Jon-d Skrevet 26. februar 2004 Del Skrevet 26. februar 2004 Vet det finnes filer man kan laste ned som inneholder alle windows updater/patcher, men er det noen som vet hvor jeg kan finne disse? Tror ikke det er MS som tilbyr dem, men er usikker Lenke til kommentar
mars001 Skrevet 26. februar 2004 Del Skrevet 26. februar 2004 (endret) Finnes noe greier her NB! kun for engelsk. Endret 26. februar 2004 av mars001 Lenke til kommentar
highlander Skrevet 26. februar 2004 Del Skrevet 26. februar 2004 / Download center ... Lenke til kommentar
Mester_E Skrevet 26. februar 2004 Del Skrevet 26. februar 2004 Hvordan funker dette "auto patcher" programmet? Lenke til kommentar
eiriksen Skrevet 28. februar 2004 Del Skrevet 28. februar 2004 XP AutoPatcher FAQ . When will updates be released? Updates will be released Monthly. There is no set date, please consult the original thread to see the status. 2. Will you release update packs for people who already have the latest version? Yes, we release 2 packs each update, One full version (for those who never downloaded it), and one update (for those who already have the previous version). 3. What is the current version? The current released version is 4.2 Gold (December Update). 4. Can I make requests for features? Yes, please make them in the original thread in the forums until an official request thread is made. 5. Are there official forums? Yes, the site can be found here: AutoPatcher Forums @ Neowin 6. Is AutoPatcher Freeware? Yes. There is no requirement to pay. If you'd like to donate, you may do it here: AutoPatcher Donations 7. Can I have the source code for AutoPatcher? Right now the answer is no. It may change, but for right now it is no. 8. Will there be other versions of the AutoPatcher? Yes, we will work on other language packs and also other Operating Systems. 9. Will the AutoPatcher work with a Non-English Windows XP? Not currently. 10. Will this work with both Home and Pro? Yes it will. 11. Will this work with other versions of XP (64-bit/Media Center/etc)? No, this is for Home/Pro only. 12. Does this require SP1/SP1a. Yes, you must have either of those Service Packs installed to run this program. 13. I heard about Microsoft's new Windows Update Beta ISO... will this replace the AutoPatcher? No. This ISO contains SP1 and a few updates to prevent against Blaster, that is all. To see more detail, look here: AutoPatcher vs. WU ISO Beta 14. Does AutoPatcher detect what's already been installed in my system? The newest version (December) can read your registry like Windows Update does and detect if you installed it via any other means. It also can detect if you've run the AutoPatcher previously. 15. I want to set what *I* want as default. How do I do this? First select what you want to be default using the program. Then instead of running the install, just hit "Save as Defaults" and from now on what you chose will be default. Lenke til kommentar
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