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Får ikke logget inn i nettbanken

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Jeg har tuklet med services-instillingene i xp utifra en guide jeg fant på http://www.blkviper.com/WinXP/servicecfg.htm


Jeg gjorde litt annen tweaking og på den tiden men jeg mistenker at det har med services-konfig. og gjøre. Har noen en anelse om hva jeg må gjøre?

Jeg får melding om at siden ikke kan vises når jeg prøver å logge inn i nettbank. Det samme skjer på enkelte andre nettsteder, f.eks på diverse webshops..


Jeg er lei av å boote i win98 for å få logget inn!

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Tja... det er mye du kan ha f**ket opp der da :smile:


Antar du ikke har peiling på eksakt hva du har forandret? Neste gang skriver du det ned, ikke sant? :grin:


Det første du kan prøve er å sette alle services til "automatic".

Fungerer ikke det, kan du prøve "restore point" (du får håpe du har ett ganske ferskt ett)


Fungerer ikke det igjen, er reinnstallering/reperasjon av XP muligens eneste utvei.


Det er ikke muligens cookies-innstillinger du har herpet da?

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Anta hva du vil, jeg har det skrevet ned, men jeg gidder ikke å feilsøke før jeg har prøvd å spørre her!

Det har ikke noe med cookies å gjøre...

Jeg får samme greia i explorer, opera og netscapes siste versjoner. får ikke kontakt med remote server...



On 2002-03-12 17:56, borre skrev:

Tja... det er mye du kan ha f**ket opp der da :smile:

Antar du ikke har peiling på eksakt hva du har forandret? Neste gang skriver du det ned, ikke sant?

Det første du kan prøve er å sette alle services til "automatic".

Fungerer ikke det, kan du prøve "restore point" (du får håpe du har ett ganske ferskt ett)

Fungerer ikke det igjen, er reinnstallering/reperasjon av XP muligens eneste utvei.

Det er ikke muligens cookies-innstillinger du har herpet da?

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Som du så i første melding fulgte jeg en guide...

Det er for mange til å ramse opp, så jeg håper noen vet hva det kan være.



On 2002-03-12 18:10, borre skrev:

Hvilke services har du forandret på da?

Et slikt minimum av informasjon må vi vel forvente å kunne få vite hvis du vil ha hjelp.

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hvis jeg skal tippe på hva det er du har klundret med, så er det vel noe som heter dchp-client, eller en eller annen avdeling til en fil som heter svchost.exe.

det er nemlig her du får adgang til å rote med innstillingene til nettverk (tcp/ip... osv, ekstern pålogging om du bruker modem/isdn) jeg tror det er denne du har vært borti, fordi at innstillingene opp mot internett overstyrer de innstillingene som du finner i en browser (iexplorer, opera, netscape)


ta og print ut den "tweak"-siten, og gå igjennom den punkt for punkt (ja! boot win98). den virker oversiktlig nok. om du ikke gidder det, så er mitt forslag

format c:

og kjør win xp opp på nytt...

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Kontonummer:840498039048w+03993+2 Passord:stickyourfingerinyourassandfeeltheshitbecauseyourfullofit :razz:



On 2002-03-12 23:22, Akelbee skrev:

Hvis du forteller kontonumer og passord, så kan jeg prøve for deg om det virkelig bare er på din maskin at du får problemer med å komme inn i nettbanken... :wink:

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Her er resten av mine tweaks, hvis det er noen som lurer. Jeg tror ikke noen av disse har noe med at jeg ikke får logget inn, men kanskje noen andre mener noe annet?


Speed up & Browse Windows 2000/XP faster.


By Rick E.J


This Tip is kindly contributed by my buddy Jason Edwards, a Snr. Network Engineer with a Large Network Firm.



Here's a great tip to speed up your browsing of Windows 2000 & XP machines. Its actually a fix to a bug that by default of a normal Windows 2000 setup that scans shared files for Scheduled Tasks. And its turns out that you can experience a delay as long as 30 seconds when you try to view shared files across a network from as Windows 2000 is using the extra time to search the remote computer for any Scheduled Tasks. Note that though the fix is originally intended for only those affected, Windows 2000 users will experience that actual browsing speed of both the Internet & Windows Explorers improving significantly after applying it since it doesnt search for Scheduled Tasks anymore. Here's how :


Open up the Registry and go to :


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Explorer/RemoteComputer/NameSpace


Under that branch, select the key :




and delete it.


This is key that instructs Windows to search for Scheduled Tasks. If you like you may want to export the exact branch so that you can restore the key if necessary. This fix is so effective that it doesn't require a reboot and you can almost immediately determine yourself how much it speeds up your browsing processes.



Note : This branch also exists in both Win98 & ME and Ive got so many mails asking me if it's safe to apply the fix on it. However, I would like to warn users that the fix is intended only for Windows 2000 and XP. If you decide to try it for your Win98/ME system, pls make sure that you back up or export the exact branch so that you can restore the key if something goes wrong. Currently there are more than 20 users that have tried the fix in Win98/ME. Out of this 20, there are 4 users who reported that problems arises (2 lost their net connection, 1 BSOD, 1 cant view Windows Explorer) after removing the branch while the balance 16 reported great success.


Fix Outlook's slow load time without editing registry

Written By: Kevin Glendenning | Authors Website: Visit | Views: 2453 | Print Tweak | 10/28/2001



There has already been one suggestion for fixing Outlook's load time after uninstalling Messenger, however if you don’t feel comfortable editing the registry simply open OE, click on the Tools menu, then Options, then go to the 'Other' tab, then un-check the box at the bottom that reads "Enable instant messaging in Microsoft Outlook".



Uninstall windows messenger

Written By: Webmaster | Authors Website: Visit | Views: 34784 | Print Tweak | 6/23/2001



Microsoft has tried really hard to prevent you from uninstalling windows messenger. They failed to make it difficult enough because with the directions below you can get rid of messenger very easily.


Navigate to C:windowsinf

Open sysoc.inf

find msmsgs=msgrocm.dll,OcEntry,msmsgs.inf,hide,7 in the file and take out the word hide so the line would look like msmsgs=msgrocm.dll,OcEntry,msmsgs.inf,,7

Close the file and save it

Now go to the Add and remove programs applet in the control panel and you will be able to uninstall windows messenger.

Make sure to click on the add remove windows components button.

Note: You will be able to uninstall other unneeded programs by removing hide from the sysoc.inf file as well.



Tweak #5 - GPEDIT.MSC And Autoplay


A great tweaking file that comes with XP is gpedit.msc. Go to Start -> Run... and then type in 'gpedit.msc' and press enter. This is effectively the Policies Editor, and it comes in handy often. For example, if you hate CD autoplay like I do and want to permanently disable it, you can use this tool to do so. Just run gpedit.msc, then go to Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System. In here you can see the value 'Turn Off Autoplay'. Right-click on it and then click 'Properties'.


Now you can simply play around with the settings for this and other values in these folders, customizing appearance and performance issues.



There are several memory tweaks that can be performed with Windows XP - all of them are located in the


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory Management


section of the registry.



Disable Paging Executive

In normal usage, XP pages sections from RAM memory to the hard drive. We can stop this happening and keep the data in RAM, resulting in improved performance. Note that only users with a large amount of RAM (256MB+) should use this setting. The setting we want to change to disable the 'Paging Executive', as it is called, is called DisablePagingExecutive. Changing the value of this key from 0 to 1 will de-activate memory paging.


System Cache Boost

Changing the value of the key LargeSystemCache from 0 to 1 will tell Windows XP to allocate all but 4MB of system memory to the file system cache, basically meaning that the XP Kernel can run in memory, greatly improving it's speed. The 4MB of memory left is used for disk caching, but if for any reason more is needed, XP allocates more. Generally, this tweak improves performance by a fair bit but can, in some intensive applications, degrade performance. As with the above tweak, you should have at least 256MB of RAM before attempting to enable LargeSystemCache.




Enable cleartype on welcome login screen TOP

Start regedit, if you are unfamiliar with regedit please see our FAQ.

Navigate to HKEY_USERS.DEFAULTControl PanelDesktop.

Locate the key FontSmoothingType.

Change the value to 2.



Select theme and color scheme for welcome screen TOP

Start regedit, if you are unfamiliar with regedit please see our FAQ.

Navigate to HKEY_USERS.DEFAULTSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionThemeManager

Locate the key NormalColor

Right Click on it and select modify.

Change where it says "NormalColor" to "Metallic"

Click Ok, and exit regedit




Increase available bandwidth for network connections


Written By: BigBrother | Authors Website: Visit | Views: 50353 | Print Tweak | 11/20/2001


This will help increase your bandwidth for any network connection in Windows XP PRO.


1. Make sure your logged on as actually "Administrator". do not log on with any account that just has administrator privileges. To log in as an administrator:

-click on start->logoff->logoff

-in the logon screen hold Ctrl+Alt+Del.

-in the user field type 'Administrator' <-case sensitive.

-in the password field type the password for the administrator (if you don't have one leave blank)

-press ok


2. Start - run - type gpedit.msc

3. Expand the "local computer policy" branch

4. Expand the "administrative templates" branch

5. Expand the "network branch"

6. Highlight the "QoS Packet Scheduler" in left window

7. In right window double click the "limit reservable bandwidth" setting

8. On setting tab check the "enabled" item

9. Where it says "Bandwidth limit %" change it to read 0-- Click apply, OK, exit gpedit.msc

10. Go to your Network connections (start->my computer->my network connection-> view network connections). Right click on your connection, choose properties then under the General or the Networking tab (where it lists your protocols) make sure QoS packet scheduler is enabled.

11. Reboot , now you are all done.


This is more of a "counter what XP does" thing. In other words, XP seems to want to reserve 20% of the bandwidth for itself even with QoS disabled. So why not use it to your advantage. To demonstrate the problem, start up a big download from a server with an FTP client. Try to find a server that doesn't max out your bandwidth. In this case you want a slow to medium speed server to demonstrate this. Let it run for a couple of minutes to get stable. The start up another download from the same server with another instance of your FTP client. You will notice that the available bandwidth is now being fought over and one of the clients download will be very slow or both will slow down when they should both be using the available bandwidth. Using this "tweak" both clients will have a fair share of the bandwidth and will not fight over the bandwidth.

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Neste spørsmål: Hvilken nettbank?


Kjører selv både mot Postbanken, funker fint, og Fokus Bank, kræsjer ofte, spesielt etter at jeg installerte ADSL.

F.eks. må du Hos Fokus sette en del verdier for "Trusted Sites" for at den skal funke i det hele tatt.

Har du prøvd å kontakte kundeservice hos banken. Det hender du treffer på kunnskapsrike mennesker der.



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kan dette kanskje ha noe med XP's innebygde firewall?




Jeg har hatt problemer med nettbank selv flere ganger, og har mailet banken om det. De kjenner til dem mest vanlige problemer på de forskjellige OS,

og svarte raskt med smørbrødlister for hvordan problemet skulle fikses.


Og det funket.

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