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Far Cry single play demo er UTE!

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Tenk hvis det er en .exe fil full av hardcore gay pr0n?  :no:

nå skjønner eg kvifor du har det nicknamet ;)


men dette blir sikkert bra det.. einaste problemet er vel at alle servere vert overbelasta..


tenker eg setter på nedlasting før eg fer på skulen eg, så ligger demoen klar når eg kjem heim (aldri vert så fristande å skulke før)

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Tenk hvis det er en .exe fil full av hardcore gay pr0n?  :no:

Ja da har Ubisoft driti seg veldig ut!




''Ubisoft er vel produsenten?''

Det er Crytek...



Er det single player eller MP demo ?


Single Player

Endret av TCi
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Her er litt info om utgivelsen

here are certain moments in life we cannot describe - the release of the official Singleplayer-Demo seems to be one of them. Finally, after numerous rumors and unneccessary confusions, Ubi Soft and CryTek made the impossibility possible: The official Singleplayer-Demo is ready for download, now!


The Singleplayer-Demo has a huge size of 500MB and will be responsible for sleepless nights. Included is a whole island, which gives you the order to destroy a radar-tower. Lots of enemies and beautiful indoor- and outdoor-levels give you the neccessary motivation. Vehicles and a big amount of weapons, fo example the rocket launcher or the sniper rifle, make the mission much easier and leave enough freedom to test the AI of the enemies as well as the physics. Some suprises, for example the attack of a helicopter, are also included....


A short quote of the translation of a News from the Netherlands:


The min requirements is a bit high to experience every full details this game has to offer. You might have to turn down some settings in order to have a smoother gameplay if your pc isn't strong enough. You can download it from the Ubisoft FTP.


As it is said above, the minimum requirements are a bit higher than the requirements of the final game-version. If you discover any problems just turn down the settings to play Far Cry as smooth as possible.


Of course, the only download-mirror is on its lowest and gamers have to wait an endless time. We are already occupied with getting new informations and mirrors. Our Related Link leads you directly to the news of Gamers.nl and the download-mirror!




Update, 20th January 2004 , on 19:48:


Concerning lates informations, the official start of the download is 0:00 (MEZ) tonight. Herewith, the colleagues of Gamers.nl got a wrong download-mirror or the demo was released earlier than expected. We want to tell you to stop trying to download the demo and to wait for an official announcement with more mirrors until 0:00 (MEZ) !


Update, 20th January 2004, on 20:22


As Gamers.nl announced, now, the download-mirror was a misstake during the cooperation with Ubi Soft NL. Therefore, the demo was released earlier and is going to be deleted from the server, now. As it is said, we have to wait until 23:00 (MEZ) .

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