nvidia sine drivere,er mer stabile?

da tar du nok desverre mektig feil... catalyst driverne er MEGET stabile, nesten i den grad at de har tatt igjen nVidia på stabilitet :thumbup:

Å snakke om stabilitet blir jo helt feil, men det er alltid problemer med ATI sine drivere.

I en versjon ser du f.eks ikke tekst i OpenGL i spill X, men i spill Y så er alt perfekt. I en annen versjon så er alt perfekt i spill X, men spill Y har teksturproblemer.

Slik er det hele tiden, og å legge inn den nyeste driveren er skjeldent det beste å gjøre. Du må gjøre research og finne den driveren som passer best til deg.


Hilsen trist eier av R9800Pro med Omega 3.9 for øyeblikket.

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ATI claims that all its DX 9 cards will feature improved performance in Pixel shader applications where Halo and Tomb Raider will receive an extra 3 to 7 per cent boost and 3dmark03 mother nature will gain an extra 2 to 5 percentage points.


Shadermark will gain 10 to 20 percent or more, ATI said, and Aquamark will run faster on higher resolutions.


noen som har merket noe til dette?

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Å snakke om stabilitet blir jo helt feil, men det er alltid problemer med ATI sine drivere.

I en versjon ser du f.eks ikke tekst i OpenGL i spill X, men i spill Y så er alt perfekt. I en annen versjon så er alt perfekt i spill X, men spill Y har teksturproblemer.

Slik er det hele tiden, og å legge inn den nyeste driveren er skjeldent det beste å gjøre. Du må gjøre research og finne den driveren som passer best til deg.


Hilsen trist eier av R9800Pro med Omega 3.9 for øyeblikket.

da vet jeg ikke hva du har gjort, men her virker alt helt perfekt med Omega 4.2

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Å snakke om stabilitet blir jo helt feil, men det er alltid problemer med ATI sine drivere.

I en versjon ser du f.eks ikke tekst i OpenGL i spill X, men i spill Y så er alt perfekt. I en annen versjon så er alt perfekt i spill X, men spill Y har teksturproblemer.

Slik er det hele tiden, og å legge inn den nyeste driveren er skjeldent det beste å gjøre. Du må gjøre research og finne den driveren som passer best til deg.


Hilsen trist eier av R9800Pro med Omega 3.9 for øyeblikket.

da vet jeg ikke hva du har gjort, men her virker alt helt perfekt med Omega 4.2

Da har du ikke prøvd nok spill for å si det slikt.

Og 4.2 er jo helt ny, hva har du brukt de siste 6mnd før den kom ut?


Radar i Battlefield fucked i 3.6

I 3.7 var radaren bra, men teksten var fucked

I 3.8 var alt bra utenom mange svarte linjer som hoppet over skjermen

I 3.9 var det ingen problemer


Det er jo bare å lese på releasenoten til driveren og se hva de har fikset.


Resolved Game Issues


This section provides information on game issues that have been resolved in the latest release of CATALYST?. These include the following:

Setting the video resolution to 1280x1024 in the game Medal of Honor: Spearhead, along with Anti-Aliasing set to 2x no longer results in the main menu of the game not displaying properly

Display corruption is no longer noticed when playing the game Aquanox under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON? 9100 IGP series installed. This issue is was known to occur when specific video options have been customized

Running the game Hegemonia under Windows XP with an ATI RADEON 8500 series installed no longer results in all of the main menu options and the 3D textures in the background not being available

The operating system no longer fails to respond when launching the game TrackMania with a RADEON 7000 series installed

Background colour corruption is no longer seen when playing the game Armed and Dangerous

Poor performance is no longer noticed when playing the game Homeworld 2 with extended desktop enabled or when Anti-Aliasing is set to 4x

Visual corruption is no longer seen when playing the game Spy Hunter

Setting the resolution in the game Enclave to 1024x768 or higher no longer results in display corruption

The Windows operating system no longer intermittently fails to respond when playing the game Jedi Knight 2 with the display set to 1024x768 32bpp and the game option set to High Quality

Windows problems are no longer noticed when playing the game Homeworld 2 in single player mode

Texture corruption is no longer seen when playing the game Battlefield 1942


Og dette er bare til 4.3

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fra 3.9 og oppover har jeg spilt:

----Black & White, Combat Flight Sim2, Diablo2, Flight Sim 2004, GTA- Vice City, Halo, Jedi Academy, Max Payne2, Morrowind, Quake3, Raven Shield, Splinter Cell, Star Wars; Knights of the old Republic, Warcraft3, Battlefield1942, Homeworld2, Spellforce, Spiderman, Prince of Persia.-----

Uten å ha problemer i ETT eneste spill, så det må være noe spesielt med driverversjonene mine. Eneste spillet jeg hadde problemer med var Call of duty, men der var ATI raskt ute med en patch..... :thumbup:

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As with every released driver, version 53.03 of the Release 50 driver has open

issues and enhancement requests associated with it. What follows is a list of

issues that are either not fixed or not implemented in this version. Some

problems listed may not have been thoroughly investigated and, in fact, may not

be NVIDIA issues. Others will have workaround solutions, as is the case with

most of the issues in this section.


- Clone mode may be set for the GeForce FX 5600 although only one display

is connected.

This setting causes a drop in the performance of 3D applications. The

workaround is to use the NVIDIA control panel to reset the system to

standard mode from clone mode.

- GeForce FX 5950 Ultra: Homeworld2 antialiased performance is slow.

This is not an NVIDIA bug, but is a known issue with the application.

NVIDIA is working with the developer to address it

- Windows XP: Antialiasing doesn't appear to be working in Final Fantasy XI


This is a known issue with the application. NVIDIA is working with the

developer to address it.

- All GeForce FX: Intermittently, Warcraft III videos are not displayed

properly on some systems.

A fix for this issue will be included in the next driver release.

- GeForce FX 5950 Ultra, Windows XP: nView Setup Wizard lacks 16-bit

color choice.

A fix for this issue will be included in the next driver release.

- Quadro NVS, Windows XP: After turning off Span-over-Span, the display

properties panel stops responding when selecting the Quadro NVS page.

A fix for this issue will be included in the next driver release.

- Quadro NVS, Windows XP: Flight.exe OpenGL has stripes of bad rendering

on dual Quadro NVS cards.

A fix for this issue will be included in the next driver release.

- Quadro NVS 280 AGP + Quadro NVS 280 PCI, Windows 2000: Driver does

not install with SETUP.EXE.

A fix for this issue will be included in the next driver release.

- Black horizontal lines on Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2.

A fix for this issue will be included in the next driver release.

- Quadro NVS, Windows XP: Driver causes blue-screen crash.

A fix for this issue will be included in the next driver release.



Significant issues resolved in driver version 53.03 are listed below:

- nView, Multiview: Single-monitor maximize feature does not account for

docked toolbars.

- GeForceFX 5950 Ultra, WindowsXP: Degraded anisotropic filtering quality

in Unreal Tournament 2003.

- GeForceFX 5900/5950: TV-Out flicker control is not functioning on UK


- International release of 52.16 has corrupt nvtuXXX.cpl file.

- GeForceFX 5900/5950, GeForceFX 5900/5950 Ultra, WindowsXP: During

certain times of day in Final Fantasy XI Online Worlds, textures turn gray.

- Adobe After Effects crashes with 52.16.

- Large resolutions can't be chosen in nView Setup Wizard.

- All GeForceFX, Unreal Tournament 2003: Some textures are not being

filtered properly.

- GeForceFX Go5700/5750, Windows 2000: Fn+F8 hot-key sequence does

not work.

- Overlap/Edgeblend: Changing values for luma does not make Apply button


- Individual application setting to launch application on different desktop does

not work when invoked by hot key.

- Quadro4 900/750/700 XGL, Knights of the Old Republic: Fog in title screen

is rainbow colored.

- GT4 crashes if stereo enabled.

- Quadro FX Go700, Windows XP: Studio Tools overlay tool is truncated.

- GeForce4 MX 440 and GeForce4 Ti 4400, Windows XP: Blue-screen crash

during Battlefield 1942 Desert Combat.

- GeForceFX Go5100/5200, Windows XP: Green noise appears when

secondary device zoomed in Video Mirror.

- Windows XP: Rendering corruption in Battlefield 1942 Desert Combat.

- GeForceFX Go5100/5200, Windows XP Plus!: Labyrinth flashes when

launched in 180 degree mode.

- GeForce FX 5950 Ultra, Windows XP: ?X2: The Threat? benchmark is

choppy or jerky in some places.

- GeForceFX 5200/5200 Ultra, NTSC: Video flickers at lower-right corner

when downscaled with aspect ratio = free.

- Tiger Woods 2004 introductory movie is cut in half when run in 4x

antialiasing modes.

- Game and Benchmark "Final Fantasy XI" flashes and has incorrect stereo


- GeForceFX 5900/5950: Big Mutha Truckers is clipping the video area during

the intro videos.

- Re-enabled NVIDIA's compiler technology for 3DMark03 Patch 340


- Quadro 4 780/980 XGL, Unigraphics Iman Portal UI/LSE ( Menus

and pop-ups are blank, and overall graphics performance is poor.

- Maya 5.0: HWR created shadows are drawn as squares instead of circles.

- nView: Multiple copies of the desktop context menu can be created.


Alt er ikke bare fryd med nVidia heller.

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Lasta ned denne 4.3 XP- versjonen (wxp-w2k-catalyst-7-991-040224m-013831c.exe), og fila har kliss samme navn som win2k versjonen jeg har liggende av Catalyst 4.2 (wxp-w2k-catalyst-7-981-040127m-013420c.exe), bortsett fra alle tallene da.

Hvis du ser, så står det "wxp-w2k..." på navnet. Wxp = windows xp, w2k = windows 2000 ;)

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OK! Nå hvsi ejg laster ned 4.3 og instalerer det så vil korte mitt(Sapphire Radeon 9600XT) bli mer stabilt med fps og gjøre det bedre? Bruker 4,2 til vanlig!

Tvilsomt, ny driver er ikke "vidunder" medisin... :p


(Men enkelte ganger er nye drivere forskjell på himmel og h-e-l-v-e-te)

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Gjest Slettet-10579

Kommer snart, bare vær litt tålmodig. Vanligvis er de raske med disse driverne.


Jeg for min del spiller Homeworld 2 og X2 for full peising.

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