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1 minute ago, JK22 said:

.... det er over en million som fikk tilbud som å slutte... 

Skulle anta att många av de som tog pengarna är de som är riktigt säkra på att de enkelt kan få andra jobb. Alltså bland de flinkaste där de arbeidade. För dem kan det vara en superdeal. 

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15 minutes ago, JK22 said:

.... det er over en million som fikk tilbud som å slutte... 

Ja alle vanlige føderale ansatte, bortsett fra en del viktige stillinger tilknyttet sikkerhet etc, fikk vel tilbud om sluttpakke.

Lurer på hvor mange av IRS folka Biden ansatte som har tatt i mot tilbudet -.-


Endret av jallajall
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27 minutes ago, JK22 said:

.... det er over en million som fikk tilbud som å slutte... 

40000 som slutter er ikke så mange ifht antallet som jobber i byråkratiet. Det vil jo alltid være en ansatte som slutter i alle organisasjoner. Jeg tror mange av disse allerede gikk med tanker om å slutte og tok tilbudet som kom.

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Videoklipp fra da representanter fra Rep.hus ankom utdanningsdep. for et par dager siden.
Maxine Waters spør vakten om han har legitimasjon (noe hun spør han om flere ganger), men når han viser ID-kortet sitt sier hun at dette ikke er godt nok. Oh the irony.

(Er jo som regel ikke lov å hindre folk adgang til offentlige lobbyer, men her ser det ut til at de på forhånd har stengt ned hele lobbyen og låst døra aka "closed")


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sesar skrev (14 minutter siden):

40000 som slutter er ikke så mange ifht antallet som jobber i byråkratiet. Det vil jo alltid være en ansatte som slutter i alle organisasjoner. Jeg tror mange av disse allerede gikk med tanker om å slutte og tok tilbudet som kom.

2 millioner har jeg hørt..men kan ikke stå inne for tallet..

Men vi snakker jo i praksis om en måte å forsøke å presse ut ansatte på...Å få en mail om dette og så en kort frist..det er bare sykt..og kan bare komme fra en syk person...

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jallajall skrev (7 minutter siden):

Videoklipp fra da representanter fra Rep.hus ankom utdanningsdep. for et par dager siden.
Maxine Waters spør vakten om han har legitimasjon (noe hun spør han om flere ganger), men når han viser ID-kortet sitt sier hun at dette ikke er godt nok. Oh the irony.

(Er jo som regel ikke lov å hindre folk adgang til offentlige lobbyer, men her ser det ut til at de på forhånd har stengt ned hele lobbyen og låst døra aka "closed")


Bare sykt alt sammen. Dette fremstår mer og mer som et diktatur som man prøver å etablere. I et demokrati er det spilleregler som må følges - her ønsker noen å kortslutte det  hele..Og da snakker vi diktatur

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37 minutes ago, jallajall said:

Videoklipp fra da representanter fra Rep.hus ankom utdanningsdep. for et par dager siden.
Maxine Waters spør vakten om han har legitimasjon (noe hun spør han om flere ganger), men når han viser ID-kortet sitt sier hun at dette ikke er godt nok. Oh the irony.

Ufyselige privligerte drittfolk. Truer folk som bare gjør jobben sin med den typiske bully-taktikken sin.

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Last Friday, the US Office of Personnel Management directed all federal government agencies to review internal and external information and remove anything related to gender ideology. The guidance included taking "down all outward facing media (websites, social media accounts, etc.) that inculcate or promote gender ideology," prompting many websites to briefly go dark while they were scrubbed.

Trump said he was fine with that outcome. "If they want to scrub the websites, that's OK with me," he said, triggering concern.

The order includes the removal of references to trans and queer terminology and replacement of "gender" with "sex." The OPM memo also impacted the listed identities on department documentation, the jobs of employees "whose position description involves inculcating or promoting gender ideology," and shutting off email features for users to input their pronouns.

Some systems, though, have remained untouched, and there remains uncertainty about how far the executive order and other related directives will go. The White House simply pointed to the order when asked for comment.

Military websites

Military websites have been cleared of terminology related to gender ideology. This includes any and all references to the LGBTQ+ community, which has now been cut to just LGB.

Other pages have also gone missing. For instance, the Army and Navy removed webpages showcasing the contributions of female service members this week. Some of the pages were apparently restored after inquiries about the scrubbing, Military.com reported.

Ret. Navy Adm. James Stavridis, the former top commander in Europe, said on X that the views of women in DoD today are a "big mistake" with long-term repercussions.

In a statement to Business Insider, DoD said it "will fully execute and implement all directives outlined in the Executive Orders issued by the President, ensuring that they are carried out with utmost professionalism, efficiency, and in alignment with national security objectives. We will provide status updates as we are able."

The Army provided a similar statement on its online activities, and the Navy told BI its stance was in line with the Pentagon's. The Marine Corps told BI that the Marine Corps Public Web had completed a "comprehensive review of public-facing content hosted across the Marines.mil enterprise." The Coast Guard did not respond to BI's request for comment.

Content such as official messages and publications were not removed, instead requiring only a cancellation or revision. Historical and news-related content and videos weren't scrubbed either. 

Questions remain on who's been in charge of scrubbing the sites; the OPM memo appears to leave the task up to each individual agency. OPM also requested a complete list of actions taken by every department and any other plans to "fully comply with this guidance" by today.

The Pentagon also issued guidance last Friday from Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth indicating identity months were "dead at DoD." That included February's Black History month.

That move comes amid new reports that transgender service members are already being affected in the wake of Trump's executive order and that identity-based clubs at West Point are being shut down.

Right now, it's unclear if DoD's defense video and imagery distribution systems, known as DVIDS, will be updated. Defense Media Activity didn't respond to BI's request for comment.

As of now, it still includes previous imagery and graphics celebrating identity months like Pride Month. Just last week, the Air Force posted a graphic honoring Black History Month. 

The State Department, CDC, and other sites

Other federal government websites, such as those for the Department of State, were also scrubbed in line with Trump's executive order. This included the state department's travel guidance and resources for LGBTQ+ people, which has also been stripped to just LGB.

Some unrelated content, such as country data on the State Department pages, has also disappeared. The USAID website has been cleared out as well.

The Center for Disease Control and Protection, as well as other health resources, saw similar purges, including a swath of website pages related to trans and nonbinary healthcare, sexually transmitted infections and diseases, HIV, and vaccinations. Data related to youth and LGBTQ+ mental health, substance abuse, and violence, as well as federal goals for curbing that, were also removed. 

These moves sparked intense criticism. Lawmakers like Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts called them "staggeringly stupid, anti-science" actions that will have "real consequences." Sen. Patty Murray of Washington likewise called these apparent purges "absolutely unacceptable."

After intense backlash from healthcare providers and other concerned parties, some of this information was restored. However, some guidelines on contraception and information on racial inequities is still gone. The CDC's website also still indicates it's being modified to comply with Trump's executive orders.

In a statement to BI, the CDC said: "All changes to the HHS website and HHS division websites are in accordance" with Trump's executive orders on gender and DEI.

Numerous pages have also gone missing on websites for the Census Bureau, Department of Justice, US Patent and Trademark Office, Food and Drug Administration, Department of the Interior, Department of Veterans Affairs, and a number of others, clearing out a range of data, including some sexual harassment pages and climate change information.

Trump's executive orders have already made an impact on government and military departments, but changes could continue as the guidance is implemented by various agencies. 

The OPM memo also impacts any training and resource groups related to gender identity, "intimate spaces" such as bathrooms, and programs, contracts, and grants. These have had impacts on other programs as well, pausing them amid reviews. 

Det minner om en digital bokbål. 

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jallajall skrev (52 minutter siden):

Videoklipp fra da representanter fra Rep.hus ankom utdanningsdep. for et par dager siden.
Maxine Waters spør vakten om han har legitimasjon (noe hun spør han om flere ganger), men når han viser ID-kortet sitt sier hun at dette ikke er godt nok. Oh the irony.

(Er jo som regel ikke lov å hindre folk adgang til offentlige lobbyer, men her ser det ut til at de på forhånd har stengt ned hele lobbyen og låst døra aka "closed")


Dette er privatsikkerhetspersonell fremfor statlig sikkerhetspersonell. 


Kongressmedlemmer har ubegrenset adgang til departementsbygninger, spesielt disse underlagt disses autoritet og skal ikke blokkeres fra å entre disse bygninger hvor de har avtale eller kan vente. 

The confrontation began when Democratic lawmakers arrived at the Department of Education building, only to be blocked by private security contractors. Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-FL) and other members of Congress engaged in a tense exchange with the guards, demanding access to the public building.

“We are members of Congress with oversight responsibilities. We are not dangerous people. We are here to advocate for America’s children,” one lawmaker said, addressing the security personnel. “This is not Russia. We are not thugs or thieves. We are teachers, parents, and representatives of the people.”

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) echoed Frost’s sentiments, criticizing the lack of transparency. “Parents in the United States, if you want to advocate on behalf of your children, you are not allowed to come into this building where you pay taxes,” Waters said. “Children with disabilities, young women who have been victims of sexual assault—we are not allowed to advocate for them. America, we have a problem.”

The lawmakers emphasized that the Department of Education is funded by taxpayer dollars and should be accessible to elected officials tasked with overseeing its operations.

Det har kommet ut at republikanerne vil oppløse DoE i strid med konstitusjonelle bestemmelser, ettersom det bare kan gjøres med et flertallsvedtak i kongressen - som ikke er mulig med tanke på at det ikke er nok flertall for republikanerne for slike vedtak. De vil heller overføre utdanningsansvaret til delstatene og kommunene a la Norge, men uten føderal støtte mens det er statlig støtte uansett hvor lite det er. Det er ikke mange delstater som rett og slett har råd, og mange kommuner har store problemer fordi eiendomsskatt som kunne falle i verdi, er det eneste øremerket skoledrift. Føderal støtte hendt som ledd for å motvirke tendensen. 

However, Democrats warn that dismantling the Department of Education could jeopardize federal funding for public schools, programs for students with disabilities, and initiatives to address sexual assault on school campuses.

Samtidig kom det ut at digitalisering hadde fulgt til svekkede kvalitetsnivå blant skolebarn i læreevne, mens det avsløres at sosialøkonomiske forhold i større og større grad sammen med normsvekkelse til at mange skolebarn ikke kunne fortsette til collegenivået. Hele to tredjedeler falt ut. Det er ikke lenge de fargede og latinos, fattige hvite og hvite med sterk sosialøkonomisk stressbelastning er sterkt rammet. Så hvis det blir verre og verre - da mene det at oppløsningen av DoE og delstatlige finansproblemer vil følge til en nedgående spiral. 

Mange yngre voksne og tenåringer opplever at deres foreldre og besteforeldre prøver å ta bort mulighetene de selv hadde nytt godt av, fra dem. Polariseringen, diskriminering og sosialøkonomisk forfall samt kulturkrig har fulgt til at mange ikke klarer å finne seg til rette og dermed "koble seg ut". Litt for mange endt opp med å ha urealistiske ambisjoner og dårlig motivasjon. 

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Det ser ut som at Wall Street kan bli den neste som vil få et sucker-sukkertøy i fremtiden.


A little-known provision in the tax code allows private equity managers and hedge fund speculators to treat their earnings not as income but as capital gains, allowing them to cut their tax burden by roughly half. But previous attempts to crack down on the practice failed as Wall Street whales like Blackstone's Steven Schwarzman compared an attack to the Nazi blitzkrieg.

President Donald Trump is mounting another effort to eliminate a controversial loophole that has long allowed Wall Street’s überwealthy to evade millions of dollars in taxes every year.

At stake is a little-known provision known as “carried interest" that benefits private equity managers, hedge fund speculators, and other investment professionals.

It allows them to treat personal earnings not as income in the legal sense but as capital gains—subject to a far lower bracket that can halve their tax burden.

Ever since Wall Street’s bankers were bailed out of their high-risk bets that triggered the global financial crisis, politicians like Barack Obama have taken aim at this loophole.

And even Trump, during his first run for the presidency, argued billionaire speculators were “getting away with murder” thanks to this peculiarity. 

This latest attempt to crack down on the practice comes amid a broader tax relief plan the administration is trying to push through Congress at a sensitive time when the country's finances are already strained.

The package includes an extension to Trump’s signature 2017 tax cut, which is due to sunset at the end of this year if new legislation is not passed. 

“This will be the largest tax cut in history for middle-class working Americans. The president is committed to working with Congress to get this done,” White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt told reporters on Thursday, defending the package.

"Wall Street investors should not be paying less in taxes than firefighters and teachers"

If successful, closing the gap in the tax code from carried interest could yield an estimated $100 billion in annual savings for the American taxpayer in conjunction with another policy proposal to eliminate tax breaks for billionaire sports team owners. 

“Right now the wealthiest Americans are gaming our tax system to get out of paying their fair share,” Wisconsin senator Tammy Baldwin said in a statement. “Wall Street investors should not be paying less in taxes than Wisconsin firefighters, teachers, and small business owners.”

On Thursday, Baldwin, together with 12 other Democratic senators in the upper house of Congress, tabled a proposal called the Carried Interest Fairness Act.

The investment industry has countered that the money the highest-paid speculators make is in fact capital gains from the sale of assets, not a salary.

Furthermore, it has argued the loophole has been around for over 70 years already and that changing it now could indirectly hurt their clients like pension funds, charitable trusts, and university endowments reliant on above-average returns.

Yet back in 2011, Warren Buffett argued for the need to close this loophole out of a sense of propriety since it allowed him to shrink his total tax bill to 17% of his taxable income—a lower rate than that paid by any of his staff. 

“My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress,” the Berkshire Hathaway chairman wrote in a New York Times op-ed, sensing the rising anger in the country at the time to what Obama called “fat-cat bankers.” 

However, just because a crackdown is once again being proposed doesn't mean it will lead to any actual legal changes.

Will the loophole finally be closed? Don't count on it

Trump needs support in Congress to pass tax cuts that could cost the Treasury between $5 and $11 trillion, according to calculations by the government watchdog Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. 

This kind of largesse, coming at a time when Uncle Sam is already $36 trillion in the hole, would likely give pause to some congressional legislators who might otherwise be inclined to support Trump’s other tax cuts, such as on tips and overtime pay. 

His proposal includes an estimated $200 billion in potential relief for the wealthy in the form of larger federal tax deductions that households can claim in jurisdictions with very high state and local taxes (SALT).

Since this benefits those living in areas like New York City and San Francisco, where many of these same high-net-worth investors reside, it’s quite possible their added tax bill would be partially offset by the proposal to raise or eliminate the ceiling the federal government imposes on their SALT deductions. 

Lastly, success in closing the carried-interest loophole is anything but guaranteed.

If there has been one economic policy on Capitol Hill that enjoys bipartisan consensus, it was that this tax break for ultrawealthy speculators, who are well-known for generously donating to political campaigns, can be attacked but must never actually be touched. 

As a result, each and every time an attempt has been made to deprive Wall Street of its coveted tax loophole—including Trump’s own 2017 tax cut—any references that might follow through mysteriously vanish from the final bill. 

In fact, Wall Street famously felt so strongly about retaining this boon that Steven Schwarzman, the CEO of Blackstone, once compared the very idea of eliminating it to nothing less than the Nazi blitzkrieg.

In comments the private equity speculator later was forced to walk back, he scathed: “It’s like when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.”

Trump som ikke er en Wall Street-"forretningsmann" - ikke minst fordi forretningskretsene stort sett bare så på ham med forakt i fortiden - hadde lenge ønske å lukke dette fornuftstridige smutthullet som gjør det mulig for Wall Street å bli søkkrik i møte med skattemyndighetene. Han vil ha meget omfattende skattekutt, men er ikke blind for at han trenger en stødig inntektskilde for skattekassa - og ettersom han så ut til å være mer opptatt av industri, tech og småforretning - vil et slikt angrep på Wall Street ikke være problematisk for ham. Tilhengere av skattekutt argumentert nemlig at hvis de skal ha et mye flatere skattenivå, må alle smutthuller fjernes. 

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23 minutes ago, JK22 said:

Dette er privatsikkerhetspersonell fremfor statlig sikkerhetspersonell. 

Det vet jeg ikke, han sier selv han er føderalt ansatt når han blir spurt.

24 minutes ago, JK22 said:

Kongressmedlemmer har ubegrenset adgang til departementsbygninger, spesielt disse underlagt disses autoritet og skal ikke blokkeres fra å entre disse bygninger hvor de har avtale eller kan vente. 

Da får de gå tjenesteveien og booke en avtale.
(Dog som de også sier i videoen så har de i likhet med alle andre folk adgang til lobbyen)

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